[摘 要]英語畢業(yè)論文由于從事英美文學教學的教師理論水平參差不齊、教師對學生文藝理論接受能力的懷疑、商品經(jīng)濟時代文學和文藝理論曲高和寡等因素,造成文學學習和文學方向畢業(yè)論文寫作中缺乏科學的分析方法。本研究將探索將文藝理論引入本科畢業(yè)生的論文寫作課程中的必要性和可行性,從而建構(gòu)以文藝理論為中心的英語專業(yè)文學方向畢業(yè)論文寫作的新模式。
依據(jù)《高等教育法》(1998)的本科教育學業(yè)標準,學生應(yīng)比較系統(tǒng)地掌握本專業(yè)所必需的基礎(chǔ)理論知識、基本技能和相關(guān)知識,并“具有從事本專業(yè)實際工作和研究工作的初步能力”。這一標準強調(diào)了研究性教學(research-oriented teaching)的重要性,無疑為英美文學教學中理論研究與實踐的有機融合提出了要求,而這種融合往往體現(xiàn)在學生文學論文寫作的能力之中。然而,高校中實用主義風氣、急功近利思想和“重技能,輕人文”弊端的集中體現(xiàn)沖擊著文學課教學,助長了學生輕視與人文修養(yǎng)有關(guān)的課程,助長了他們對文學作品敬而遠之的傾向(馬愛華, 2006)。作為全面考核畢業(yè)生綜合素質(zhì)的有效途徑,畢業(yè)論文寫作是本科學生畢業(yè)前必須經(jīng)受的考驗關(guān)口,是師生教學相長的過程。本文將從文學課教學的現(xiàn)狀出發(fā),通過畢業(yè)論文寫作的過程,在揭示現(xiàn)象、總結(jié)經(jīng)驗的基礎(chǔ)上,提出重視文藝理論的教學,提高學生的文學素養(yǎng),培養(yǎng)研究性學習能力的意義。
部分專家認為英語專業(yè)(張沖, 2003)是“英語語言技能的專業(yè)訓練和對英語語言文化的專門研究”,其特征為“技能加專業(yè),復合而開放”,其培養(yǎng)目標為“純熟的語言能力,深度的專題研究”。這一專業(yè)定位除了強調(diào)語言技能之外,著重強調(diào)了“文化”和“研究”。文化理解和專題研究的基礎(chǔ)在于學生文學課程的給養(yǎng)過程,其中,文學理論分析則既指導了文學課程的學習,又加深了學生對文學作品的理解。文學作品的學習與文藝理論的關(guān)系好比材料和工具的關(guān)系,“工欲善其事,必先利其器”,如果學生沒有相關(guān)的文藝理論的學習,就好比一個沒有工具的工匠,只能望天興嘆。
3.所學知識與研究性寫作存在三個“不和諧”關(guān)系:文學課的教與學脫節(jié);文學課與語言實踐脫節(jié);文學教學理論的研究與外語教學實踐脫節(jié)(馬愛華, 2006)。學生習得的知識孤立于其寫作實踐之外。人才培養(yǎng)目標不明確,學生急功近利,一成不變的文學課程教學脫離實際人才
培養(yǎng)模式。學生將文藝理論視為紙上談兵。因而,導致“文學理論教材和教學實踐逐漸偏離當今消費時代的審美精神”以及“文學理論的教學被大學生們冷落”(李迪江, 2002)。
1.文學理論的專業(yè)知識學習,鋪墊了文學論文的研究能力?!拔膶W理論教學應(yīng)該優(yōu)先地培養(yǎng)大學生的理論素養(yǎng),更多地培養(yǎng)大學生的應(yīng)用能力,如從文學作品的分析討論中,來培養(yǎng)大學生的理解能力、分析能力和表達能力等(李迪江, 2002)”。本科學生已經(jīng)有了一定的文學常識,至少對于著名作品的情節(jié)有了一定程度的了解,文學名著選讀課使用文學名著的原版書籍作為教材,使得學生有機會對文學文本進行仔細研讀,為文藝理論的學習奠定了基礎(chǔ)。
2.畢業(yè)論文寫作,完成學生從讀者到理論分析的升華。guerin認為,“讀者參與在文本的創(chuàng)作中”。作品的意義是文本和讀者相互作用的結(jié)果,它強調(diào)讀者在閱讀過程中的不同參與方式。這一理論代表人物之一伊瑟爾指出,所有文學篇章都有“空白”或“缺口”,這些空白和缺口必須由讀者在解讀過程中填補或具體化(劉辰誕, 1999)。文學作品須由接受者內(nèi)化和心靈化,即需要接受者的理解、體驗、加工、補充和創(chuàng)造,融入接受者的思想和情感、傾向和評價,只有這樣,作品中的時間、人物形象等才會活生生地呈現(xiàn)在自己的頭腦中(郭宏安, 1997)。從這個角度暴露了英語專業(yè)教育中一貫的“知識單一和技能單一”問題,帶來的思考是應(yīng)該如何培養(yǎng)學生多種語言技能,滿足其獨立學習的需要。
4.結(jié)合文本與文藝理論,豐富學生的論文選題。學生文學專業(yè)畢業(yè)論文選題往往單一,如選擇:《偉大的蓋茨比》中美國夢破滅的主題或美國夢的悲劇一類的主題;《呼嘯山莊》、《傲慢與偏見》中的愛情主題等。選擇經(jīng)典作家的代表作品為研究對象并不是不可以,但對于一般本科生而言,要就這些作品的某一方面進行較為深入、有創(chuàng)意的探討,還是有相當難度的。因為,對于某一經(jīng)典文本的某些問題,國內(nèi)外評論界可能早有定論,而一般的學生“尚不能用當代文論的新視角去解讀,很難提出自己的新解”(杜志卿, 2005)。
? 劉玉翠回到村里,就好比是住進了監(jiān)牢里。having returned to the village,liu yucui felt as if she had got into prison.? he drove as if possessed by the devil.他著魔似的駕車狂奔。
? …h(huán)er sharp mind, sawing raggedly through illusions like a bread knife through a hunk of frozen fish.她敏銳的思想慢慢地剔開了錯覺, 就象一把面包刀割開一塊厚厚的凍魚一樣。
…(he)wanted it all with a horrible intensity, as the faun wants the nymph.他強烈得可怕地渴望著這一切,象牧神渴望林間的仙女一樣。
? the pen is to a writer what the gun is to a fighter.作家的筆猶如戰(zhàn)士的槍。
? every family is said to have at least one skeleton in the cupboard.俗話說,衣柜里面藏骷髏,見不得人的事家家都有。
? advice and correction roll off him like water off a duck’s back.勸導對他好像水過鴨背似的不起作用。
? life is like a yo-yo.生活是一個悠悠球,充滿一連串的起伏不定。? 愛自己尊如菩薩,待他人穢如糞土。she had as high an opinion of herself as if she were a goddess, and treated like dirt ?.接著他們用繩子五花大綁,把節(jié)振德捆得象個粽子似的,又是一陣拳打腳踢。
? they give him a good cuff and kick, trusses him up like a fowl and then went on walloping and kicking him again till his nose and mouth were a bloody pulp.? today you see them bouncing, buxom, red as cherries.如今你看他們又結(jié)實又胖,臉上紅撲撲的。
? every bean has its black.人皆有短處。
? the best is the enemy of the good.要求過高反難成功。
? don’t trust is an ambulance chaser.不要相信他,他是個惟利是圖的人。
? 何等動人的一頁又一頁篇章!這是人類思維的花朵。what inspiring chapters!they are the flowers of the human brainwork.? 霎時間,東西長安街成了喧騰的大海。at once,the eastern and western chang’an roads became roaring oceans.? jane’s uncle is an old fox,up to all kinds of evils.簡的叔叔是個老狐貍,什么壞事都干得出來。
? after that long talk,jim became the sun in her heart.那次長談之后,吉姆成了她心中的太陽。
? 每條嶺都是那么溫柔,雖然下自山腳,上至嶺頂,長滿了珍貴的林木,可是誰也不孤峰突起,盛氣凌人。all the ridges were so of them stood above the others with arrogance,though their slopes were fully covered with precious trees.? “don’t talk to me about no opportunity any unity’s knocking down every door in the country,trying to get i was young,a man had to go out and find opportunity and drag it home by the ears.” “休說什么機會難逢。機會正在國內(nèi)每家每戶敲門,想要進去呢。我年輕那會兒,人們得出門去尋找機會,揪著耳朵把它拖回來?!?/p>
? how soon hath time,the subtle thief of youth,stolen on his wing my three and twentieth year!時間,這個盜竊青春的狡猾的小偷,盜竊了我二十又三年飛走了。
我從鄉(xiāng)下跑到京城里,一轉(zhuǎn)眼已經(jīng)六年了。six years have passed by in a twinkle since
i came to the capital city from the is the prettiest girl in the world.她是世界上最漂亮的姑娘。
? 尤氏道:“我也暗暗地叫人預(yù)備了?!褪悄羌|西,不得好木頭,且慢慢地辦著罷。” “i’ve secretly sent people to get things they haven’t found good wood for that thing yet,so we have to wait.”
