
格式:DOC 上傳日期:2023-05-24 08:59:17
時間:2023-05-24 08:59:17     小編:cyyllee




investigation shows that many emigrants think that working at city provide them with not only a higher salary but also the opportunity of learning new skills 一項調(diào)查顯示許多民工認為在城市打工不僅有較高的收入,而且能學(xué)到一些新技術(shù)

it must be noted that improvement in agriculture seems to not be able to catch up with the increase in population of rural areas and there are millions of peasants who still live a miserable life and have to face the dangers of exposure and starvation.必須指出,農(nóng)業(yè)的發(fā)展似乎趕不上農(nóng)村人口的增加,并且仍有成千上萬的農(nóng)民過著缺衣挨餓的貧寒生活

gh rural emigrants contribute greatly to the economic growth of the cities, they may inevitably bring about many negative impacts.盡管民工對城市的經(jīng)濟發(fā)展做出了巨大貢獻,然而他們也不可避免的帶來了一些負面影響

sociologists point out that rural emigrants are putting pressure on population control and social order;that they are threatening to take already scarce city jobs;and that they have worsened traffic and public health problems.許多社會學(xué)家指出民工正給人口控制和社會治安帶來壓力。他們正在威脅著本已蕭條的工作市場,他們惡化了交通和公共衛(wèi)生狀況。

is suggested that governments ought to make efforts to reduce the increasing gap between cities and ought to set aside an appropriate fund for improvement of the standard of peasants? ought to invite some experts in agriculture to share their experiences, information and knowledge with peasants, which will contribute directly to the economic growth of rural areas.建議政府應(yīng)該努力減少正在拉大的城鄉(xiāng)差距。應(yīng)該劃撥適當(dāng)?shù)馁Y金提高農(nóng)民的生活水平;應(yīng)該邀請農(nóng)業(yè)專家向農(nóng)民介紹他們的經(jīng)驗,知識和信息,這些將有助于發(fā)展農(nóng)村經(jīng)濟。

conclusion, we must take into account this problem rationally and place more emphases on peasants? government that is blind to this point will pay a heavy price.總之,我們應(yīng)理智考慮這一問題,重視農(nóng)民的生活。任何政府忽視這一點都將付出巨大的代價。

gh many experts from universities and institutes consistently maintain that it is an inevitable part of an independent life, parents in growing numbers are starting to realize that people, including teachers and experts in education, should pay considerable attention to this problem.盡管來自高校和研究院的許多專家堅持認為這是獨立生活不可避免的一部分,然而越來越多的家長開始意識到包括教師和教育專家在內(nèi)的人該認真對待這一問題。

as for me, it is essential to know, at first, what kind of problems young students possible would encounter on campus.我認為,首先應(yīng)看看學(xué)生們在校園可能遇到哪些問題(超循環(huán)背誦大表)

addition to the obvious problem--loneliness, another major obstacle, in my opinion, is the alien environment of campus.除了孤獨這一明顯的問題之外,我認為另一個困難是對校園環(huán)境的不熟悉 freshmen often get lost on campus;fail to find the way to dormitory or library.新生常常在校園迷路,不知道去宿舍或圖書館該怎么走

important of all, apart from their hometown and parents, students couldn?t catch sight of any familiar face and have to suffer from homelessness, which can cause certain serious mental disease.更重要的是,離開了家鄉(xiāng)和父母,看不到任何熟悉的面孔,他們不得不忍受思家之苦,這可能會導(dǎo)致嚴重的精神疾病。

the first place, school authorities should provide far more services to help freshmen to get used to the new life as soon as possible.首先,學(xué)校應(yīng)提供更多的服務(wù),幫助新生盡快適應(yīng)新的生活

senior and junior students could share their own experience about how to overcome the difficulty they have ever met, how to adjust to the new environment with the new students.高年級學(xué)生可以與新生一起分享他們的經(jīng)歷:如何克服遇到的困難,如何適應(yīng)新的環(huán)境

the same time, young people should be encouraged to communicate with their peers and develop their interpersonal skills, which may help them greatly to reduce dependence on their parents and are essential in the maintenance of healthy mental condition.同時,應(yīng)該鼓勵年輕人和他們的同齡人交往,發(fā)展他們的交際能力,這將幫助他們極大地減少對父母的倚賴并保持健康的精神狀態(tài)

11、in conclusion, we must lay emphasis on this problem and make our maximum contribution to help them spend their first day on campus smoothly.總之,我們應(yīng)重視這個問題,盡最大努力幫助他們平穩(wěn)度過他們最初的校園生活

