最新翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇測(cè)試題及答案 翻譯碩士考研試題(十篇)

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最新翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇測(cè)試題及答案 翻譯碩士考研試題(十篇)
時(shí)間:2023-04-08 19:16:21     小編:zdfb


翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇測(cè)試題及答案 翻譯碩士考研試題篇一

41. in selecting a material, the engineers interest is in its properties which determine how it will perform under the loads and condition____it is subject.

a. where b. which c. in which d. to which

42. to meet the ever increasing demand____oil-refining equi pment, the company will produce more of such equipment.

a. of b. on c. with d. for

43. the president made a brilliant decision, didnt he?

yes, he did. i dont know what i would have done if i____to make that decision.

a. were b. had had c. have had d. had

44. animal mothers are devoted to their young and____ them with love and discipline.

a. mind b. watch c. help d. tend

45. the physicists propose that our attention____the use of special methods of thinking and acting.

a. would be directed towards b. should be directed towards c. is directed towards d. directs towards

46. according to the acoustics, continual exposure____ noise of high intensity would lead to loss of hearing.

a. of b. with c. to d. by

47. we are convinced____ the righteousness of our cause.

a. of b. on c. over d. at

48. urban congestion would greatly be relieved if the____charged on public transport were more reasonable.

a. prices b. tickets c. fees d. fares

49. youd better let me know as soon as there is a(n)____position in the branch office.

a. empty b. vacuum c. hollow d. vacant

50. they will never reconcile themselves to____.

a. defeat b. their defeat c. be defeated d. have their defeat

51. the matter is not to be ____.

a. watched for b. waited on c. taken over d. trifled with

52. the mother almost____when she learned that her son was shot dead.

a. fell down b. came down c. fell apart d. went to pieces

53. while doing calculation for the project, the designers____a new solution to a geological problem.

a. fell into b. stumbled upon c. set out d. discovered

54. i meant____ you about it, but i forgot to do so.

a. telling b. having told c. to tell d. to have told

55. everything____into consideration, i propose that the first prize should be given to liu qiang.

a. to take b. taking c. taken d. took

56. they____the park of late.

a. will visit b. have visited c. are visiting d. visited

57. the girl was so ____by the mighty river that she would spend hours sitting on its bank and gazing at the boats and rafts going and coming.

a. absorbed b. fascinated c. moved d. touched

58. after traveling in the desert for many days, they found a tiny oasis, where there was a well and ____green grass.

a. a patch of b. a bunch of c. a pinch of d. a packet of

59. after a careful investigation, the committee decided to____the old hall.

a. change b. build c. innovate d. renovate

60. the fierce heat of this summer withered most of the crops____ his farm.

a. in b. on c. of d. from

61. since the father died a year ago, there has been ____in the family about the spanision of the estate.

a. distinctions b. discord c. disadvantages d. disappointment

62. having been discussed, the proposal was____unanimously.

a. adapted b. adopted c. admitted d. adjoined

63. id just as soon you____ those important papers with you.

a. dont take b. didnt take c. hadnt taken d. were not taking

64. the theme of the novel is that a persons fate____that of the wh ole country.

a. is closely linked up with b. is closely dealt with c. is closely taken as d. is closely tired up with

65. the american professor came to realize that he had underestimated the ____of most of the chinese students.

a. magnitude b. gradient c. potential d. firmness?

翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇測(cè)試題及答案 翻譯碩士考研試題篇二


1. nowhere in nature is aluminum found free, owing to its always____with other elements, most commonly with oxygen.

a. being combined b. having combined c. to combine d. combined

2. physics is the present day equivalent of ____used to be called natural philosophy, from ____most of present day science arose.

a. which, what b. that, which c. what, which d. what, that

3. on no account ____ever leave the baby at home alone.

a. should you b. you should c. shall you d. you shall

4. ____the center of our planetary system was considered as heresy by the church in the middle ages.

a. it is the sun and not the earth b. that the sun and not the earth c. being the sun and not the earth d. the sun and not the earth

5. the reason that his property was confiscated by the country, it ____, was that he was involved in a lot of fraudulent activities during the war.

a. was turned out b. was being turned out c. being turned out d. turned out

6. id rather you ____by train because the weather forecast said there would be heavy snow tomorrow.

a. went b. should go c. will go d. go

7. einstein won the nobel prize in 1921 and enjoyed great fame in germany until the rise of nazism ?____he was expelled from germany because he was a jew.

