
格式:DOC 上傳日期:2023-05-19 19:02:29
時間:2023-05-19 19:02:29     小編:cyyllee




oft in my waking dreams do i

live o'er again that happy hour,when midway on the mount i lay,beside the ruin'd tower.在我醒時的出神中,我常



the moonshine,stealing o'er the scene,had blended with the lights of eve;

and she was there, my hope, my joy,my own dear genevieve!



she lean'd against the armed man,the statue of the armed knight;

she stood and listen'd to my lay,amid the lingering light.她倚著那位武裝的男子,那是全副武裝的騎士像;



few sorrows hath she of her own,my hope!my joy!my genevieve!

she loves me best whene'er i sing

the songs that make her grieve.熱內(nèi)薇芙并沒有傷心事,她可是我的希望和歡樂!


i play'd a soft and doleful air;

i sing an old and moving story--

an old rude song, that suited well

that ruin wild and hoary.我奏起柔美哀怨的曲調(diào),我常起古老動人的古似乎;



she listen'd with a flitting blush,with downcast eyes and modest grace;

for well she knew i could not choose

but gaze upon her face.她聽的時候眼光沒抬去,臉一紅的神情謙恭優(yōu)雅;


讓自己不去凝視她。i told her of the knight that wore

upon his shield a burning brand;

and that for ten long years he woo'd

the lady of the land.我告訴她曾經(jīng)有位騎士,他盾上的圖案是把火劍;



i told her how he pined and ah!

the deep, the low, thepleading tone

with which i sang another's love,interpreted my own.我告訴她,騎士如何憔悴;




what is pink? a rose is pink 什么是粉紅色?

by the fountain's brink.噴泉邊的玫瑰就是粉紅色。

what is red? a poppy's red 什么是艷紅色?

in its barley bed.在大麥床里的罌粟花就是艷紅色。

what is blue? the sky is blue 什么是蔚藍色?天空就是蔚藍色,where the clouds float thro'.云朵飄過其間。what is white? a swan is white 什么是白色?

sailing in the light.陽光下嬉水的天鵝就是白色。

what is yellow? pears are yellow, 什么是黃色?梨兒就是黃色,rich and ripe and mellow.熟透且多汁。

what is green? the grass is green, 什么是綠色?草就是綠色,with small flowers between.小花摻雜其間。

what is violet? clouds are violet 什么是紫色?夏日夕陽里的in the summer twilight.彩霞就是紫色。

what is orange? why, an orange, 什么是橘色?當然啦!

just an orange!橘子就是橘


rain is falling all around, 雨兒在到處降落,it falls on field and tree, 它落在田野和樹梢,it rains on the umbrella here, 它落在這邊的雨傘上,and on the ships at sea.又落在航行海上的船只。what does the bee do?

what does the bee do? 蜜蜂做些什么? bring home honey.把蜂蜜帶回家。and what does father do? 父親做些什么? bring home money.把錢帶回家。

and what does mother do? 母親做些什么? lay out the money.把錢用光。

and what does baby do?嬰兒做些什么? eat up the honey.把蜜吃光。

o sailor, come ashore?。∷?,上岸吧

(part i)o sailor, come ashore 啊!水手,上岸吧

what have you brought for me? 你給我?guī)硎裁矗?red coral , white coral, 海里的珊瑚,coral from the sea.紅的,白的。(part ii)i did not dig it from the ground 它不是我從地下挖的,nor pluck it from a tree;也不是從樹上摘的; feeble insects made it 它是暴風雨的海裹 in the stormy sea.弱小昆蟲做成的。

the wind風

(part i)who has seen the wind? 誰曾見過風的面貌? neither i nor you;誰也沒見過,不論你或我;

but when the leaves hang trembling, 但在樹葉震動之際,the wind is passing through.風正從那里吹過。

(part ii)

who has seen the wind? 誰曾見過風的面孔? neither you nor i;誰也沒見過,不論你或我;

but when the trees bow down their heads, 但在樹梢低垂之際,the wind is passing by.風正從那里經(jīng)過


by thomas nashe

sweet the year's pleasant king, then blooms each maids dance in a doth not pretty birds do -witta-woo!the palm and may make country houses frisk and shepherds pipe all we hear aye birds tune this merry -witta-woo!