12、there is a general discussion over fashion in recent of the questions under debate is whether a person should choose comfortable clothes, which he or she likes, regardless of fashion.近些年,關(guān)于時尚存在著廣泛的爭論。其中一個問題就是一個人是否應(yīng)選擇他喜歡的舒適的衣服,而不管是否時尚

issue is becoming a matter of concern for more and more people, especially for parents and experts in education.這一問題已被越來越多的人關(guān)注,尤其是父母和教育專

young people always go into raptures at the merely mention of buying fashion they seem to be attracted by colorful material, various styles of fashion is nothing, they maintain, that can?t be compared with fashion fact, fashion clothes had become indispensable part of youngster?s life.許多年輕人一提到時尚服裝就興高采烈。他們似乎被時尚服裝那多彩的面料,各種不同的款式所吸引。(超循環(huán)背誦大表)


directions: for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic online should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline(given in chinese)below:





本題屬于提綱式文字命題。提綱第1點指 出對于某問題的一種反面看法,提綱第2點指出對于該問題的正面看法,提綱第3點要 求談?wù)劇拔摇睂υ搯栴}的看法,由此可判斷本文 應(yīng)為對比選擇型作文。

根據(jù)所給提綱,本文應(yīng)包含如下內(nèi)容:指出大學(xué)生沉迷于網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲的問題,闡述家長和老師對該問題的否 定態(tài)度和他們的擔(dān)憂;指出一些人對待網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲的肯定態(tài)度,并闡述網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲的好處;表明“我”對網(wǎng)絡(luò)游戲的看法。

online games

as a product of modern computer and the internet, online games have become very popular among college students have enjoyed great pleasure and satisfaction from these as we see, some students lacking self-discipline are too much indulged in these games so that their health and academic performances are phenomenon has caused much worry from the teachers and r, some others argue that online games are not always can train the ability of youngsters to respond to things er, they can stimulate their imagination and their interest in computer importantly, it does bring college students much pleasure and release their pressure my point of view, online games are a wonderful entertainment if you play them in a clever they interfere too much with your study, it is better for you to give them up at if you have enough self-control over them, you can certainly obtain real pleasure and benefit a lot from them.


書信是人們交流思想感情、互通信息的一種應(yīng)用文體。它通過郵寄或傳送等方式遞送到對方 手中。盡管當(dāng)今電訊越來越發(fā)展,但書信仍然是人們?nèi)粘I睢⒐ぷ髦胁豢扇鄙俚慕浑H工具。


 一般書信常指私人間往來的書信,也有個人對組織、組織對個人的??捎糜诒硎緫c賀、問候、規(guī)勸、吊慰、請托、推薦、邀請、洽談工作等用途。一般書信,要求寫得禮貌周全,語言 簡明,字跡工整,清楚明白。寫后要仔細檢查,看意思是否清楚,用詞是否恰當(dāng),有否有漏 字和錯別字,準確無誤之后方可發(fā)寄。


①稱呼:書信的稱呼要根據(jù)寫信人與收信人的關(guān)系來確定。對特定的對方,稱呼前可加上“ 敬愛的”、“尊敬的”、“親愛的”等敬語,以示禮貌和尊重對方。稱號要寫在信的第一行,頂格寫,稱呼后面加上冒號。


③正文:正文是書信的主要部分,中心內(nèi)容都寫在這里。正文中的話要說清楚,做到表情達 意,簡明扼要。正文寫在問候語的下一行,開頭空兩格;

④結(jié)尾:結(jié)尾語是正文寫完之后,加上致敬或或祝愿的話來收束全文。結(jié)尾語要根據(jù)對象的不 同而有不同:一般寫“此致敬禮”;給長輩可寫“敬祝健康”;平輩可寫“祝工作順利”、“祝身體健康”;給晚輩可寫“愿你進步”;如果是節(jié)日可寫祝賀節(jié)日快樂等等。結(jié)尾語的 “?!?、“敬?!?、“此致”等可緊接正文寫,也可獨占一行,空兩格寫,“健康”、“快 樂”、“敬禮”等要另起一行,頂格寫。

⑤署名:署名是寫完結(jié)尾之后,簽上寫信人的名字,一般寫在右下側(cè);如果是直行,就寫在 左下側(cè)。署名也要看寫信人與收信人的關(guān)系,它的稱呼是對應(yīng)的。