a. when b. who c. then d. which

8. nowhere but in the remotest region of the country ____find a place to settle down.

a. can he b. he can c. he d. for him to

9. with one leg broken in that car accident, he cannot even walk,____run.

a. let alone b. thats to say c. not to speak d. not to mention

10.____, she led a life of complete seclusion.

a. being disgraced b. disgraced c. disgracing d. she was disgraced

11. sometimes a bus ____gets on the bus to check the tickets.

a. agent b. officer c. conductor d. inspector

12. he made a quick ____from his illness.

a. relief b. recovery c. survival d. relaxation

13.____the stress of examinations are over, we can all relax.

a. while b. even though c. now that d. for

14. my cousin nancy is often in a poisonous mood; i suppose its because she is ____child.

a. one b. a lone c. a single d. an only

15.____the factors already referred to, people sometimes feel insecure because their motives are misunderstood by others.

a. but for b. except for c. apart from d. except that

16. if the scheme is ____carried out without waste of time or energy i shall be completely satisfied.

vely b. noticeably c. appropriately d. efficiently

17. one day we all may find it useful to have a(n) ____for sending documents, writing any pictures across the telephone lines.

a. receiver b. echo c. extension d. facility

18. to their credit the department of energy ____these ideas and funded a detailed study.

a. took over b. took on c. took up d. took to

19. feeling that she was in the right, she took ____at the dirty remark.

a. protection b. offense c. defense d. guard

20. they agreed to share in common any ____of funds after all expenses were paid in full.

a. sufficiency b. surpass c. excess d. surplus

21. he was ____her in intelligence.

a. below b. under c. beneath d. down

22. it took a lot of imagination to come up with such an ____ plan.

a. bright b. clever c. brilliant d. ingenious

23. in the refining process, rice and flour lose much of their ____.

a. acid b. alcohol c. vitamin d. sulphur

24. inspanidual lines of the poem were very beautiful, but i didnt see how the lines fit together. to me, the poem wasnt ____.

a. inherent b. coherent c. logical d. corporate

25. to an especially sensitive child, a simple scolding can be a ____experience.

a. hysterical b. grievous c. gracious d. sensible?

翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇測(cè)試題及答案 翻譯碩士考研試題篇三


41. one cause of the civil war was economic and political rivalry between the ____south and the industrial north.

a. prosperous b. cultivated

c. old-fashioned d. poorly organized

42. the sudden change of weather ____our holiday plan.

a. damaged b. destroyed c. sabotaged d. spoiled

43. mary is as ____as a peacock and always wants to be the focus of attention.

a. beautiful b. smart c. slender d. vain

44. can you find ____at the hotel for the night?

a. lodging b. accommodations c. places d. houses

45. the white house spokesman didnt____any details concerning the disarmament talk.

a. expose b. disclose c. enclose d. impart

46. that winter was quite long and farmers who had failed to store up enough ____for their cattle almost went bankrupt.

a. fodder b. food c. grass d. grain

47. tension within a family is often relieved or eliminated when the family as a whole is threatened by ____ force.

a. internal b. external c. intensive d. extensive

48. on the top of some very high mountains snow____throughout the year.

a. insisted b. persevered c. persisted d. kept

49. the united states has some strange laws. for instance, the government permits cigarette companies to advertise their products in magazines and newspapers, yet it ____cigarette commercials on tv.

a. leaves b. allows c. demands d. bans

50. really, edwin is afraid of angela, but the ____is also true: angela is afraid of edwin, too.

a. inversion b. ion c. version d. reverse

51. the nurse was____caring for the sick and wounded in the war.

a. attributed to b. dedicated to

c. seen to d. attached to

52. to prove their theories, scientists must____an adequate amount of data as evidence.

a. stimulate b. reproduce c. reserve d. accumulate

53. youd better hang up this oil-painting on that ____wall.

a. empty b. blank c. vacant d. bare

54. lets put our heads together and i am sure that we will certainly find a (an) ____to the problem.

a. answer b. solution c. key d. way

55. much to the students relief, the mid-term exam was ____.

a. let off b. taken off c. left off d. cut off

56. during the heavy fog in the city, the traffic ____.

a. came to a standstill b. came to an end

c. came to a conclusion d. came to no result

57. the story you told me the other day has yet to be____.

a. confessed b. confirmed c. conquered d. conformed

58. i am in no ____this evening to listen to popular music.