the fields breathe daisies kiss our lovers wives a sunning every street these tunes our ears do -witta-woo!spring!the sweet spring

spring william blake sound the flute!now it's delight day and night, nightingale in the in welcome in the of joy, little and small, cock does do you, merry welcome in the i am, come and lick my white neck, let me pull your soft wool, let me kiss your soft face, welcome in the

a swarm of bees in may is worth a load of hay;a swarm of bees in june is worth a silver spoon;a swarm of bees in july is not worth a out to play

girls and boys, come out to play, the moon doth shine as bright as day;leave your supper, and leave your sleep, and come with your playfellows into the with a whoop, come with a call, come with a good will or not at the ladder and down the wall, a half-penny roll will serve us find milk, and i'll find flour, and we'll have a pudding in half an hour

true friend standing by all the way here to help you through your day holding you up when you are weak helping you find what it is you seek catching your tears when you cry pulling you through when the tide is high absorbing your voice when you talk standing by when you learn to walk just being there through thick and thin all just to say: you are my friend 真朋友

征途上 鼎力相助 陪你走過艱難的 時光 脆弱時 給你力量 幫你尋找追逐的 夢想 哭泣時 拭去淚花 助你闖過人生的 驚濤駭浪 娓娓道來時 傾聽你的心聲 總注視著你蹣跚 移步的方向 榮辱與共 苦樂同當 千言萬語一句話: 你是我的朋友

if anyone tries to tell you that you can't work hard enough to face the task in front of you--show them that you're anyone tries to tell you that you are not that strong, don't listen to discouragement--know that you anyone tries to tell you that you can't sing your own song, or make your way in the world...prove them ne gets an angel...you can't always see them because sometimes they are mes they are your pet when he kisses you...sometimes they are a small treasure you find...an angel might even be your angels are quiet, but what they are really saying is:“ pink clouds!a good day is just around the corner.” so, if you begin to worry too much, just remember...somewhere an angel is looking out for you, too.倘若有人試圖告訴你,無論你多么勤勉也無法面對面前的任務告訴他們你能吃苦耐勞。如果有人試圖告訴你,你并非如此堅強,別聽泄氣話要知道自己真正的歸屬。




這些天使緘默不語,可他們真正在說的是:“粉紅的云朵!美好的一天就在眼前!” 所以,當你開始憂心忡忡時,只要記住…… 在某處,有一位天使,也在守候著你。

三十首英文詩歌欣賞 中英文對照【轉(zhuǎn)貼】

spring goeth all in white robert bridges spring goeth all in white, crowned with milk-white may;in fleecy flocks of light, o'er heaven the white clouds stray;white butterflies in the air;white daisies prank the ground;the cherry and hoary pear, scatter their snow river of life thomas campbell

the more we live, more brief appear our life's succeeding stages;


羅伯特·布里季 春之女神著素裝,山楂花冠乳白光; 天上分明一群羊,白云朵朵自來往;

粉蝶空中時蹁躚; 廷命菊花飾郊原; 櫻桃梨樹共爭艷,四處非花如雪片。生命之川 妥默司·康沫爾

人生越老,歲月越短,生命的歷程似在飛a day to childhood seems a year, and years like passing gladsome current of our youth, ere passion yet disorders, steals lingering like a river smooth, along its grassy as the care-worn cheets grow wan, and sorrow's shafts fly thicker, ye stars, that measure life to man, why seem your courses quicker? when joys have lost their bloom and breath and life itself is vapid, why, as we reach the falls of death, feel we its tide more rapid? it may be strange-yet who would change time's coures to slower speeding, when one by one our friends have gone and left our bosoms bleeding? heaven gives our years of fading strength indemnifying fleetness;and those of youth,a seeming length, proportion'd their sweetness.換;





誰要不想把日程放慢,友人的謝世接二連to daffodils robert herrick

fair daffodils,we weep to see you haste away so soon;as yet the early-rising sun has not attain'd his ,stay, until the hasting day has run but to the even-song;and,having pray'd together, we will go with you have short time to stay, as you;we have as short a spring;as quick a growth to meet decay, as you,or die, as your hours do,and dry away like to the summer's rain, or as the pearls of morning's dew, ne'er to be found again.三,胸中的傷痛如荼如炭。