⑥日期:信的最后要寫明日期,寫明日期可使對方了解你寫信的時間。日期寫在署名的后邊 或下邊。

信寫完后,如有補充,可補寫在最后。一般先寫“附”,加上冒號;寫完后再寫“又及”兩 個字來說明。






? ⅰ.對比選擇型—作文模板(1)? 第一段:簡介。(簡單介紹某一現(xiàn)象或事物。)? 第二段:主要對比觀點或事物。(分析某一觀點或事物的正反兩面,或比較兩種不同的觀點或事物。)? 第三段:結(jié)論。(得出結(jié)論,或提出自己的看法。)

? 【模板一】

? 1 nowadays, wherever you go, you will hear people talk about

.2 whether you like it or not, it had become a part of our life.? 3 some people who are in favor of

maintain that

.4 in their view,.5 while those who are against

argue that

.6 apart from above mentioned,.everything has two sides and

is not an exception, it has both advantages and disadvantages.?

as far as i am concerned, i stand on the side of

.8 first of all, 9 furthermore,.10 thirdly,.11 therefore,.? ⅰ.對比選擇型—作文模板(2)

? 第一段:主要觀點或事物甲。(簡單提及某一現(xiàn)象或事物,并分析該現(xiàn)象或事物的好處。)? 第二段:主要觀點或事物乙。(分析該現(xiàn)象或事物的利弊。)? 第三段:結(jié)論。(得出結(jié)論,或提出自己的看法。)? 1 views/opinion on(attitudes towards)

vary from person to person.2 some people think that

.3 they hold this opinion because(they think)


others, however, take a negative / positive attitude to

.(others, nevertheless, are more pessimistic / optimistic about it).when it comes to

, people’s ideas/views/notions/opinions vary from person to person/from one to another.? 5 from their point of view,.6 besides,.?

weighing up the arguments on both sides, i’m inclined to believe that

.if asked my attitude, i am more in favor of

.8 i stand in / hold this attitude /opinion / view because

.9 it’s true that

, but it doesn’t mean that

.10 therefore / in a word/ in short,.11 instead, we should

.? ⅱ.現(xiàn)象解釋型—作文模板

? 第一段:概述。(簡要描述某一現(xiàn)象或某一觀點。)? 第二段:具體闡述。(具體闡釋現(xiàn)象或觀點的正確性或危害性等。)? 第三段:個人見解。(表明自己的態(tài)度或看法。)? 3 first and foremost,(結(jié)果1).4 that is to say,(細節(jié),說明結(jié)果1).5 second,(結(jié)果2).(細節(jié),說明結(jié)果2).6 last and not lest,(結(jié)果3).(細節(jié),說明結(jié)果3).? 1 in recent years,(描寫現(xiàn)狀或趨勢).what caused these changes? 2 there are many reasons for it, but generally, they come down in three major ones.? 7 since

is such a serious problem, we should take effective measures to

.8 first, we should

(措施1).9 besides,(措施2).10 and finally,(措施3).? ⅱ.現(xiàn)象解釋型—作文模板

? 第一段:概述。(簡單描述某一現(xiàn)象或觀點。)? 第二段:具體闡述。(具體闡述引起這種現(xiàn)象的或持有這種觀點考慮的主要因素。)? 第三段:個人評價。(對現(xiàn)象或者觀點進行評價。)? 1 at present/ in recent years/ nowadays,(描寫現(xiàn)狀或趨勢).2 what caused these changes? it may someday become the main trend when


many factors contribute to

.three major elements/factors







(doing sth).4 first of all,(主要因素1).that is to say,.5 moreover,(主要因素2).6 last,(主要因素3).7 from their perspective,.?everything has both positive and negative aspects, and

(這種現(xiàn)象或觀點)is of no exception.9

(這種現(xiàn)象或觀點的正確性).10 however,(這種觀點或現(xiàn)象的危害性).? ⅲ.原因闡釋型—句子模板

? 1.一果多因:

? ⑴ why

? for one thing,.for another,.? ⑵ the answer to this problem involves many one thing,.for another,.still another,.? 2.一因多果

? ⑴ it will produce a profound/far-reaching effect/impact on.? ⑵ it involves some serious consequence for.? ⑶ there are a number of dreadful consequence s the most serious/disastrous consequence is.? ⑷ it may cause/result in/lead to a host/number of problems.? ⑸ it leaves/involves some serious consequence of

? ⑹ the immediate result it produce perhaps the most obvious result of is.? ⅲ.原因闡釋型—作文模板

? 第一段:現(xiàn)象。(對某一社會現(xiàn)象進行描述。)? 第二段:原因闡釋。(闡釋產(chǎn)生這一社會現(xiàn)象的原因。)? 第三段:評述或提出解決方法。(發(fā)表個人看法,或提出解決思路。)? 1 nowadays, we often hear that