a. mood b. attitude c. tendency d. spirit

59. it is usually argued that the earliest influences ____up-children will most likely have the strongest effect on their personalities.

a. exerted b. exerting c. exercised d. exercising

60. gathering of more than three persons were prohibited, supposedly in the name of ____.

a. the law and the order b. law and order

c. the order and the law d. order and law

61. it was____of you not to play the piano while your brother had a bad headache.

a. considerable b. considering

c. considered d. considerate

62. he failed once again in his experiment, but he didnt feel____.

a. frustrated b. encouraged

c. puzzled d. endangered

63. try some of this tobacco. you will say its____.

a. second to none b. the second to none

c. best of none d. the best of none

64. ____every other member of the team, john wore an official uniform in the victory parade.

a. as b. just as c. like d. so

65. supported by sufficient evidence, his argument seems to have a great deal of ____.

a. vividness b. validity

c. terminology d. propagation

為了幫助考生更好地復(fù)習(xí),為廣大學(xué)子推出考研押題集訓(xùn)營(yíng)、vip一對(duì)一系列備考專題,針對(duì)每一個(gè)科目要點(diǎn)進(jìn)行深入的指導(dǎo)分析,還會(huì)根據(jù)每年的考研大綱進(jìn)行針對(duì)性的`分析哦~歡迎各位考生了 解咨詢。同時(shí),一直為大家推出考研直播課堂,足不出戶就可以邊聽(tīng)課邊學(xué)習(xí),為大家的考研夢(mèng)想助力!

翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇測(cè)試題及答案 翻譯碩士考研試題篇四

關(guān)于翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇練習(xí)題答案part 5



1. a) 【句意】由于鋁總是和其它元素結(jié)合在一起,最常見(jiàn)的是和氧氣在一起,所以自然界中哪里也不會(huì)找到單獨(dú)的鋁元素。

【難點(diǎn)】owing to 是介詞,后應(yīng)接名詞或動(dòng)名詞,根據(jù)題意,應(yīng)接被動(dòng)語(yǔ)態(tài)形式。

2. c) 【句意】當(dāng)今的物理就是以前被稱之為自然哲學(xué)的等同物,大多數(shù)現(xiàn)代科學(xué)都產(chǎn)生于自然哲學(xué)。

【難點(diǎn)】what used to be called作定語(yǔ),修飾natural philosophy,from which引導(dǎo)一個(gè)非限制性定語(yǔ)從句。

3. a) 【句意】你決不應(yīng)該把小孩一個(gè)人放在家里。

【難點(diǎn)】on no account 意為決不屬否定意義的詞,引導(dǎo)倒裝句,所以只有a)項(xiàng)正確。

4. b)【句意】 太陽(yáng)系的中心是太陽(yáng)而不是地球這一事實(shí)被中世紀(jì)的教會(huì)認(rèn)為是異端邪說(shuō)。

【難點(diǎn)】 that引導(dǎo)主語(yǔ)從句,全句的謂語(yǔ)是was considered.

5. d) 【句意】后來(lái)證明他的財(cái)產(chǎn)被國(guó)家沒(méi)收的原因是,戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)期間他參與了詐騙活動(dòng)。

【難點(diǎn)】it turned out (to be)這里作插入語(yǔ),意為證明?是。

6. a) 【句意】我寧愿你乘火車去,因?yàn)樘鞖忸A(yù)報(bào)說(shuō)明天將有大雪。

【難點(diǎn)】would rather 后接虛擬語(yǔ)氣的從句,用一般過(guò)去時(shí)。

7. a) 【句意】愛(ài)因斯坦于19獲諾貝爾獎(jiǎng)金,在德國(guó)享有盛譽(yù)。后來(lái)隨著納粹主義的興起,他被逐出德國(guó),因?yàn)樗莻€(gè)猶太人。

【難點(diǎn)】關(guān)系副詞when引導(dǎo)的定語(yǔ)從句修飾名詞詞組the rise of nazism。

8. a) 【句意】他只能在最遙遠(yuǎn)的地方找個(gè)安身之處。


9. a) 【句意】在車禍中,他的一條腿骨折,他連走路都不行,更不用說(shuō)跑了。

【難點(diǎn)】let alone意為更不必說(shuō)not to mention意為再加上that is to say意為也就是說(shuō)。

10. b) 【句意】失寵后,她過(guò)著完全隱居的生活。


11. c) 【句意】有時(shí),公共汽車檢票員上車查票。

【難點(diǎn)】bus conductor意為公共汽車售票員agent意為代理人,中介人officer意為軍官,官員inspector意為檢查員,視察員。

12. b) 【句意】他很快恢復(fù)了健康。


13. c) 【句意】既然考試的緊張已經(jīng)過(guò)去,我們現(xiàn)在可以放松了。

【難點(diǎn)】now that意為既然;由于,用于新的事情的發(fā)生,接一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的句子。while意為雖然even though意為即使,for意為因?yàn)椋荒苡糜诰涫住?/p>