是天,使我們?nèi)諠u衰竭的暮年 得到迅速消失的補償,是天,使青年時代的快樂,得到相應的貌似延長。

詠黃水仙花 羅伯特·哈里克 美的黃水仙,凋謝的太快,我們感覺著悲哀; 連早晨出來的太陽 都還沒有上升到天蓋。

停下來,停下來,等匆忙的日腳 跑進

黃昏的木暮靄; 在那時共同祈禱著,在回家的路上徘徊。我們也只有短暫的停留,青春的易逝堪憂; 我們方生也就方死,和你們一樣,一切都要罷休。你們謝了,我們也要去了,如同夏雨之驟,the daffodils william wordsworth i wander'd lonely as a cloud that floats on hight o'er vales and hills, when all the once i saw a crowd, a host,of golden daffodils, beside the lake,beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the uous as the stars that shine, and twinkle on the milky way, they stretch'd in never-ending line along the margin of a day: ten thousand saw i at a glance tossing their heads in springtly waves beside them danced,but they out-did the sparking waves in glee: a poet could not but be gay in such a jocund company!i grazed and grazed——but little thought what wealth the show to me had brought;for oft,when on my couch i lie in vacant or in pensive mood, they flash upon that inward eye which is the bliss of solitude;and then my heart with pleasure fills, and dances with the daffodils.a red,red rose robert burns

o my luve's like a red,red rose that's newly spring in june: o my luve's like the melodie


黃水仙花 威廉姆·華滋華斯 獨行徐徐如浮云,橫絕太空渡山谷,忽然在我一瞥中,金色水仙花成簇,開在湖邊喬木下,微風之中頻搖曳。有如群星在銀河,行影綿綿光灼灼,湖畔蜿蜒花徑長,連成一線無斷續(xù)。一瞥之中萬朵花,起舞蹁躚頭點啄。

湖中碧水起漣漪,湖波踴躍無花樂—— 詩人對此殊激昂,獨在花中事幽攄!凝眼看花又看花,當時未解伊何福。晚來枕上意幽幽,無慮無憂殊恍惚。情景閃爍心眼中,黃水仙賦禪悅; 我心乃得意歡娛,同花公舞天上曲。

紅玫瑰 羅伯特·彭斯 吾愛吾愛玫瑰紅,六月初開韻曉風; 吾愛吾愛如管弦,that's sweetly play'd fair art thou,my bonnie deep in luve am i:

and i will luve thee still,my dear, till a'the seas gang a'the seas gang dry,my dear, and the rocks melt wi'the sun;o i will luve thee still, my dear, while the sands o'life shall fare thee week,my onlu luve!and fare thee awhile!and i will come again,my luve, tho'it were ten thousand that loves a rosy cheek thomas carew

he that loves a rosy cheek or a coral lip admires, or from star-like eyes doth seek fuel to maintain his fires;as old time makes these decay, so his flames must waste a smooth and steadfast mind, gentle thoughts,and calm desires, hearts with equal love combined, kindle never-dying fires;—— where these are not,i despise lovely cheek or lips or rose in the wind james stephens dip and swing, lift and sway;dream a life,其聲悠揚而玲瓏。吾愛吾愛美而珠,我心愛你永不渝,我心愛你永不渝,直到四海海水枯; 直到四海海水枯,巖石融化變成泥,只要我還有口氣,我心愛你永不渝。暫時告別我心肝,請你不要把心耽!縱使相隔十萬里,踏穿地皮也要還。真的美 托默斯·加魯 頰如玫瑰紅,唇如珊瑚赤,星眼珠耀然,有人為之熱; 遲暮具凋零,熱情亦衰竭。心平氣亦和,寧靜而謙抑,一視能同仁,愛之永不滅;—— 世若無斯人,頰唇眼何益? 風中薔薇花 吉姆肆·斯弟芬司 顫顫巍巍,頡之頑之; 睡夢生涯,in a dream, a dream in a sleep is the rose in the wind;and a fish in the deep;and a man in the mind;dreaming to lack all that is his;dreaming to gain all that he ng a life, in a dream,away dip and swing, lift and joyce kilmer