(提出現(xiàn)象).2 this phenomenon is not accidental, and there is social and inspanidual background.?

a number of factors, both physical and psychological affect/both inspanidual and social contribute to

.4 for one thing,(原因1).5 for another,(原因2).6 for instance,(舉例說明).7 from that, 8 we


as far as i am concerned, i agree that

.10 i think that


.? 第三段或為:9 we should take measures to

.10 first,(措施1).second,(措施2).11 finally,(措施3).? ⅳ.問題解決型—作文模板

? 第一段:引言。(描述現(xiàn)狀、形勢、提出問題。)? 第二段:解決方案。(提出解決問題的方法。)? 第三段:評價或個人選擇。(簡要評價提及的方法,或選擇其中

一、兩種自己認為合適的方法并說明理由。)? 1 today, with

, a serious social problem has arisen —

.(目前的現(xiàn)象及存在的問題).2 many ways can contribute to

(要解決的問題), but the following ones may be effective.?

how can we solve this problem? i think there are three of all,(方法1).4 at first thought, the problem seems far too involved(復(fù)雜的), but it can certainly be solved when seriously dealt s,(方法2).5 finally,(方法3).?

in conclusion/ to sum up, the ways i have mentioned above should(希望).never





other.? ⅴ.應(yīng)用型(信函)—作文模板

? 同學(xué)間的日常信件作文模板: ? 1 dear


2excuse me for not writing to you for so long a time.?

words cannot express my joy of receiving your letter of may 8th.?

i am glad to know that

.3 as for ____ , i suppose that

can be a good choice for you.(首先用一句話來回應(yīng)收到的信,然后進入此次寫信的主題。)4


.6 what’s more,.7 to

, you are supposed to


are also of great importance,.(對來信的第二問題進行答復(fù))?now let’s talk about

.10 first of all, you should

.11 in addition,.(轉(zhuǎn)至第三個問題)12 if any further questions come to you, do not hesitate to write to me.?

looking forward to hearing from you soon.?

all the luck in the world to you.?

please give my best regards to your family/parents.? yours,? ⅴ.應(yīng)用型(通知)—作文模板

? 活動通知作文模板: ? volunteer needed ?with the approaching of


(組織者)is to organize

and is now recruiting volunteers.?

this program is planned to

.3 it aims to

.4 by participating in the activity, volunteers can

.5 volunteers are expected to

.6 the program will be carried out


are needed.8 fellow students who meet the requirements and want to take part in the activity, please call us at

or email us at

.?come and join us!? ⅴ.應(yīng)用型(演講稿)—作文模板

? 競賽演講稿作文模板: ? a campaign speech

? 1 ,(選擇一個合適的稱呼。)?

thank you for

.3 , 4 i am delighted to announce that


, i have always been considered as

.6 meanwhile,.7

.8 in addition,if i get elected.(層次清楚地陳述自己的優(yōu)勢,突出重點)?

.10 if elected, i am confident that

.11 i will

.(工作規(guī)劃的簡要陳述,點到為止)?thank you very much for your attention.(結(jié)束語套話)

? ⅴ.應(yīng)用型(導(dǎo)游詞)—作文模板

? 導(dǎo)游解說詞作文模板: ? 1

, ?

welcome to

.3 first of all, i’d like to introduce myself: i am , it’s my honor to be here with all of you, and i wish you a wonderful trip today.(表示歡迎,自我介紹,開場白套話。)?here is the schedule of the day.5

is the first place we are going to visit this morning.6 then

will be our destination in the afternoon.(簡要介紹行程安排,無需贅述。)7 now we are on the way


that’s the introduction to

.9 if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask me.(結(jié)束語套話)

? ⅵ.綜合敘事型—句子模板

? 1.表示時間順序的連接詞:

? ⑴ early in the morning/in the early morning ? ⑵ in the middle of the day/at noon ? ⑶ late in the afternoon/in the late afternoon ? ⑷ far/deep into the night ? ⑸ in the past;at present,;in the future ? ⑹ first;second;next;then;finally ? ⑺ at first/in the beginning;at last/in the end ? ⑻ shortly




a sudden/suddenly/soon ? ⑼ the moment …/as soon as…/the first time …;not … until…, next time …, before …, after …, etc.? ⅵ.綜合敘事型—作文模板

? 第一段:引出主題。(交待清楚事情發(fā)生的背景,如時間、地點及人物等。)? 第二段:主體。(描述事情發(fā)生的起因、經(jīng)過和結(jié)果。)? 第三段:事件分析。(分析事件發(fā)生的原因或者寫出個人的感受。)? 1 it is