his daughter is rather weak in the head.他的女兒腦子不太好使。
? 我和她的關(guān)系出現(xiàn)了一個“黑洞”,后來“裂變”,到現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)“死機”了。
? the initial “black hole” in the relationship between me and her later turned into a “fission” and finally into a “crash”.? 禿頭站在白背心的略略正對面,彎了腰,去研究背心上的文字。baldy,standing almost directly opposite white jerkin,stooped to study the characters written on his jerkin.?
his wife spent all her life on the stage.(= theatrical profession)他的妻子在舞臺上度過了一生。(=戲劇工作,表演藝術(shù))
? paper and ink cut the throats of men,and the sound of a breath many shake the world.(= written words;speech)紙墨能割斷人的喉管,嗓音能震動整個世界。(紙墨=寫幾個字;嗓音=說幾句話)
? great minds think alike.(= great people think alike.)英雄所見略同。(不宜譯成 “偉大的腦袋所見略同?!保?/p>
? gray hair should be respected.(gray hair = the aged)老年人應(yīng)受到尊敬。(不宜譯成
? 得到母親去世的消息,我很悲痛。(“得到”= “我得到”)on hearing of my mother’s death,i was caught in a tremendous grief.(“on hearing of”= “as soon as i heard of ”)? 2)“when did he say this?” “at the walking day.”
(= “he said this at the playground when he was walking home yesterday.”(john
cheever:the season of spanorce)
? he has provided the poor with jobs,with opportunity,with self-respect.(在 with self-respect 之前省去了連詞 and。)他給窮人提供了工作,提供了機會,提供了自尊。? they smiled,shook hands,parted.(在 parted 之前省去了 and。)他們微微一笑,相互握手,分手告別。? 折繞;periphrasis ? “孔乙己,你臉上又添上新傷疤了!”(“ 添上新傷疤”意為 “又挨打了”。)“kong yiji!you’ve got fresh scars on your face!” ? 胡思亂想,一夜也不曾合眼。(“不曾合眼”意為“沒睡著覺”。)indulging himself in wild fancies,he did not close his eyes throughout the night.? her olfactory system was suffering from a temporary inconvenience.(= her nose was blocked.)她的嗅覺系統(tǒng)暫時有些不便。(=她鼻塞。)
? his brother is a disturber of the piano keys.(= pianist)他哥哥是一個跟鋼琴鍵找麻煩的人。(=鋼琴家)(這一折繞句有著幽默的效果。)
? 然而悲慘的皺紋,卻也從他的眉頭和嘴角出現(xiàn)了。miserable wrinkles began to appear between his eyebrows and round his mouth.? 廣場上又燒起歡樂的篝火。jubilant bonfires were lit again on the square.? after a happy day,she had a sleepless night.她在度過歡樂一天之后,卻又熬過一個不眠之夜。
? in the examination,the boy threw a nervous glance at the teacher,who was obviously suspicious of his cheating.在考場上,那個男孩用緊張的眼光瞥了老師一眼,老師顯然懷疑到他在作弊。
? 敬愛的周總理啊,人民想念您,祖國需要您,我們的黨不能沒有您!(呼人)oh,our beloved premier zhou,our people miss you very much,our motherland is in need of you,and our party cannot afford to have your departure!? england!awake!awake!awake!英格蘭!醒來!醒來!醒來吧!? jerusalem thy sister calls!(呼物)你的姐姐耶路撒冷在呼喚著你!
事情就是這樣,他來進攻,我們把他消滅了,他就舒服了。消滅一點,舒服一點;消滅得多,舒服得多;徹底消滅,徹底舒服。this is the way things are:if they attack and we wipe them out,they will have that satisfaction;wipe out some,some satisfaction;wipe out more,more satisfaction;wipe out the whole lot,complete satisfaction.? it is an outrage to bind a roman citizen;to scourge him is a crime;to put him to death is almost parricide.(cicero)綁架一個羅馬公民是一種違法行為;對他進行肉體折磨是一種犯罪行為;把他處死幾乎等于殺父母一樣的叛逆行為。
? threaten him,imprison him,torture him,kill him:you will not induce him to betray his country.威脅他,監(jiān)禁他,拷打他,處死他:這些都不能使他背叛自己的國家。? how haughtily he cocks his nose,他昂首挺胸,趾高氣揚,傲慢無比,? to tell what every schoolboy knows.講開了每個小學生都知道的東西。
? the explosion completely destroyed a church,two houses,and a flowerpot.這起爆炸事故徹底毀壞了一個教堂、兩所房屋和一個花盆。
? 周蘩漪:你這一次到礦上去,也是學著你父親的英雄榜樣,把一個真正明白你,愛你的人丟開不管么? fan:and the reason why you are going away to the mine is that you’re following your father’s heroic example and throwing over the one person who really understands and loves you? ? 根據(jù)報紙上官方介紹,他是天底下頭等大好人,渾身上下毫無缺點,連肚臍眼都沒有。according to the official write-ups in the papers,he’s the best man in the doesn’t have a single defect in his whole ,he doesn’t even have a belly-button!? what a noble illustration of the tender laws of his favoured country!—they let the paupers go to sleep!以此說明他那行善的國家的仁慈法律是多么有意義的例證!——他們竟允許窮人睡覺!? “the boy has broken another glass,”said the mother.母親說:“小家伙又打碎了一個杯子?!?/p>
? “a fine thing!”the father replied.父親回答道:“好得很!”
? 生產(chǎn)多么需要科學!our production is in burning need of science!? 革命多么需要科學!our revolution is in burning need of science!