i think that i shall never see a poem lovely as a tree.a tree whose hungry mouth is prest againsr the earth's sweet flowing breast;a tree that looks at god all day, and lifts her leafy arms to pry;a tree that may in summer wear a nest of robins in her hair;upon whose bosom snow has lain;who intimately lives with rain.抑之揚之。夢中之夢,風中之花,薔薇顛倒,睡夢生涯。水中有魚,心中有君; 魚難離水,君是我心。夢有所喪,喪其所有; 夢其所得,得其自由。睡夢生涯,抑之揚之,顫顫巍巍,頡之頑之。

樹 菊葉斯·基爾默 我向,永遠不會看到一首詩,可愛的如同一株樹一樣。

一株樹,他的饑渴的嘴 吮吸著大地的甘露。一株樹,他整日望著天


poems are made by fools like me, but only god can make a paps of dana james stephens

the moutains stand and stare around, they are far too proud to speak, altho'they are rooted in the ground up they go,peak after peak, before the tallest house,and still soaring over tree and hill until you'd think they'd never stop going up,top over top, into the clouds——still i mark that a sparrow pr a lark flying just as high can sing as if he'd not done anything.i think the mountains ought to be taught a little moon evelyn scott

a little white thistle moon blown over the cold crags and fens: a little white thistle moon blown across the frozen moon william




詩是我輩愚人所吟,樹只有上帝才能賦。月神的奶頭 吉姆肆·斯弟芬司 山岳巍然,雄視八荒,氣象莊嚴,無聲無響,植根大地,負勢竟上。洪濤排空,群峰低昂,超越宮殿,凌彼森崗,高入云表,爭霸爭王,不思舉止,徒逞豪強。我觀云鳥,載翱載翔,飛抵上蒼,盡情歌唱,自由自在,毫不夸張。告彼山岳,宜稍謙讓,戒驕戒躁,好自思量。冬月 伊吾琳·司科特 初月如銀溝,吹過冰巖沼; 如勾初月白,吹渡寒郊草。月 威廉·h·戴維士

thy beauty haunts me heart and soul, o thou fair moon,so close and bright;thy beauty makes me like the child that cries aloud to own thy light: the little child that lifts each arm to press thee to her bosom there are birds that sing this night with thy white beams across their throats, let my deep silence speak for me more than for them their sweetest notes: who worships thee till music fails is greater than shepherdess alice meynell

she walks——the lady of my delight—— a shepherdess of flocks are keep them white;she guards them from the feeds them on the fragrant height and folds them in for roams maternal hills and bright, dark valleys safe and deep.你的美麗纏繞了我的心和魂,你美好的月哦,那樣近,那樣明; 你的美麗使我像個小孩兒

要捉著你的光,發(fā)出更大的聲音; 小孩舉起每一只胳膊,要把你捉來抱的緊緊。雖然有些鳥兒在夜里吟唱,由于你的銀光照著它們的頸,讓我深深的沉默談出我的心

比他們的最美的歌聲更有風韻; 對你的崇敬到了沉默無聲,那崇敬是超過了你的夜鳴鶯。

牧羊的女兒 阿里斯·美那爾

她是在徜徉——我愉快的姑娘—— 牧羊的女兒在牧羊。她的羊群是思想,她使它們明亮; 她不讓它們走近懸崖,她飼養(yǎng)著它們在芬芳的丘陵上,into that tender breast at night the chastest stars may walks——the lady of my delight—— a shepherdess of holds her little thoughts in sight, though gay they run and is so circumspect and right;she has her soul to walks——the lady of my delight—— a shepherdess of soul john

my soul's the sky——my flying soul!the lightnight flare,the thunder roll, the sun and moon and stars go by, and great winds sweep my soul,the sky!my brooding soul——my soul's the sea!the snaky weed,and whishing scree, the white wave's surge from pole to pole,使它們安息在羊欄房。