(事件)took place.2


i saw


(描寫情景,注意描寫的順序).5 to begin with,.6 and then,.7 eventually,.8 as a consequence,(結(jié)束語).?

in my opinion, three factors contribute to

.10 first,(原因1).11 second,(原因2).11 last ,(原因3).12 all these led to

(結(jié)束語).? 第三段或為以下模式:

?i do believe

(個人感受).? ⅶ.圖表型—句子模板

? 1.圖表內(nèi)容總括性描述:

? ⑴ as can be seen from the table, great changes have been taking place in

.? ⑵ from the above table it can be seen that

.? ⑶ as it is shown in the table,.? ⑷ according to the graph,.? ⑸ it is clear from the table that

.? ⑹ the survey/study shows/suggests that

.? ⑺ according to the figures given in the table

.? ⑻ as you may see from the diagram,.? ⑼ the two charts above tell us something about

.?(4)總結(jié)歸納 / 說明影響 / 表明作者態(tài)度 / 以作者個人為例: ? h the analysis, we can draw a conclusion that

.? short/ in brief,.? solve the problem of

, we

.? all the facts given above, we can see

.? ering all these /taking all these into consideration/account, i believe

.? to/for me, i believe

.? me as an example/in my own case, i

.? ⅶ.圖表型—句子模板


been growing faster and faster since

? se/decrease by …

than ? crease from … to

to ? se steadily from …

ed with ? was a marked increase in …

number of … remains the same as …

account for占比重 ? has been a rapid increase in …

ue to grow ? increase of ? e in …

? times as much as … ? to ? from … to … ? stable ? (+數(shù)字)

? ⅶ.圖表型—作文模板

? 第一段:描述圖表反映的總情況。(總體說明圖表所反映的趨勢、問題、現(xiàn)象,并選用典型數(shù)據(jù)進行說明。)? 第二段:分析原因。(分析該問題或該現(xiàn)象的原因或后果。)? 第三段:結(jié)論。(提出解決問題的辦法、建議或進行展望。)? 1 according to/as shown in the table/chart/graph, the period

? from


,increased significant, while____

? decreased/ dropped sharply.?there are a huge number of reasons behind this ? phenomenon./the reasons of the changes lie in several ? aspects./there are many reasons for it, but generally, they come down in three major ones.? 3 first of all,(原因1).4 secondly,(原因2).5 ? thirdly,(原因3).? 6 all in all, we can see that in the past

years/months/weeks,has/have been rising/dropping year by year.7 we can also expect that

(展望發(fā)展趨勢).?from the above discussions, we have enough reason to predict what will happen in the near future.7 the trend described in the table/chart/graph will continue for quite a long time(if necessary measures are not taken).二.經(jīng)典從句總結(jié) ? 1)主語從句


is common knowledge that honesty is the best policy.?

is well-known that…


is self-evident/ conceivable / obvious / apparent that… ?

goes without saying that… it is universally acknowledged that…

? 2)賓(表)語從句

? cannot understand why he was so cruel to his roommates.? problem is not who will go, but who will stay.? 3)定語從句(限定性和非限定性)


is shown/ demonstrated/ illustrated/ depicted/ described…in the cartoon/ picture/ graph/ table…, ?

re are many reasons why i want to study in your university.?

is estimated that tens of billions of pounds spent on cigarettes every year in our country, which is a huge waste.? 4)狀語從句(時間,原因,地點,條件,讓步,轉(zhuǎn)折等)


the man is enjoying the cigarette, the smoke becomes a monster(怪物)which will devour him.?

er the reason, there are still some problems with student use of computers.? 5)倒裝句


only through these measures can we hope to solve the problem.?

scattered around the globe are more than 100 small regions of isolated volcanic activity known to geologists as hot spots.? 6)被動句


some measures should be taken to deal with the problem.?

he is said to have accomplished a lot of great people believe that…(it is believed that…)