14. d)【句意】我表妹南希的情緒經(jīng)常很糟,我想這是因?yàn)樗仟?dú)生子的緣故。

【難點(diǎn)】表示獨(dú)生子的時(shí)候,只能說(shuō)an only child。

15. c) 【句意】除了已經(jīng)提及的因素外,有時(shí)人們感到不安全是因?yàn)樗麄兊膭?dòng)機(jī)被他人誤解。

【難點(diǎn)】apart from是包含在內(nèi)的除了excepr for和except that是不包含在內(nèi)的除了;but for意為要不是。

16. d) 【句意】如果計(jì)劃能在不浪費(fèi)時(shí)間和精力的情況下得到有效實(shí)施,我將十分滿意。


17. d) 【句意】 有朝一日我們會(huì)發(fā)現(xiàn),擁有一個(gè)能通過(guò)電話線發(fā)送信息、繪制圖片的設(shè)備是非常有用的。


18. c) 【句意】令他們感到光榮的是,能源部采納了這些想法并為一個(gè)詳細(xì)的研究報(bào)告作了資助。

【難點(diǎn)】take up意為采納(觀點(diǎn))take over意為接收,接管,占據(jù)take on 意為承擔(dān)take to意為喜歡上。

19. b) 【句意】她覺(jué)得自己有理,因此,她對(duì)這樣骯臟的話語(yǔ)十分惱怒。

【難點(diǎn)】 take offence意為對(duì)生氣protection意為保護(hù)defense意為防衛(wèi)guard意為看守;警戒。

20. d) 【句意】他們同意在全部費(fèi)用支出后共享剩余的資金。


21. a) 【句意】他的智力不如她。


22. d) 【句意】想出這樣一個(gè)天才的計(jì)劃需要豐富的想象力。


23. c) 【句意】在加工過(guò)程中,大米和面粉失去大量維生素。


24. b) 【句意】這首詩(shī)的每個(gè)單行寫得很美,但我不明白各行是如何聯(lián)系在一起的。依我看,這首詩(shī)不連貫。


25. b)【句意】對(duì)十分敏感的兒童來(lái)說(shuō),一次簡(jiǎn)單的呵斥可能會(huì)成為極其痛苦的經(jīng)歷。


翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇測(cè)試題及答案 翻譯碩士考研試題篇五

考研 如何選擇翻譯碩士參考書







翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇測(cè)試題及答案 翻譯碩士考研試題篇六































翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇測(cè)試題及答案 翻譯碩士考研試題篇七

(湖北省襄樊市,26,1) whats your job , henry

im a ________ ,i work late . im very busy when people go out to dimters .

a. waiter b. reporter c. teacher d. nurse

(黑龍江省雞西市,21,1)( ) -how many ______can you see in the picture

-only one.

a. dog b. sheep c. child

(廣西省定西市,2,1)( )whats your

i like swimming.

a. job b. age d. number

(廣西省定西市,16,1)( )what would you like,sir.

a. two pop b. two bottles pop c. two bottles of pop d. two bottle of pop

(山東省萊蕪市,17,1)i have a.______ for breakfast everyday.

dog ng ger

(山東省菏澤市,21,1)please pick up the _______. dont keep it on the floor.

a. water b. paper c. books d. bottles

(黑龍江省哈爾濱市,22,1)( ) a low-carbon(低碳) lifestyle has ___________ effect on our daily life. people are paying more and more attention to saving ____________ these days.

a. the, energies b. a, energy c. an, energy



翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇測(cè)試題及答案 翻譯碩士考研試題篇八


(?? ) 1. --have you had ________ breakfast yet?????? -- no, not yet.

a./????????????? b. a???????????? c. the?????????? d. an

(?? )2. lets look at the bag. can you see _____“s”on the corner of_____ bag?

a. a, a????????? b. a, the???????? c. an, a????????? d. an, the

(?? )3. there is????????? egg on the table,?????????? egg is for you.