人民多么需要科學!our people are in burning need of science!we can gain knowledge,by reading,by reflection, by observation or by practice.(parallelism)求知門徑頗多,或閱讀,或思考,或觀察,或?qū)嵺`。
? i came,i saw,i conquered.(parataxis)我只身前往,我明察秋毫,我旗開得勝。? we laughed,we sang,we danced.(parataxis)我們縱情歡笑,我們放聲歌唱,我們翩翩起舞。
? 不知細葉誰裁出?(問)but do you know by whom these young leaves are cut out? ? 二月春風似剪刀。(答)the early spring wind is as sharp as scissor blade.? shall i compare thee to a summer’s day?(問)我能不能拿夏天來同你相比? ? thou art more lovely and more temperate.(答)(shakespeare)你呀比夏天來得可愛和溫煦。
? 幸因腐草出,by chance you’re born from grasses of decay,? 敢近太陽飛? dare you fly near where shines the light of day? ? then who will cheer my bonny bride殺了這漂亮新娘的愛人,when they have slain her lover? 還有誰能使她歡愉? ? o,if you felt the pain i feel!啊,要是你能體會這痛苦!? but o,who ever felt as i? 唉,可誰的感覺像我一樣? ? 卜卜卜——機關(guān)槍的聲音跟著又來。the staccato chatter of a machine-gun was heard again.? 敲了兩下門,心上還突突直跳。he knocked twice at the gate,his heart thudding violently.? a hammering clatter of hoofs beating the hard road.“得、得、得”,堅硬的路面上響著接連不斷的馬蹄聲。
? white jagged lightning,followed by the brazen clash and deep rumble of thunder.天空中閃過一道成v形的白色閃電,緊接著傳來一聲霹靂,然后是深沉的隆隆雷聲。
櫻花紅陌上,the pathways red with cherry blossoms;
柳葉綠池邊。the lakeside green with willow ,strength,youth,are flowers but fading seen;美貌、體力、年輕,就像花朵,終
duty,faith,love,are roots,and ever green.義務(wù)、信念、愛情,就像樹根,萬古長青。
你剛才所說做大生意做得有些討厭,這還是第一百零一回聽到的話。just now you said it’s a tiring job to do a big is the first time i’ve heard this.飯來張口,衣來伸手have only to open one’s mouth to be fed and hold out one’s hands to be dressed
秦時明月漢時關(guān),the age-old moon still shines o’er the ancient great wall,萬里長征人未還。but our frontier guardsmen have not come back at the cat’s away,the mice will play.貓兒不在,鼠兒作怪。
阿舒已二八,a-shu is twice eight,懶惰故無匹。for laziness he has no equal.三五中秋夕mid-autumn’s fifteenth night is here again.清游擬上元。as on the feast of lanterns we stroll ,of my threescore years and ten,在我的七十壽數(shù)內(nèi),twenty will not come again.有二十已一去不回。
fourscore and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation.八十七年前,我們的先輩在這塊大陸上創(chuàng)建了一個新的國家。
楊柳青青江水平,? 聞郎江上唱歌聲; ? 東邊日出西邊雨,? 道是無晴卻有晴。
? between the willows green ? the river flows along,? my beloved in a boat ? is heard singing a song.? the west is veiled in rain,? the east basks in sunshine,? my beloved is as deep in love ? as the day is fine.? 春蠶到死絲方盡,the silkworm till its death spins silk from love-sick heart; ? 蠟炬成灰淚始干。the candle only when burnt has no tears to shed.? 空對著,山中高士晶瑩雪;vainly facing the hermit in sparkling snow-clad hills ? 終不忘,世外仙姝寂寞林。i forget not the fairy in lone woods beyond the world.(楊)
有個農(nóng)村叫張家莊,張家莊有個張木匠。張木匠有個好老婆,外號叫“小飛娥”。小飛娥生了個女兒叫艾艾。there was a village called zhangjia village,where lived carpenter zhang,who had a good wife,nicknamed little moth,who gave birth to a girl called ai’ai.? 他一見面是寒暄,寒暄之后說我 “胖了”,說我 “胖了”之后即大罵其新黨。having exchanged some polite remarks upon meeting he observed that i was fatter,and having observed that i was fatter launched into a violent attack on the reformists.? still he sought for fame...fame,that last infirmity of noble mind.可是他仍舊追逐名氣——追逐名氣,這是個高尚人永遠擺脫不了的弱點。
? he gave his life;life was all he could give.他奉獻了自己的生命;生命是他能奉獻的一切。
? 1)我媽媽是個古板人,講究的是三從四德。(周立波:《山鄉(xiāng)巨變》)my mother is rigidly ’s very particular about the three obediences and the four virtues.? 1)藍的天,綠的地,長長的小路,她走來了!(張枚同等:《麥苗返青的時候》)the blue sky,the green land,and the long she was coming along.? 1)哼!你別看我耳朵聾——可我的心并不 “聾”啊!(郭澄清:《大刀記》)humph!my ears are deaf,but my mind is not.? 2)小火車在歡騰地急馳。人們的心和火車一樣,向家鄉(xiāng)急奔。(曲波:《林海雪原》)the little train and the hearts of all its passengers,together,sped merrily homeward.1)他細味他倆最近的幾頁可愛的歷史。想一節(jié)傷一回心,但他寧愿這樣甜蜜的傷心。(《朱自清文集》第一卷)he meditated upon their recent pleasant time he indulged in such meditation,he felt he was eager to taste this kind of sweet bitterness.2)年年難過年年過,hard up,we manage to get over it each year; 3)處處無家處處家。(解放前的一副趣聯(lián))homeless,we try to make home everywhere.4)the land did not move,but sea was not still,yet was x flowed into paradox,stillness mixed with stillness,sound with sound.( bradbury: the vacation)大地止而亦行,大海動而亦靜。萬寂交而萬籟和,若真若假,若是若非。
1)中國還有一句成語,三個臭皮匠,合成一個諸葛亮。單獨的一個諸葛亮總是不完全的,總是有缺陷的。still another chinese proverb says three cobblers with their wits combined equal zhuge liang the liang by himself can never be perfect,he has his limitations.5)這對年輕夫婦并不相配,一個是西施,一個是張飛。this young couple is not well matched,one is a xi shi---a famous chinese beauty,while the other is a zhang fei---a well-known ill-tempered brute.6)3)he is a modern samson.他是現(xiàn)代參孫式的大力士。(samson:參孫,《圣經(jīng)》中人物,以身強力大著稱。)
7)4)we have enrolled every local cicero.我們把各地西塞羅式的雄辯家都招來了。(cicero:西塞羅,古羅馬雄辯家、政治家、哲學家。)8)5)our village hercules has come.我們村的大力士來了。(hercules:海格立斯,希臘神話里主神宙斯之子,力大無比,曾完成十二項英雄事跡。)9)倒裝;anastrophe 10)1)屈原:鼓動吧,風!咆哮吧,雷!閃耀吧,電!把一切沉睡在黑暗懷里的東西,毀滅,毀滅,毀滅呀!(郭沫若:《屈原》)
11)qu yuan:blow,wind!roll,thunder!flash,lightning!destroy all things that slumber in darkness,destroy them utterly!12)2)如果我能夠,我要寫下我的悔恨和悲哀,為子君,為自己。(魯迅:《傷逝》)i want,if i can,to record my remorse and grief,for zijun’s sake as well as for my own.13)3)fine and sunny it was when we started on our way.我們動身那天,天氣晴朗,陽光燦爛。14)4)so beautifully did she sing that the audience burst into applause.她唱得美妙動聽,全體聽眾都為她鼓掌。
1)幾何老師手拿一把丁字尺,走進了教室。with a t square in his hand,the teacher of geometry came into the classroom.15)2)老張走進房間一看,只見女兒在床上睡成一個 “大”字。old zhang went into the room and saw his daughter lying on the bed in the shape of the chinese character 大.16)3)it was just impossible for him to get into this i-shaped hole.要他鉆進這個 “工”字形的洞口,是完全不可能的。
17)4)what they need now is a large quantity of z iron.他們目前需要的是大量的乙字鐵。18)a thin man in a thin overcoat watched them out of thin,emotionless eyes.(james thurber: one is a wanderer)一個骨瘦如柴、衣服單薄、雙目失神的男子注視著他們。19)1)dumb dogs are dangerous.不吠的狗最危險。
20)2)sarah sits by six sick city slickers.薩拉坐在來自城里的六個生著病的狡猾騙子的身旁。21)3)four fat friars fanned flickering flames.四個肥胖的修士扇著閃爍不定的火焰。22)4)round the rough and rugged rock the ragged rascal rudely ran.23)那個衣著破爛的惡棍繞著粗糙不平的巖石狂奔。
24)1)這個連長太 “軍閥”了!年紀不大,脾氣可不小!(曲波:《山呼海嘯》)