慈祥的小丘映著陽光,平安的幽谷,她在徜徉,夜里有那些最潔凈的星星,窺進那柔軟的胸膛。她在徜徉——我愉快的姑娘—— 牧羊的女兒在牧羊。她照管著她那些小思想,盡管它們跳躍的好癲狂。



她在徜徉——我愉快的姑娘—— 牧羊的女兒在牧羊。

靈魂 約翰·格斯瓦斯 我的靈魂是太空!電在閃呵雷在轟,日月群星在運動,時而卷起大臺風!我的靈魂是大海!蛇樣的藻響石崖,百浪濤天天接地,and still green depth——the sea's my soul!my soul's the spring——my loveing soul!will dance,and leap,and drain the bowl of love;and longing,twine and cling to all the world——my soul's the spring!my fevered soul!my soul's the town!thro'flaring street goes up and down;the bells of feast and traffic toll and maze their music in my tranquil soul!my soul too wide for sky,or spring,town,or tide!thou traveller to outer strand of home serene——my soul so grand!a london thoroughfare(2 a.m.)amy lowell

they have watered the street, it shines in the glare of lamps, cold,white lamps, and lies like a slow-moving river, barred with silver and go down it, one, and then n then i hear the shuffling of doze on the window-ledges, night-walkers pass along the city is squalid and sinister, with the silver-barred street in the midst, slow-moving,琉璃萬頃身無界!我的靈魂是陽春,踴躍狂飲愛之淳,萬事萬物皆有情,渴望,纏綿理不清。我的靈魂是市鎮(zhèn)!陸離街道莽縱橫; 祭日之中驛站鈴,結(jié)成交響之樂音。我的靈魂太沉靜,天,春,鎮(zhèn),海比不贏!

遠游彼岸之太清—— 我的靈魂真雄渾!

一條倫敦大馬路(午夜二時)阿米·羅維爾 人們在街上灑了水,街道在燈光中揚輝,冷,白色的燈,躺著




a river leading te my window, the moon cuts, clear and round, through the plum-colored cannot light the city;it is too was white lamps, and glitters coldly.i stand in the window and watch the is thin and lustreless, but i love her.i know the moon, and this is an alien o carl sandburg

hog-butcher for the world, tool-maker,stacker of wheat, player with railroads and the nation's freight-handler;stormy,husky,brawling, city of the big shoulders;they tell me you are wicked and i believe them, for i have seen your painted women under the gas lamps luring the farm they tell me you are crooked,and i answer, yes,it is true i have seen the gunman kill and go free and kill they tell me you ate brutal and my reply is, on the faces of woman and children i have seen the marks of wanton having answered so i turn once more to those who sneer at this my city,and i give them back the sneer and say to them:come and show me

心,慢慢的流著 一條沒有出口的河。正對著我的窗 有澄凈的,圓圓的 月亮,穿過杏色的穹蒼,她不會照耀城市; 由于城市太亮。城市有白色的燈 放射著冷光。我站在窗邊望著月亮,她太冷淡而不輝煌,但我愛她,月亮是我的故人,城市在異鄉(xiāng)。

芝加哥 卡爾·桑德堡 全世界的宰豬場,工具場,積麥倉,玩弄鐵路的游戲師,國民經(jīng)濟的搬運大王;

風暴,破嗓,喧囂,臂力剛強的大肩膀: 人們告訴我你壞,我相信,因為我曾看見妖艷的女子在瓦斯燈下 誘惑鄉(xiāng)下的年輕人。人們告訴我你不正經(jīng),我要回應,是的,完全是真的,我看見

another city,with lifted head singing so proud to be alive and coarse and strong and ng magnetic curses amid the toil of piling job on job,here is a tall bold slugger set vivid against the little soft cities;fierce as a dog with tongue lapping for action, cunning as a savage pitted against the wilderness, bareheaded, shoveling, wrecking, planning, building, building, breaking, rebuilding, under the smoke, dust all over his mouth, laughing with white teeth, under the terrible burden if destiny laughing as a young man laughs, laughing even as an ignorant fighter laughs who has never lost a battle, bragging and laughing that under his wrist is the pules,and under his ribs the heart of the people, laughing!laughing the stormy,husky,brawling laugher of youth;half-naked,sweating,proud to be hog-butcher,tool-maker,stacker of wheat,player with railroads,and fright-handler to the nation.有槍的人 殺人無罪而又去殺人。