a. a, a????????? b. an, an???????? c. an, the?????? d. the, an

(?? )4. our teacher told us that _______ moon moves around ______ earth, and

________ earth circles________ sun.

a. a, a, a, a?????????????????????? b. an, an, an, an

c. the, the, the, the?????????????? d. /, /, /, /

(?? )5. at that time, he was studying in_______ university. and it was a famous one.

a./?????????????? b. the


翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇測(cè)試題及答案 翻譯碩士考研試題篇九


1. 材料在水中吸收水分的性質(zhì)稱為_(kāi)_______。

a、吸水性 b、吸濕性 c、耐水性 d、滲透性



2. 含水率為10%的濕砂220g,其中水的質(zhì)量為_(kāi)_______。

a、19.8gb、22g c、20gd、20.2g



3. 孔隙率增大,材料的__降低。

a 密度b 表觀密度 c 憎水性 d 抗凍性



4. 對(duì)于同一種材料的密度、表觀密度和堆積密度三者之間的大小關(guān)系,下列表






5. 某河砂質(zhì)量為1260kg,烘干至恒重時(shí)質(zhì)量為1145kg,此河砂的含水率為

( )。

a.9.12% b.10.04%c.4.88% d.9.76%



6. 建筑材料的吸濕性用()來(lái)表示。

a.吸水率b.含水率 c.軟化系數(shù)d.滲透系數(shù)



7. 有一塊燒結(jié)粘土磚,在潮濕狀態(tài)下質(zhì)量為3260克,經(jīng)測(cè)定其含水率為6%。


a.4.9%b.6.0% c.11.2% d.4.6%



8. 下列建筑材料不是親水性材料的是()。

a.木材b.石材c.陶器 d.瀝青



9. 建筑材料的許多性能是通過(guò)試驗(yàn)測(cè)得的,沖擊試驗(yàn)是用來(lái)測(cè)定材料的()。

a.強(qiáng)度 b.脆性c.韌性 d.彈性



10. 一般情況下,材料的孔隙率小且連通孔隙少時(shí),其下列性質(zhì)中表述不正確的


a.強(qiáng)度較高 b.吸水率小c.抗?jié)B性好d.抗凍性差



11. 通常作為無(wú)機(jī)非金屬材料抵抗大氣物理作用的一種耐久性指標(biāo)的是()。

a.抗凍性b.抗?jié)B性 c.耐水性d.吸濕性



12. 為了緩和建筑物內(nèi)部溫度的波動(dòng),應(yīng)采用的圍護(hù)結(jié)構(gòu)材料必須具有較大的


a.比熱容b.質(zhì)量 c.熱容量值 d.導(dǎo)熱系數(shù)



13. 密度是指材料在( )狀態(tài)下,單位體積的質(zhì)量。

a.絕對(duì)密度b.自然狀態(tài) c.自然堆積狀態(tài)下 d.吸水飽和狀態(tài)下



14. 某一材料的下列指標(biāo)中為常數(shù)的是( )。

a 密度 b 表觀密度(容重)c 導(dǎo)熱系數(shù) d 強(qiáng)度



15. 評(píng)價(jià)材料抵抗水的破壞能力的指標(biāo)是()。

a.抗?jié)B等級(jí) b.滲透系數(shù)c.軟化系數(shù) d.抗凍等級(jí)



16. 某鐵塊的體積密度ρο= m /( )。

a、v0 b、v孔 c、v d、v0`



17. 某粗砂的堆積密度ρο`=m/( )。

a、v0 b、v孔 c、v d、v0`



18. 散粒材料的體積v0`=( )。




19. 材料憎水性是指潤(rùn)濕角()。

a、θ< 900 b、θ>900c、θ=900 d、θ=0



20. 材料的耐水性可用( )表示。

a、親水性b、憎水性 c、抗?jié)B性d、軟化系數(shù)



21. 下述導(dǎo)熱系數(shù)最小的是( )。

a、水 b、冰c、空氣d、木材e、發(fā)泡塑料



22. 下述材料中比熱容最大的是( )。




23. 按材料比強(qiáng)度高低排列正確的是()