25)(名→動)“ this company commander is too much of a “warlord”.though he’s young,he easily gets into a fit of temper.26)2)他 “科員”了一輩子。(老舍:《離婚》)27)he’s been clerked all his life.28)(名→動)he's been an office clerk all his life.29)3)the sight of the happy children warmed his heart.看到幸福的孩子們溫暖著他的心
30)(形→動)看到幸福的孩子們,他心里感到熱乎乎的。31)4)you can never fox me.(名→動)你決騙不了我。
32)5)you have no right to boss me.你無權(quán)老板我(名→動)你無權(quán)指揮我。33)1)狗拿耗子——多管閑事 be as nosy as a dog trying to catch a rat;
34)瞎子點燈——白費蠟 be like a blind man holding a candle--a sheer waste of wax。35)科學需要社會主義,社會主義更需要科學。(郭沫若:《科學的春天》)
36)science is in need of socialism,while socialism is in greater need of science.37)
他們那種快活勁兒,真叫人喜歡,我喜歡他們,他們喜歡我。(艾蕪:《屋里的春天》)38)their liveliness is very appealing.i like them,and they like me.39)ma is as selfless as i am.媽同我一樣無私。
40)又:ma is a nun,as i am.媽和我一樣,也是個修女。41)you can cage a swallow,can’t you? but you can’t swallow a cage,can you? 42)你可以把一只燕子關(guān)到籠里,是嗎? 但你不能吞下一個籠子,對嗎? 43)strong in attack,and in defense unrivalled.進攻上,無堅不摧;防守上,無懈可擊。44)the melody was old;old also were the words.曲調(diào)是古老的;同樣古老的是歌詞。45)3)an is more than a hooligan while is more than a fox.46)胡里干先生是個大流氓,福克斯先生是個老狐貍。
47)4)a man has two hands,but a clock has three hands.人有兩只手,而鐘有三根指針。
48))tom looked at her with eyes and envy(= with envious eyes).湯姆用羨慕的眼光望著她。49)4)they drank from goblets and from gold(= from gold goblets).(virgil)他們手拿金杯喝著酒。
a smart copper(ii)-responsive binucleargadolinium(iii)complex-based magnetic resonanceimaging contrast agent?
yan-meng xiao,ab gui-yan zhao,ab xin-xiu fang,ab yong-xia zhao,ab guan-hua wang,c wei yang*a and jing-wei xu*a a novel gd-do3a-type bismacrocyclic complex, [gd2(do3a)2bmpna], with a cu2+-selective binding unitwas synthesized as a potential “smart” copper(ii)-responsive magnetic resonance imaging(mri)contrast relaxivity of the complex was modulated by the presence or absence of cu2+;in the absence of cu2+, the complex exhibited a relatively low relaxivity value(6.40 mm1 s1), while the addition of cu2+ triggered an approximately 76% enhancement in relaxivity(11.28 mm1 s1).moreover, this cu2+-responsive contrast agent was highly selective in its response to cu2+ over other biologically-relevant metal influence of some common biological anions on the cu2+-responsive contrast agent and the luminescence lifetime of the complex were also results of the luminescence lifetime measurements indicated that the enhancement in relaxivity was mainly ascribed to the increased number of inner-sphere water molecules binding to the paramagnetic gd3+ core upon the addition of cu2+.in addition, the visual change associated with the significantly enhanced relaxivity due to the addition of cu2+ was observed from t1-weighted phantom uction copper(ii)ion is a vital metal nutrient for the metabolism of life and plays a critical role in various biological processes.1,2 its homeostasis is critical for the metabolism and development of living organisms.3,4 on the other hand, the disruption of its homeostasis may lead to a variety of physical diseases and neurological problems such as alzheimer's disease,5 menkes and wilson's disease,6 amyotrophic lateral sclerosis,7,8 and prion disease.9,10 therefore, the assessment and understanding of the distribution of biological copper in living systems by noninvasive imaging is crucial to provide more insight into copper homeostasis and better understand the relationship between copper regulation and its physiological function.a wide variety of organic uorescent dyes have been exploited for the optical detection of ions in the last few decades.11–13however, optical imaging using organic uorescent dyes hasseveral limitations such as photobleaching, light scattering,limited penetration, low spatial resolution and the disturbance of auto uorescence.14 by comparison, magnetic resonance imaging(mri)is an increasingly accessible technique used as a noninvasive clinical diagnostic modality for medical diagnosis and biomedical research.15 it can provide high spatial resolution three-dimensional anatomical images with information about physiological signals and biochemical events.16 as a powerful diagnostic imaging tool in medicine, mri can distinguish normal tissue from diseased tissue and lesions in a noninvasive manner,17–19 which avoids diagnostic thoracotomy or laparotomy surgery for medical diagnoses and greatly improves the diagnostic le mri imaging parameters can provide a wealth of diagnostic addition, the desired cross-section for acquiring multi-angle and multi-planar images of various parts of the entire body can be freely chosen by adjusting the mri magnetic eld;this ability makes medical diagnostics and studies of the body's metabolism and function more and more effective and st agents are often used in mri examinations to improve the resolution and sensitivity;the image quality can be signicantly improved by applying contrast agents which enhance the mri signal intensity by increasing the relaxation rates of the surrounding water protons.20 due to the high magnetic moment(seven unpaired electrons)and slow electronic relaxation of the
paramagnetic gadolinium(iii)ion, gadolinium(iii)-based mri contrast agents are commonly employed to increase the relaxation rate of the surrounding water protons.16,21 however, most of these contrast agents are nonspecific and provide only anatomical the basis of solomon–bloembergen–morgan theory,22–24 several parameters can be manipulated to alter the relaxivity of gadolinium(iii)-based mri contrast parameters include the number of coordinated water molecules(q), the rotational correlation time(sr)and the residence lifetime of coordinated water molecules bound to the paramagnetic gd3+ center(sm).adjusting any of these three factors provides the opportunity to design “smart” mri contrast agents for specific biochemical events.25–27 in recent years, there have been many studies on the development of responsive gadolinium(iii)-based mri contrast agents;most of them have focused on the development of targeted, high relaxivity and bioactivated contrast responsive gadolinium(iii)-based mri contrast agents can be modulated by particular in vivo stimuli including ph,28–35 metal ion concentration36–43 and enzyme activity.44–50 notably, a number of copper-responsive mri contrast