人們又告訴我你野蠻成性,我回答道,我看見婦女和兒童臉上 有十分饑餓的遺跡。這樣回答了,我再回頭想那些嘲笑我們 這座城市的人們,而給他們已嘲笑的回敬,我告訴他們: 來,請告訴我,像這樣以生機勃勃,粗橫,有勁,機詐為榮而昂首高歌的,是否還有

別的城市? 在堆積入山的勞役中,堵著槍橫的詛咒,這抗對著弱小的城市,坐著一個高大有力的拳擊者; 猛如準備戰(zhàn)斗而卷垂著舌頭的狗,祥和荒原搏斗的野人一樣機靈,光著頭,使著鏟,毀壞著,設(shè)計著,構(gòu)造著,構(gòu)造著構(gòu)造著再構(gòu)造著,trees nelson antrim crawford pines the slow measure of the chanted war song……the storm cloud,dull throbbing black against the sky…… the lover constant though s statuesque cold-eyed women in smooth,caress-inviting green silk en blue spruce faultlessly carven jade

在煤煙下,灰塵蒙著嘴唇,笑露牙齒 白生生,在駭人聽聞的定運的負荷之下笑得如此,硬如

一個人年紀青春,笑的硬如一個滿不在乎的戰(zhàn)士,他從來不曾敗過陣 腕中有脈,肋下有人民的心臟,他以此大笑而驕矜



林 n·a·克勞福特 松林

堂堂的軍歌悠揚…… 愁云森聳向蒼穹…… 勁節(jié)傲冰霜。白楊林 一群冷眼的女神像,妖嬈的綠絹衣裳,散步在路上。白皮松 莊重的玉雕,is no more faultless than you are little i love you, little tree, in spite of your carl sandburg

night from a railroad car window is a great,dark,soft thing broken across with slashes of max weber fainter, dimmer, stiller, each moment, now icence ered amid these austere rocks, a brooding seer,i watched an hour, close to the earth,lost to all else, the marvel of a tiny build its palace walls of jade what myriads toiled in dark and cold;and what gay traders from the sun brought down its sapphire and its gold!oh,palace of the universe!oh,changing halls of the day and night!dose the high builder dream in thee with more of wonder anddelight?


窗 卡爾·桑得堡 火車窗中望見的夜,是大而黑的柔軟物體,縱橫帶著光之鞭痕。

夜 麥克斯·威伯 愈近黃昏,暗越暗,靜逾靜,每刻每分,已如夜境。

莊嚴 艾·野





meditation russell green

i saw the stars against the summer night still trembling as they trembled when the light first fell upon them from the further world.i could not bend my proud humanity to kneel before the cold immensity, i,who had youth and love,i,who could know,—— they,——flotsam on the ethereal ebb and flow, dead things unmoved by immaterial fire of hope and anguish and spanine were not more omnipotent than i, they could not see and dream and change and die.i could not bow before infinity, the silent grandeur could not conquer me.金輝煌。



默想 羅素·葛林


那樣,它們依然在閃光。我不能讓我的尊嚴的人性低頭,在那冰冷的無限面前跪叩,我既年輕而有愛情,求知欲旺盛—— 它們,——只是在大氣潮汐上的玻片浮沉,我有希望,苦悶,大愿,精神猶如火焚,而它們是無動于衷的毫無生命。它們并不比我有更高的全能力量,他們不能見,不能夢,terror

eyes are tired;the lamp burns, and in its circle of light papers and books lie where chance and life have placed e sings all around me;my heart is bound with a band;outside in the street a few footsteps;a clock strikes the hour.i gaze,and my eyes close, slowly: i doze;but the moment before sleep, a voice calls my name in my ear, and the shock jolts my heart: but when i open my eyes, and look,first left,and the right…… no one is reaper william wordsworth behold her,single in the field,不能變,不能死亡。我不蒙在無量數(shù)的星星面前低頭,那無聲的矜莊并不能使我投降。