1)圖表分析型 范文欣賞

as is clearly shown in the chart, students are now spending much more time on the computer, from one hour to four hours per week between 1990 and ally, it increases sharply to twenty hours in the year of are three reasons for this begin with, due to the sharp decline in price of personal computer, most college students now can afford addition, they find the computer a wonderful thing to have fun example, they can chat through qq or playing games but not least, from internet, they can learn things much more quickly than simply from reading books so that they can secure a good job in the short, low price, increasing awareness of having fun or getting information from internet make students use computers a far as i’m concerned, there are some complaints from both teachers and one hand, students complain about the less availability of computers and slow speed of the the other hand, some teachers worry that the much more time spent playing computer games or surfing online will lead students to ignore their studies and even do cheating instead of doing research by their brief, in spite of problems concerning the use of computer, we

can’t deny that computer is of more merits than defects.(2)對比論述型 范文欣賞

when it comes to the test of spoken english, people’s opinions people believe that it is necessary to adopt such a one thing, fluent speaking ability is badly needed in today’s society that is experiencing reform and another, in a more competitive society such as ours today, fluent spoken english means more advantage you have to beat your rival in competing for a position with much appeal to both of people, however, take a different regard the test as being their views, fluent spoken english does not necessarily mean a better job;sometimes, opportunity plays a more important rmore, many people do not use spoken english at all in their far as i am concerned, i am really in favor of the the one hand, it can encourage college students to try every means to improve their spoken the other hand, college students will benefit endlessly in their future career if they can speak fluent i decide to make use of every opportunity to practice my spoken english, and surely it will do me much good.(3)問題解決型 范文欣賞

with the development of our modern society, the interview is becoming more and more important in it is of great importance for us to master skills on the one hand, if a job seeker can leave a good impression on the mind of the interviewer, he may be lucky enough to get the job competed for by many the other hand, if the job hunter gives a poor performance during the interview, he is unlikely to stand a be successful in a job interview, we have figured out many ways to make an excellent performance in an , the applicant ought to pay attention to his appearance and manner of , he is supposed to display his y, a really impressive job seeker must convey a sense of a word, if the interviewee displays these characteristics and presents his most attractive qualities during the interview, the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him sum up, the job interview is indeed is high time for us to pay attention to the ore, if the interviewee has made full preparations for it and given a fairly confident and honest performance, his or her success can be ensured.4)觀點論證型 范文欣賞

it is well-known that nowadays dishonesty is a common phenomenon in example, many good-hearted doctors would not tell dying patients about their real poor students tend to cheat on ’s more, greedy advertisers, armed with misleading advertisements, may lure customers into buying fake such “decent” and famous figures as liu xiaoqing, once considered china’s movie queen, have cheated the government on income r, honesty is always seen as an important part of the human of all, if you treat others fairly, those associating with you will certainly profit from your ile, a sense of trust builds up in their hearts, which, in turn, will earn you more true that will benefit you in the long ore, it is essential for everyone to maintain an honest attitude towards the whole a word, honesty wins trust, respect and it pays to be honest.5)應(yīng)用文類型

a letter in reply to a friend

december 27, 2008 dear tom, i am very pleased to know that you are going to apply for admission to one has been several years since we parted last time, and soon we will probably meet my opinion, you should major in one hand, english is a very popular major at our university and we have modern teaching methods and prestigious the other hand, you seem to have a gift for language learning and you are really good at to the preparation for applying for the english major of our university, i suggest you pay more attention to spoken you make a good performance in oral test, you will have the is unnecessary for you to be addition, when making preparation you should do more model tests.i am sure you will succeed in the inform me if there is something i can do for you.i am looking forward to meeting you on our ely yours,li ming(6)現(xiàn)象分析型 the safety of food despite the decline in the number of cases related to fake foods and foods of poor quality, problems remain serious in the -born diseases remain responsible for high levels of sickness and mortality in the general population, particularly for at-risk groups, such as infants, young children, and the most notorious case involved low-quality milk powder in fuyang, in east china’s anhui province, which caused the death of a dozen my personal opinion, i think the responsibility goes for the most part to the food producers, especially those who fail to meet safety order to sell more products, some food producers may even intentionally use various chemicals, such as pesticides, animal drugs etc., during manufacturing and processing just to make food look or taste good without taking people’s life into we all know, food additives and contaminants can adversely affect the this regard, in order to reduce the incidence and economic consequences of food-born diseases, the supervision of food production should be stepped ’s more, it is important to drastically increase penalties on those who neglect food safety all, the food safety department in our country should educate consumers about the risks presented in food and the safe food handling behaviors that can help minimize those heless, it is our own awareness of good life style and hygiene habit that a healthy life relies on.祝大家能考出好的成績。



??碱愋停何繂栃牛兄x性,投訴信等。書信是考研的必考題,種類也有1余種,但英語四六級通常是考這三大類。(投訴信在某種程度上就是建議信)one慰問信 常見出題形式:


1.慰問病人(to those who are ill)

dear ,i was so sorry to learn of your must hurry and get well!everybody in the neighborhood misses you, and we’re all hoping you’ll be back joins me in sending best wishes for your speed ely yours,mary burke [譯文] 親愛的科賓夫人:



您真摯的 瑪麗?伯克

2.慰問受傷的人(to those who have been injured)


dear tom, i just can’t tell you how sorry i was to learn of your family tells me that your are progressing nicely, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days, i’m certainly relieved to know that!

in the next day or so you’ll receive a little package from margaret and me.i hope you like it, and that it will help to pass the time more every good wish for your swift ely,bob [譯文] 親愛的湯姆:





3慰問蒙受物質(zhì)損失的人(to those who have suffered material loss or


dear on,i was extremely sorry to hear of the fire that destroyed your beautiful house.i know well how much that house meant to you and i hasten to offer my best wishes to you ely yours,smith [譯文] 親愛的湯普森先生:



您誠摯的,史密斯 4安慰友人考試落榜(to those who could not pass the entrance examination)

dear bill, what shocking news to me when i was told by that you could not pass the entrance means you have to wait for another year to attend the next entrance examination.i quite understand how you feel you have many more chances to i hope that you will not take this to heart, and will get ready to try again.i am sure you will easily succeed next ti,elizabeth [譯文] 親愛的比爾:


你的 伊麗莎白 two感謝信 1)感謝信的寫法



收到他人贈送的禮物應(yīng)當(dāng)及時寫封感謝信,感謝信除了應(yīng)寫得真誠、具體、及時外,還應(yīng)當(dāng)特別提及所收禮物的具體內(nèi)容,否則,泛泛而談,使人覺得你不夠真誠。為此,當(dāng)你寫感謝信時,應(yīng)這樣寫:“thank you for your beautiful roses.”(謝謝您送的美麗的玫瑰花。);而不要籠統(tǒng)地寫上“thank you for your beautiful gift.”(謝謝您送給我的漂亮禮物。),這樣,使人覺得你既禮貌,又誠心,從而真正達到交往的目的。下面我們來看看具體的范例。范例1 關(guān)于生日

dear laura, i was truly enraptured beyond expression to receive your flowers which turned our living room into a considerate and wonderful of you to remember my just couldn't have selected anything i had have liked more!you have a positive genius for selecting the right gift!the four years i spent with you at the college have been the pleasantest period in my life.i will cherish this memory nice it would be to see you have been more than kind, and i won't ever forget love and deepest gratitude, now and always!

sincerely yours, ane 范例2 關(guān)于送禮 dear dan and laura,jim and i want to thank you for the beautiful salad bowl are looking forward to getting lots of use out of your thoughtful and practical wedding are having fun getting organized in our little we will be ready for company, and we will giving you a all the times you have had us over for dinner, we will get to play host for a again for the lovely , innie 范例3 感謝陪伴 dear , i'd like you to know how much the week at your lovely house meant



fto me.i not only enjoyed myself immensely, but also i felt relaxed and refreshed as i haven't felt for give my love to was so nice being with her again just like our old days together at thanks to you and for asking ely yours,jean brown 范例4母親節(jié)到了,給母親的感謝信 1 my dearest mother,the mother‘s day is coming and i would like to say “happy mother‘s day” in this letter.i love you and thank you so much for everything you did for day, i will stay away and can‘t give you my appreciation at home.i know i will watch myself, so don‘t worry about me.i am doing very well on my schoolmates and teachers are all very i can‘t be at home, i hope you have a wonderful mother‘s , your son 2 dear mother : i am writing to express my deepest thanks to you in mother"s day, dear mother ,you devote all of your energy and blood to do not have any complaint about my brother and love our though various different approaches such as study ,work and life ,consquently ,our held on the belief that the mother is only accept our appreciate again

i hope that you have happiness everyday!

love, your son 3 mum such is sons‘ nature, i really do not know how to express my thanks to r, i can imagine,on the day 18 years ago ,when you gave birth to me, what a complex feeling you the past few years, every day you struggle me up in the morning and prepare breakfast for me ,then in the afternoon, you always welcome your only son with delicious foods after a day‘s your son has been 18 and will go to university soon, like a bird is leaving its heless, your footprints on my heart will never ever fade and i love you mum!

love, your son 范例5參加一次晚會后,感謝主人熱情的邀請和招待。[范文] dear david(name of your friends),many thanks to you for inviting me to your party.i've spent a sweet night there with you,your family and family members were very nice and really made me feel remember me to your had prepared a fancy meal.i enjoyed that very also your daughter dances very her i foresee a promising dancer in the friends were all easy-going and ally your must keep a harmonious and friendly atmosphere in your but not the least, thank you for your do you know that is my favoriate? i have a bottle of russian to enjoy that with you when you come to my home!