agents have been reported to detect uctuations of copper ions in vivo.51–58 these activated contrast agents exploit the modulation of the number of coordinated water molecules to generate distinct enhancements in longitudinal relaxivity in response to copper ions(cu+ or cu2+).in this study, we designed and synthesized a binuclear gadolinium-based mri contrast agent, [gd2(do3a)2bmpna], that is specically responsive to cu2+ over other biologicallyrelevant metal new copper-responsive mri contrast agent comprises two gd-do3a cores connected by a 2,6-bis(3-methyl-1h-pyrazol-1-yl)isonicotinic acid scaffold59,60(bmpna), which functions as a receptor for copper-induced relaxivity synthetic strategy for [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] is depicted in scheme uently, the t1 relaxivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] was studied at 25 c and 60 mhz in the absence or presence of cu2+.experiments to determine the selectivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] towards cu2+ over other biologically-relevant ions were carried out as scence lifetime was measured to determine the number of coordinated water molecules(q)of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] in the absence or presence of cu2+.in addition, t1-weighted phantom images were collected to visualize the relaxivity enhancement caused by cu2+, suggesting potential in vivo mental section
materials and instruments
all materials for synthesis were purchased from commercial suppliers and used without further purication.1h and 13c nmr spectra were taken on an amx600 bruker ft-nmr spectrometer with tetramethylsilane(tms)as an internal scence measurements were performed on a hitachi fluorescence time-resolved luminescence emission spectra were recorded on a perkin-elmer ls-55 uorimeter with the following conditions: excitation wavelength, 295 nm;emission wavelength, 545 nm;dela time, 0.02 ms;gate time, 2.00 ms;cycle time, 20 ms;excitation slit, 5 nm;emission slit, 10 luminescence lifetime was measured on a lecroy wave runner 6100 digital oscilloscope(1 ghz)using a tunable laser(pulse width ? 4 ns, gate ? 50 ns)as the excitation(continuum sunlite opo).mass spectra(ms)were obtained on an auto ex iii tof/tof maldi-ms and anionspec esi-fticr mass tal analyses were performed on a vario el element sis synthesis of compound 2,6-bis(3-(bromomethyl)-1h-pyrazol-1-yl)isonicotinate(compound1)59,60 and 4,7,10-tris(2-(tert-butoxy)-2-oxoethyl)-4,7,10-triaza-azoniacyclododecan-1-ium bromide(compound 2)61 were prepared following thereported nd 2(0.25 g, 0.296 mmol)was suspended in 2 ml anhydrous acetonitrile with 6 equivalents of nahco3(0.1492 g)and the mixture was stirred at room temperature for 0.5 nd 1(0.0675 g, 0.148 mmol)was added, and the mixture was slowly heated to reflux(80 c)and stirred the reaction was terminated, the mixture was cooled to room temperature, and the solution was precipitate was washed several times with anhydrous acetonitrile, and the collected ltrate solution was evaporated under reduced residue was puried using silicagel column chromatography eluted with ch2cl2–n-hexane–ch3oh(10 : 3 : 1, v/v/v)to afford compound 3(0.1038 g, 53%)as a pale yellow solid.1h nmr(600 mhz, dmso): 8.22(s, 2h), 8.15(s, 2h), 6.62(s, 2h), 4.53(s, 4h), 3.82(s, 3h), 3.42(m, 4h), 2.98(m, 8h), 2.85(s, 8h), 2.71(m, 24h), 1.33(s, 54h)(fig.s1?).13c nmr(151 mhz, cdcl3): d 173.21, 172.44, 163.99, 152.38, 150.11, 143.13, 128.07, 109.83, 108.36, 82.59, 57.84, 56.52, 56.06, 55.56, 52.98, 50.55, 48.91, 47.30, 27.96(fig.s2?).hrms(esi): m/z c67h111n13o14 [m + 2h]2+ 661.92650, [m + h + na]2+ 672.91747, [m + 2na]2+ 683.90844, found [m + 2h]2+ 661.92584, [m+ h + na]2+ 672.91690, [m + 2na]2+ 683.90682(fig.s3?).synthesis of compound nd 3(0.1 g, 0.0756 mmol)was stirred with triuoroacetic acid in methylene chloride solution(2 ml)at room temperature for 24 solvent was then evaporated under reduced pressure, and the residue was washed three times in ch3oh and ch2cl2 to eliminate excess obtained residue was dissolved with a minimum volume of ch3oh and precipitated with cold precipitate was ltered to afford a brown yellow solid(0.1022 g).1h nmr(600 mhz, dmso): 9.06(s, 2h), 8.17(s, 2h), 6.84(s, 2h), 4.33(s, 4h), 3.98(s, 3h), 3.56(b, 20h), 3.09(m, 24h)(fig.s4?).13c nmr(151 mhz, d2o): d 174.11, 169.13, 164.64, 150.75, 148.85, 142.10, 129.88, 109.75, 107.99, 55.69, 54.01, 53.10, 52.43, 51.15, 49.59, 48.22, 47.69(fig.s5?).maldi-tofms spectrum(ch3oh): m/z c43h63n13o14 [m h] 984.46, found 984.7(fig.s6?).anal c43h63n13o14-$3cf3cooh$2h2o: c, 43.14;h, 5.17;n, 13.35;found c, 42.34;h, 4.999;n, 13.29%.preparation of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] and [tb2(do3a)2-bmpna].compound 4(0.05 mmol)was dissolved in 2 ml of highly-puried 3 or tbcl3(0.1 mmol)was added ph was maintained at 6.5–7.0 with naoh during the whole solution was then stirred at 75 c for 24 -ms(h2o): m/z c42h55n13o14gd2 [m + h]+ 1281.46, found 1281.4(fig.s7?).maldi-ms(h2o): m/z c42h55n13o14tb2 [m + h]+ 1284.3, found 1284.4(fig.s8?).t1 longitudinal relaxation times(t1)of aqueous solutions of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] were measured on an ht-mrsi60-25 spectrometer(shanghai shinning globe science and education equipment co., ltd)at 1.5 of the tested samples were prepared in hepes-buffered aqueous solutions at ph of the metal ions(na+, k+, ca2+, mg2+, cu2+, zn2+, fe3+, fe2+)were used as chloride trations of gd3+ were determined by vities were determined from the slope of the plot of 1/t1 vs.[gd].the data were tted to the following eqn(1),20
(1/t1)obs ?(1/t1)d + r1[m](1)