24. 材料的組成的概念包括( )。

a 化學(xué)組成、物理組成b 化學(xué)組成、晶體組成

c 化學(xué)組成、礦物組成d 礦物組成、物理組成



25. 材料按微觀結(jié)構(gòu)可分為( )。

a晶體、非晶體 b 原子、分子 c 離子、分子




26. 納米微粒的粒徑一般在( )之間。

a 10-7~10-4m b 10-6~10-4m c 10-9~10-7m d 10-12~10-9m



27. 下列公式錯(cuò)誤的是( )。

a 石子的密度>視密度>表觀密度

b 碎石的干表觀密度>氣干表觀密度>濕表觀密度 原子晶體、分子 d

c 砂的緊密堆積密度>振實(shí)堆積密度>疏松堆積密度



28. 下列公式錯(cuò)誤的是( )。

a 孔隙率+密實(shí)度=1

b 空隙率+填充率=1

c 開(kāi)口孔隙率+閉口孔隙率=1



29. 下列表述錯(cuò)誤的是( )。

a 外荷去除后,材料不能自行恢復(fù)到原有形狀,保留下來(lái)的變形稱為塑性變形。

b 材料被外荷破壞前無(wú)顯著塑性變形的,稱為塑性破壞。

c 材料被外荷破壞時(shí)表現(xiàn)為塑性破壞的,稱為塑性材料。



30. 下列表述正確的是( )。

a 瀝青總是被塑性破壞。

b 瀝青總是被脆性破壞。

c 瀝青可能被塑性破壞,也可能被脆性破壞。



31. 下列關(guān)于應(yīng)力松弛的表述,錯(cuò)誤的是( )。

a 材料內(nèi)部所受應(yīng)力水平愈高,應(yīng)力松弛愈大。

b 材料強(qiáng)度愈高,應(yīng)力松弛愈大。

c 環(huán)境溫度愈高,應(yīng)力松弛愈大。



翻譯碩士單項(xiàng)選擇測(cè)試題及答案 翻譯碩士考研試題篇十



1. 形成權(quán)責(zé)發(fā)生制和收付實(shí)現(xiàn)制不同的記賬基礎(chǔ),進(jìn)而出現(xiàn)應(yīng)收、應(yīng)付、預(yù)收、預(yù)付、折舊、攤銷等會(huì)計(jì)處理方法所依據(jù)的會(huì)計(jì)基本假設(shè)是。





2. 在會(huì)計(jì)核算的基本前提中,確定會(huì)計(jì)核算空間范圍的是()。





3. 會(huì)計(jì)的基本職能包括()。





4. 以貨幣為主要計(jì)量單位,通過(guò)確認(rèn)、計(jì)量、報(bào)告等環(huán)節(jié),對(duì)特定主體的經(jīng)濟(jì)活動(dòng)進(jìn)行記賬、算賬、報(bào)賬,為各有關(guān)方面提供會(huì)計(jì)信息的功能是()。





5. 會(huì)計(jì)主要的計(jì)量單位是()。





6. 根據(jù)權(quán)責(zé)發(fā)生制原則,以下屬于本期的收入和費(fèi)用的`是()。





7. 企業(yè)計(jì)劃在年底購(gòu)買一批機(jī)器設(shè)備,8月份與銷售方達(dá)成購(gòu)買意向,9月份簽訂了購(gòu)買合同,但實(shí)際購(gòu)買的行為發(fā)生在11月份,則企業(yè)應(yīng)該在()將該批設(shè)備確認(rèn)為資產(chǎn)。





8. 權(quán)益一般包括()。





9. 會(huì)計(jì)分期是把企業(yè)持續(xù)經(jīng)營(yíng)過(guò)程劃分為若干個(gè)起訖日期較短的會(huì)計(jì)期間,其起訖日期通常為()。





10. 下列關(guān)于會(huì)計(jì)監(jiān)督職能的表述中,不正確的是()。





11. 會(huì)計(jì)核算工作的基礎(chǔ)環(huán)節(jié)是()。





12. 會(huì)計(jì)的本質(zhì)是()。





13. 確認(rèn)辦公用樓租金60萬(wàn)元,用銀行存款支付10萬(wàn)元,50萬(wàn)元未付。按照權(quán)責(zé)發(fā)生制和收付實(shí)現(xiàn)制分別確認(rèn)費(fèi)用()。





14. 負(fù)債是指由于過(guò)去的交易、事項(xiàng)形成的企業(yè)需要以()等償付的現(xiàn)時(shí)義務(wù)。





15. 界定從事會(huì)計(jì)工作和提供會(huì)計(jì)信息的空間范圍的會(huì)計(jì)基本前提是()。