thanks again for your invitaion, your hospitality, your family, your friends, your vodka and all the fancy memory you brought to 2)感謝信模板 date:_________ dear____, ①i am now writing these few lines to express my sincere thanks for____.②i'd like you to know how much your _____ meant to me.③you have a positive genius for ______.④i not only enjoyed_____ , but also___.⑤i shall ever remember _____ as one of the most _____ in my life.⑥i _____.⑦i hope to have the opportunity of reciprocating.⑧ would you kindly let me know _____.⑨i will feel very honored and pleased if you have time to _____.⑩ how nice it would be to see you again and i am looking forwards to seeing you next time!i repeat my thanks again for give my kind regards to truly, signature 信息提示 信件啟首

①直接表達謝意②表達出自己非常珍惜對方的付出/禮物 ③對對方一定的贊美④ 對方的情意對自己的影響⑤介紹自己的近況⑥表達出自己希望有回報的機會⑦ 詢問對方是否有時間⑧ 表達自己回報的心情 ⑨ 提出希望下次見面的愿望⑩再次表達感謝 最后表達真摯的祝福,信件結(jié)尾與簽名 there投訴信

寫信投訴抱怨的題型很常見,如關(guān)于學(xué)校的飲食,購買劣質(zhì)產(chǎn)品投訴等。寫法就不一而足了就直接進入范文!考研英語小作文模板:投訴信 投訴信1



2.說明具體情況; 3.提出解決辦法。范文1 suppose you bought a woolen scarf(圍巾)by mail order but later found a hole in a letter of complaint to describe that matter and require not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “l(fā)i ming” whom it may concern,the woolen scarf i bought by mail order from your company arrived on time the day before when i checked it, i found a hole in the middle.i was astonished because the hole was obvious and i did not think you should neglect this deficiency when you delivered it.i have dialed your service number for several times and it was always this problem keeps worrying you change a new one for me as soon as possible? how shall i send this scarf back to you? thanks for your consideration.i am looking forward to your early faithfully,li ming 范文2


write a letter to complain about an unhappy experience in about 100 words to describe the matter and ask for the mistake to be not sign your own name at the end of your letter, using “l(fā)i ming” sir,i am writing to you about a most unhappy tuesday morning, we took a longroute bus of your company from dukou to bus was scheduled to arrive in lijiang at 7 o’clock in the evening, but it stopped midway at four mechanical driver and the ticket seller could neither solve the problem by themselves nor seek help from we stopped was nowhere near a until 8 o’clock, another bus finally carried us to a shabby rural had to pay for our room was too small and the quilt was so our surprise, when we just managed to sleep at around 2 a.m., the driver came to wake us up—the bus had been fixed!

i suggest that you look into this matter immediately and deal with it quickly and g forward to your ,li ming 附加

一般說來,一封投訴信應(yīng)包括三個最基本的方面: 1.投訴內(nèi)容。一般放在信的開頭。常用的表達法有: i am writing to you about...which i received/bought...i am going to complain about...i am sorry to have to return with this letter...which i received/bought...2.投訴原因。一般講述對商品質(zhì)量或售后服務(wù)不滿意的地方。常用的表達法有: when we checked..., we noticed...when i took...out of the bag and examined...closely, i found...when i unpacked...and tried to use it, it did not work.3.希望得到的結(jié)果。常用的表達法有:

please let me know what you intend to do in this matter.i am returning...under separate post and look forward to receiving a full refund of...in view of the inconvenience that this has caused, i feel you should...怎樣才能合理的表述不滿,又能顯得理由充分?下面介紹下這類書信的常用詞匯和句型

complaint letter 詞匯:

complain against sth.投訴......dissatisfaction with不滿于......put up with / bear / tolerate忍受 awful 糟糕的

poor service糟糕的服務(wù) inconceivable不可思議的

out of one’s expectation令某人大失所望 look into / go into / investigate調(diào)查 incident / matter 事件 sanitary situation衛(wèi)生條件 bad manners 不禮貌 disturbance干擾 nuisance 麻煩事 remedy 補救 solve解決

recurrence再次發(fā)生 句型:

1)i am writing to you to complain about...2)i am writing to express my dissatisfaction with...3)there are some problems with the flat that i wish to bring to one thing, there is…for another,...4)i can hardly bear /tolerate /put up with it any more.5)i hope that the authorities concerned will consider my suggestions and improve the situation as best as they can.6)i sincerely hope that it will review its management system, with the view to providing, better service to the public.7)we trust that you will now consider this matter seriously and make an effort to prevent the recurrence of this kind.8)we will appreciate your willingness to make up for the style ,new life!