where(1/t1)obs and(1/t1)d are the observed values in the presence and absence of the paramagnetic species, respectively, and [m] is the concentration of paramagnetic [gd].luminescence scence emission spectra were collected on a hitachi uorescence luminescence lifetime was measured on a lecroy wave runner 6100 digital oscilloscope(1 ghz)using a tunable laser(pulse width ? 4 ns, gate ? 50 ns)as the excitation(continuum sunlite opo).samples were excited at 290 nm, and the emission maximum(545 nm)was used to determine luminescence tb(iii)-based emission spectra were measured using 0.1 mm solutions of tb complex analog in 100 mm hepes buffer at ph 7.4 in h2o and d2o in the absence and presence of cu2+.the number of coordinated water molecules(q)was calculated according to eqn(2):62,63 q= ? 5(sh2o1 sd2o1 0.06)(2)t1-weighted mri phantom m images were collected on a 1.5 t ht-mrsi60-25 spectrometer(shanghai shinning globe science and education equipment co., ltd).instrument parameter settings were as follows: 1.5 t magnet;matrix =256 256;slice thickness =1 mm;te= 13 ms;tr= 100 ms;and number of acquisitions =s and discussion longitudinal relaxivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] in response to copper(ii)ion to investigate the inuence of cu2+ on the relaxivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna], the longitudinal relaxivity r1 for the [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] contrast agent was determined using t1 measurements in the absence or presence of cu2+ at 60 mhz and 25 c using a 0.2mmgd3+ solution of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] in 100 mm hepes buffer(ph 7.4)under simulated physiological condit concentrations of gd3+ were determined by relaxivity r1 was calculated from eqn(1).in the absence of cu2+, the relaxivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] was 6.40 mm1 s1, which was higher than that of [gd(dota)(h2o)](4.2 mm1 s1, 20 mhz, 25 c)and gd(do3a)(h2o)2(4.8 mm1 s1, 20 mhz, 40 c).64 upon addition of up to 1 cu2+, the relaxivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] increased to 11.28 mm1 s1(76% relaxivity enhancement).as shown in fig.1, the relaxivity gradually increased with the copper ion concentration, reaching a maximum value of approximately 1.2 equivalents of cu2+.due to the use of triuoroacetic acid in the synthesis of compound 4, triuoroacetic acid residues produced cf3coo in the [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] solution, allowing cf3coo to partially coordinate with cu2+ to form “chinese lantern” type structure complexes.65 when the amount of added copper ions was further increased to above 1.2 equiv., the relaxivity was maintained at the same observed difference in cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement demonstrated the ability of this contrast agent to sense cu2+ in vivo by means of designed contrast agent not only exhibited a higher relaxivity, but also displayed a cu2+-responsive relaxivity ivity studies the relaxivity response of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] exhibited excellent selectivity for cu2+ over a variety of other competing, biologically-relevant metal ions at physiological depicted in fig.2(white bars), the addition of alkali metal cations(10 mm na+, 2 mm k+)and alkaline earth metal cations(2 mm mg2+, 2 mm ca2+)did not generate an increase in relaxivity compared to the copper ion turn-on response;even the introduction of d-block metal cations(0.2 mm fe2+, 0.2 mm fe3+, 0.2 mm or 2 mm zn2+)did not trigger relaxivity noted that zn2+ is also known to replace gd3+ in transmetalation experiments;however, studies with analogous gd3+-do3a complexes demonstrated that this ligand is more kinetically inert to metal-ion exchange.66 to ensure the kinetic stability of the complex, we used ms to monitor [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] in the presence of 1 zn2+.no metal-ion exchange was observed at room temperature after 7 days(fig.s13?).relaxivity interference experiments for [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] in the presence of both cu2+(0.2 mm)and other biologically-relevant metal ions were also conducted;the results are shown as black bars in fig.2, indicating that these biologically-relevant metal ions(na+, k+, mg2+, ca2+, fe2+, fe3+, zn2+)had no interference on the cu2+-triggered relaxivity addition, we also tested the cu2+ response for [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] in the presence of physiologically-relevant concentrations of common biological anions to determine whether the cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement was affected by biological anions at physiological previously mentioned, cu2+ binding induced an enhancement in relaxivity from 6.40 mm1 s1 to 11.28 mm1 s1(a 76% increase).as shown in fig.3, in the presence of citrate(0.13 mm), lactate(0.9 mm), h2po4(0.9 mm), or hco3(10 mm), the cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement was approximately 61%(from 6.01 mm1 s1 to 9.66mm1 s1), 66%(from 6.13mm1 s1 to 10.16 mm1 s1), 20%(from 5.88 mm1 s1 to 7.02 mm1 s1), or 55%(from 6.15 mm1 s1 to 9.55 mm1 s1), onally, 100 mm nacl had almost no effect(an approximately 75% increase), and a simulated extracellular anion solution(eas, contain 30 mm nahco3, 100 mm nacl, 0.9 mm kh2po4, 2.3 mm sodium lactate, and 0.13 mm sodium citrate, ph =7),67 resulted in a cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement of approximately 26%(from 6.02 mm1 s1 to 7.56 mm1 s1).generally, the results revealed that lactate, citrate, and hco3 had slight impacts on the cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement, while h2po4 and eas influenced the enhancement to a greater shown in scheme 2, [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] possessed two water molecules after the addition of 1 cu2+.according to the work of dickins and coworkers, in lanthanide complexes with two water molecules, the waters can be partially displaced by phosphate, carbonate, acetate, carboxylate, lactate and citrate at different levels.68–70 the influence of these anions on the cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement may be attributed to the partial replacement of coordinated water molecules by these an relatively high concentration of phosphate could likely replace coordinated water molecules to reduce the increased number of water molecules surrounding the paramagnetic gd3+ centre induced by cu2+.as shown in table 1, we measured the number of water molecules in the rst coordination sphere of tb3+ in the presence of phosphate;the number of coordinated water molecules(q)decreased from 1.5 to nation features luminescence lifetime experiments were performed to explore the mechanism of the cu2+-triggered relaxivity scence lifetime measurements of lanthanide complexes have been widely used to quantify the number of inner-sphere water molecules.71 in particular, tb3+ and eu3+ have commonly been applied for lifetime measurements because their emission spectra are in the visible region when their 4f electrons are relaxed from higher energy levels to the lowest energy multiplets.72,73 therefore, the tb3+ analogue of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna], [tb2(do3a)2bmpna], was prepared according to a similar method, and the luminescence lifetimes of the tb3+ analogue in hepes-buffered h2o and d2o in the absence and presence of cu2+ were shown in fig.s9,? the luminescence decay curve of [tb2(do3a)2bmpna] was tted to obtain the luminescence lifetimes74(table 1), and the number of coordinated water molecules(q)was calculated by eqn(2).the analysis results(table 1)for [tb2(do3a)2bmpna] in hepes-bufferedh2oandd2o in the absence and presence of cu2+ indicated that q increased from 0.6 to 1.5 upon the addition of 1 cu2+;this result indicated that the cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement for [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] was most likely due to the increased number of coordinated water molecules around the gd3+ ion upon cu2+ binding to the pyrazole centre(scheme 2).aer the addition of cu2+, cu2+ removed the pyrazole centre n atom from the paramagnetic gd3+ ion to generate an open coordination site available for a water scence emission titrations of [tb2(do3a)2bmpna] towards cu2+ were also performed to investigate the binding properties of the contrast agent towards cu2+.upon addition of 1 2+, the luminescence of [tb2(do3a)2bmpna] at 545 nm decreased gradually and reached a minimum due to the quenching nature of the paramagnetic cu2+(fig.s10?).the titration data indicated a 1 : 1 binding stoichiometry(scheme 2)copper-responsive t1-weighted phantom mri in vitro to demonstrate the potential feasibility of this cu2+-responsive [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] for copper-imaging applications, t1-weighted phantom images of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] were acquired in the absence and presence of copper phantom images depicted in fig.4 displayed distinct increases in image intensity in the presence of 1 2+ compared with those without cu2+(fig.4d).moreover, some of the other competing metal ions were also tested to further verify the selectivity of [gd2(do3a)2bmpna] towards cu2+.discernible differences were not observed upon the addition of mg2+(fig.4c), zn2+(fig.4e), or ca2+(fig.4f).in addition, we also tested the clinical contrast agent magnevist(fig.4g);the image intensity was a bit darker than that of our contrast sions
in conclusion, we designed and synthesized a novel bismacrocyclic do3a-type cu2+-responsive mri contrast agent, [gd2(do3a)2bmpna].the new cu2+-responsive mri contrast agent comprised two gd-do3a cores connected by a 2,6-bis(3-methyl-1h-pyrazol-1-yl)isonicotinic acid scaffold(bmpna)that functioned as a cu2+ receptor switch to induce a distinct relaxivity enhancement in response to cu2+;the relaxivity was increased up to 76%.importantly, the complex exhibited high selectivity for cu2+ over a range of other biologically-relevant metal ions at physiological scence lifetime experiment results showed that the number of inner-sphere water molecules(q)increased from 0.6 to 1.5 upon the addition of 1 2+.when cu2+ was coordinated in the central part of the complex, the donor n atom of the pyrazole centre was removed from the paramagnetic gd3+ ion and replaced by a water molecule(scheme 2).consequently, the cu2+-triggered relaxivity enhancement could be ascribed to the increase in the number of inner-sphere water designed contrast agent had a longitudinal relaxivity of 6.40 mm1 s1, which was higher than that of [gd(dota)(h2o)](4.2 mm1 s1, 20 mhz, 25 c)and gd(do3a)(h2o)2(4.8 mm1 s1, 20 mhz, 40 c).in addition, the visual change associated with the signicantly enhanced relaxivity from the addition of cu2+ was observed in t1-weighted phantom ledgements we are grateful to the state key laboratory of electroanalytical chemistry for nancial and references 1 and , ., 2002, 6, 171.2 , and , , ., 2009, 146, 1793.3 ff and a, iol., 1998, 28, 403.4 ski, a-klos, , li, in and in, coord.., 2009, 253, 2665.5 m, s and , discovery, 2004, 3, 205.6 er, kas and , ., 1999, 6, 221.7 ine and , .u.s.a., 2003, 100, 3617.8 , and and, ci., 2004, 27, 723.9 user, ., 2004, 37, 79.10 and ski, dalton trans., 2004, 1907.11 k, ., 1994, 27, 302.12 , ta, ti and roni, coord.., 2000, 205, 59.13 , , , and , ., 2008, 37, 1465.14 di, shan and t, nanoscale, 2011, 3, 3007.15 , magnetic resonance imaging, blackwell science, berlin, 4th edn, 2001, p.149.16 h and ′e.t′oth, the chemistry of contrast agents in medical magnetic resonance imaging, john wiley & sons, ltd., new york, 2001.17 , o, li and , ., 2010, 110, 3019.18 , and o, ., 1998, 27, 19.19 , er and , ., 2006, 35, 500.20 r, ., 1987, 87, 901.21 wski, and , ., 2005, 57, 42.22 n, ., 1955, 99, 559.23 ergen, ., 1957, 27, 572.24 ergen and , ., 1961, 34, 842.25 and , ., 2010, 39, 51.26 and ′e.t′oth, future ., 2010, 2, 367.27 , ta, ti and roni, coord.., 2000, 205, 59.28 , , , zana, ano and , ., 1999, 1577.29 , , , , er, and sousa, new ., 1998, 22, 627.30 and , ., 2000, 707.31 , , , and sousa, ., 1997, 119, 4767.32 , , and o, ., 2006, 128, 11326.33 , , , , , lano, io and rin, ., 2001, 123, 7601.34 d, d, and ess, .soc., perkin trans.2, 2001, 929.35 ′e.t′oth, r, , ′alez, , h, aman and , ., 2004, 127, 799.36 , and , ., 1999, 121, 1413.37 a, , ein, vski and etis, ., 2008, 3444.38 , to, io, u and , analyst, 2007, 132, 1153.39 le′on-rodr′?guez, , j.a.l′opez, -de-riquer, do-monz′on and , medchemcomm, 2012, 3, 480.40 ski, , and , ., ., 2005, 44, 6920.41 , , and , dalton trans., 2012, 41, 9405.42 a, i, and , .soc., perkin trans.2, 2001, 1840.43 , and h, ., 2004, 842.44 ello, and , ., 2007, 4044.45 s, o, g and , dalton trans., 2010, 3407.46 and , ., 2011, 47, 4998.47 , and , ., ., 1997, 36, 726.48 , , , cher, , , and , hnol., 2000, 18, 321.49 and , ., 2006, 128, 14032.50 , , , , ov, and wski, ., 2006, 128, 13274.51 and , ., 2006, 128, 15942.52 , io, , , and , ., 2009, 131, 8527.53 , io, , and , dalton trans., 2010, 39, 469.54 , and , dalton trans., 2011, 484.55 , and , ., 2012, 3, 1829.56 s, o, g and , dalton trans., 2010, 3407.57 , , , , , and , dalton trans., 2011, 5018.58 , , , , and , biomaterials, 2011, 32, 1167.59 , , and ′?guez-ubis, ., 2002, 1, 613.60 , , , , and , ctron., 2010, 26, 1043.61 mi, , and i, ., 2008, 130, 14376.62 ks and k, ., 1981, 14, 384.63 , ini, ni, i, li, a and lletti, ., 2005, 44, 529.64 n, n, y and , ., 1999, 99, 2293.65 ov, , , , on and s, ., 2000, 39, 1735.66 e, , , and , g, 1991, 9, 409.67 , coord.., 2000, 205, 109.68 s, ugsson, and k, ., 1998, 1643.69 , s, ock, ugsson, ki, , , k, , and , ., 2000, 122, 9674.70 s, , ov, , , , , , , k and ann, ., 2002, 124, 12697–12705.71 ks and k, ., 1981, 14, 384.72 and y, ., 1982, 54, 610.73 ans, ., 2009, 109, 4283.74 , ini, ni, i, li, a and lletti, ., 2005, 44, journal is ? the royal society of chemistry 2014 rsc adv., 2014, 4, 34421–34427 | 34427
論譯學觀念 現(xiàn)代化
on the modernization of the concept of translation studies 摘要:本文認為,人類翻譯經(jīng)歷了三個階段,即口語翻譯階段、文字翻譯階段和文化翻譯階段,目前我們已經(jīng)處于文化翻譯階段。鑒于翻譯所處的文化語境已經(jīng)變化,所以我們有必要進行譯學觀念的現(xiàn)代化,調(diào)整、豐富和充實我們對翻譯和翻譯研究的認識,推進翻譯學學科的建設(shè)。
關(guān)鍵詞:翻譯研究 譯學理論 觀念現(xiàn)代化
abstract: the present paper aims to propose there are three periods in the translation history of the world, i.e., the period of oral communication(close to interpreting), the period of written translation and the period of cultural we are in the third period when the cultural context of the translation and the translation studies have taken great ’s time to modernize and adjust our concepts about the translation and the translation studies and bring new dimensions to them in order to put forward the construction of the translation studies as a relatively independent words: translation studies, translation theories, modernization of the concept
反對者中有人說:“譯家不可能因為掌握了現(xiàn)有的任何一套翻譯理論或遵循了以上任何一套翻譯原則,其翻譯水準就會有某種質(zhì)的飛躍。??如今我國譯林之中的后起之秀,可謂人才濟濟,無論他們用什么翻譯理論武裝自己,無論他們對翻譯的過程、層次有多透徹的認識,無論他們對翻譯美學原理如何精通,無論他們能把讀者分成多少個層次從而使其翻譯更加有的放矢,也無論他們能用理論界最近發(fā)明的三種機制、四種轉(zhuǎn)換模式把翻譯中的原文信息傳遞得如何有效,他們的譯作會比傅雷的高明多少呢?霍克思(david hawks)與閔福德(john minford),雖然是西方人士(后者還曾是筆者所在學系的翻譯講座教授),從來就不信什么等值、等效論,他們憑著深厚的語言功底和堅強的毅力,也‘批閱十載’,完成了《紅樓夢》的翻譯。在眾多的英文版《紅樓夢》中,他們的譯作出類拔萃,在英美文學翻譯界堪稱一絕。霍克思在他寫的翻譯后記一書中也沒有提到任何時髦的翻譯理論,但東西方翻譯界和翻譯理論界仍然為其譯作而折服。由此可見,翻譯理論與譯作的質(zhì)量并沒有必然的關(guān)系。”還有一位自稱“在20世紀出版了50多部中英法互譯作品的譯者”也聲稱:“從實踐上講,西方的‘純理論’對我完全無用?!眎i
i 這些話聽上去振振有詞,甚至咄咄逼人,其實明顯失之偏頗,而且不經(jīng)一駁。因為這些話的前提是:翻譯的純理論應(yīng)該對譯作的質(zhì)量負責,翻譯的純理論應(yīng)該對翻譯實踐“有用”。如此提出問題,已經(jīng)到了幼稚可笑的地步。這就像一個泥瓦匠和一個小木匠跑去對一位建筑學教授說,“你寫的《建筑學》對我們造房子毫無用處?!备猩跽撸麄儌z還硬牽著那位建筑學教授到工地上去,泥瓦匠對教授說:“你寫了那么多的建筑學論文,你現(xiàn)在倒砌一垛墻給我們看看,有沒有我砌的墻結(jié)實?!毙∧窘硨淌谡f:“你研究了那么多年的建筑學理論,我讓你刨一塊木板,看你能不能像我一樣刨得既平整又光滑。”看,這個泥瓦匠和那個小木匠對建筑學理論的否定,與上述兩位作者對翻譯理論(純理論)的質(zhì)疑和否定,真可謂異曲同工,何其相似乃爾。
其次,也即第二個突破,指的是當代西方的翻譯研究不再局限于對翻譯文本本身的研究,而是還把目光投射到了譯作的發(fā)起者(即組織或提議翻譯某部作品的個人或群體)、翻譯文本的操作者(譯者)和接受者(此處的接受者不光指的是譯文的讀者,還有整個譯語文化的接受環(huán)境)身上。它借鑒了接受美學、讀者反應(yīng)等理論,跳出了對譯文與原文之間一般字面上的忠實與否之類問題的考察,而注意到了譯作在新的文化語境里的傳播與接受,注意到了翻譯作為一種跨文化傳遞行為的最終目的和效果,還注意到了譯者在這整個翻譯過程中所起的作用,等等。自上世紀七十年代起,以詹姆斯·霍爾姆斯(james s holmes)、埃文-佐哈(itamar even-zohar)、吉迪恩·圖里(gideon toury)、利菲弗爾(andré lefevere)、蘇珊·巴斯奈特(susan bassnett)、朗貝爾(josé lambert)、以及梵·登·勃魯克( den broeck)等為代表一些學者,他們的研究就屬于這種性質(zhì)。他們竭力打破文學翻譯研究中業(yè)已存在的禁錮,探索建立文學翻譯研究的新模式。他們都把翻譯研究的重點放在翻譯的結(jié)果、功能和體系上,他們都對制約和決定翻譯成果和翻譯接受的因素、對翻譯與各種譯本類型之間的關(guān)系、翻譯在特定民族或國別文學內(nèi)的地位和作用、以及翻譯對民族文學間的相互影響所起的作用感到興趣。這無疑是翻譯研究的一大深化和進展,也是當代西方翻譯研究中的第二個大的突破。
最后,當代西方翻譯研究中一個最大的、也即第三個大的突破,還表現(xiàn)在把翻譯放到一個宏大的跨文化和跨學科的語境中去審視。研究者開始關(guān)注翻譯研究中語言學科以外的其他學科的因素。他們一方面認識到翻譯研究作為一門獨立學科的性質(zhì),另一方面又看到了翻譯研究這門學科的多學科性質(zhì),注意到它不僅與語言學、而且還與文藝學、比較文學、哲學甚至社會學、政治學、心理學等學科都有密不可分的關(guān)系。但是翻譯研究最終關(guān)注的當然還是文本在跨文化交際和傳遞中所涉及的一系列文化問題,諸如翻譯在譯入語文化語境里的地位、作用,以及文化誤讀、信息增添、信息失落等。正如韋努蒂(lawrence venuti)提到的,“符號學、語境分析、和后結(jié)構(gòu)主義文本理論等表現(xiàn)出了重要的概念差異和方法論差異,但是它們在關(guān)于‘翻譯是一種獨立的寫作形式,它迥異于外語文本和譯語文本’這一點上還是一致的。”
在這種情況下,翻譯不再被看作是一個簡單的兩種語言之間的轉(zhuǎn)換行為,而是譯入語社會中的一種獨特的政治行為、文化行為、文學行為,而譯本則是譯者在譯入語社會中的諸多因素作用下的結(jié)果,在譯入語社會的政治生活、文化生活、乃至日常生活中扮演著有時是舉足輕重的角色。鑒于此,德國功能學派的另一學者賈斯塔·霍爾茲-曼塔利(justa holz-manttari)甚至不把翻譯簡單地稱作為“翻譯”(translation),而是用一個杜撰的、含義更為廣泛的新詞“迻譯行為”(translatorial action)代替它,以表示各種各樣的跨文化交際行為。這個詞還不光局限于翻譯、改編、編譯,它甚至把與外來文化有關(guān)的編輯、查閱等行為也包括在內(nèi)。在這種“行為”里,譯者變得像是一個根據(jù)委托人要求設(shè)計“產(chǎn)品規(guī)范”(product specification)的專家,并生產(chǎn)符合接受者文化圈特定需要的“信息傳遞物”(message transmitter),而譯作也不再尋求與原文的等值,而只是一份能滿足委托人需要的目的語文本。
第三階段,也許我們可以稱之為文化翻譯階段,因為這一階段的翻譯已成為民族間全方位的文化交流,成為極重要的一項人類文化交際行為,翻譯的視野大大拓寬。第三階段的開始大致可以追溯至上世紀五十年代末、六十年代初,當時雅各布遜提出了翻譯的三種類型、也即語內(nèi)翻譯、語際翻譯和符際翻譯時,這種翻譯的定義顯然已經(jīng)背離了傳統(tǒng)的譯學觀念,它越出了單純語言的界限,使得翻譯的定義不再僅僅是“語言文字的轉(zhuǎn)換”,而是進入了寬泛意義上的信息轉(zhuǎn)換和傳遞。至于之后的德國功能學派翻譯學學者漢斯·威爾梅(hans vermeer)的翻譯行為理論(action theory of translation)竭力強調(diào)譯者的目標(skopos)在翻譯過程中的決定性作用,英國的斯坦納提出“理解也是翻譯”、當代美國女性主義批評家斯皮瓦克提出“閱讀即翻譯”等概念,更是大大拓展了翻譯的含義,使得翻譯成了幾乎滲透人類所有活動的一個行為,從人際交往到人類自身的思想、意識、政治、社會活動,等等;當代西方文化理論,則進一步把翻譯與政治、意識形態(tài)等聯(lián)系起來,翻譯的內(nèi)涵更是空前擴大。如后殖民主義翻譯理論家尼南賈納聲稱:“我對翻譯的研究,完全不是要去解決什么譯者的困境,不是要在理論上再給翻譯另立一說,以便能夠找到一個‘縮小’不同文化間之‘隔閡’的更加保險可靠的‘辦法’。相反,它是要對這道隔閡、這種差異作徹底的思索,要探討如何把對翻譯的執(zhí)迷(obsession)和欲望加以定位,以此來描述翻譯符號流通其間的組織體系。關(guān)于翻譯的論述是多種多樣的,但它們卻都沒有或缺乏或壓制了對歷史性和不對稱的意識。就這一狀況進行考察,便是我的關(guān)懷所在?!?/p>
其實,對于翻譯理論有用無用的困惑,不光在我國翻譯界存在,在國外也同樣存在。2002年出版的一本《理論對翻譯家有用嗎?――象牙之塔與語詞表面之間的對話》討論的也是這個問題。該書的兩位作者andrew chesterman和 emma wagner指出,那種指令性的研究(prescriptive study),也就是要去規(guī)定翻譯家該怎么做、不該怎么做的研究,已經(jīng)過時了(old-fashioned),現(xiàn)在的研究者(顯然是指的純理論研究者),要做的是描述性的研究(descriptive study),他們的研究是“描述、解釋、理解翻譯家所做的事,而不是去規(guī)定翻譯家該怎么做?!?/p>
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許淵沖《關(guān)于翻譯學的論戰(zhàn)》,《外語與外語教學》2001年第11期。iii lawrence venuti translation studies reader, routledge, 2000, 同上,參見p.216-7。v sherry simon, gender in translation, routledge, 1996,p.7 vi 尼南賈納《為翻譯定位》,載《語言與翻譯的政治》,中央編譯出版社,2001年,第122-123頁。vii 參見《語言與翻譯的政治》,中央編譯出版社,2001年,第1頁。viii 參見《中國翻譯》2002年第6期第35頁。ix 參見李小鈞《促進譯學觀念轉(zhuǎn)變 推動譯學建設(shè)――2002年上外中國譯學觀念現(xiàn)代化高層學術(shù)論壇綜述》,載《中國比較文學》2003年第1期。x 同上。xi andrew chesterman and emma wagner,can theory help translators?—a dialogue between the ivory tower and the wordface, publishing, manchester, uk & northanmpton, ma, 2002,