吃驚 f·s·福林特 眼睛疲倦了,洋燈點著,在那光圈里面 紙張和書本癱著 在偶然放置處,任意狼藉著。無聲在我周圍唱歌,我的頭纏著帶子; 外邊街道上有些腳步聲;


我凝視,眼又閉著 慢慢的;

我打瞌睡,但快入睡時分,有聲音叫我的名字,進了我的耳朵,我吃了一驚,但當我睜開眼睛,我先左顧而后右盼…… 沒有一個人。

割麥女 威廉·瓦茨沃斯

你看她,一個人在地yon solitary highland lass!reaping and singing by herself;stop here,or gently pass!alone she cuts and binds the grain, and sings a melancholy strain;o listen!for the vale profound is overflowing with the nightingale did ever chaunt more welcome notes to weary bands of travellers in some shady haunt, among arabian sands: no sweeter voice was ever heard in spring-time from the cuckoo-bird, breaking the silence of the seas among the farthest no one tell me what she sings? perhaps the plaintive numbers flow for old,unhappy,for-off things, and battles long ago: or is it some humble lay, familiar matter of today? some natural sorrow,loss,or pain, that has been, and may be again!whate'er the theme,the maiden sang as if her song could have no ending, i saw her singing at her work, and o'er the sickle bending;i listen'd, motionless and still;and, as i mounted up the hill, the music in my heart i bore long after it was heard no more.上,那個孤獨的山地姑娘!



她一個人割著捆著麥子,唱著凄涼的調(diào)子; 哦,聽吧!這山谷深深,彌漫著她的歌聲。夜鶯在阿拉伯的沙漠里面,在幻洲的某些樹陰,為疲倦的商旅所歡迎,從沒有唱得這樣好聽;

春天時分杜鵑鳥鳴 在極遠得希伯里得斯群島



歌唱這遙遠的事物,歌唱這古代的戰(zhàn)火; 或許是流傳的民間歌謠 the burial of sir john moore at corunna charles wolfs

not a drum was heard,not a funeral note, as his corse to the rampart we hurried;not a soldier discharged his farewell shot o'er the grave where our hero we hurried him darkly at dead of night, the sods with our bayonets turning;by the struggling moonbeam's misty light and the lantern dimly useless coffin enclosed his breast, not in sheet or in shroud we wound him;




我理這靜靜地傾聽; 待我已經(jīng)登上了丘陵,歌聲早已不再聽聞,幽韻卻總繚繞著我的心。

爵士約翰·摩爾在克隆那的埋葬 察理·沃爾夫 沒有打鼓,也沒有哀樂,當我們把它的尸體運到城堡,在我們的英雄埋葬者的墓上,也沒有一名士兵放射禮炮。

我們埋葬他在悄悄的夜晚,使用我們的刺刀在土 but he lay like a warrior taking his rest, with his martial cloak around and short were the prayers we said, and we spoke not a word of sorrow;bur we steadfastly gazed on the face that was dead, and we bitterly thought of the face that was dead, and we bitterly thought of the thought,as we hollow'd his narrow bed and smoothed down his lonely pillow, that the foe and the stranger would tread o'er his head, and we far away on the billow!lightly they'll talk of the sprit that's gone and o'er his cold ashes upbraid him,—— but little he'll reck,if they let him sleep on in the grave where a briton has laid half of our heavy task was done when the clock struck the hour for retiring;and we heard the distant and random gun that the foe was sullenly and sadly we laid him down, from the field of his fame fresh and gory;we carved not a line, and we raise not a stone, but we lift him alone with his glory.中翻;







敵兵會輕蔑這陣亡了的將軍,會在它的尸駭上議論the fountain james bussel lowell into the sunshine, full of the light, leaping and flashing from morn till night!into the moonlight, white than snow, wave so flower-like when the winds blow!into the starlight,縱橫;





噴泉 吉姆斯·羅素·洛維爾 射入日光,晶瑩彌漫,跳躍閃爍,從早至晚!射入月光,純白逾雪,如彼花開,隨**屈!射入星光,rushing in sptay, happy at midnight, happy by in motion, blithesome an cheery, still climbing heavenward, never aweary: clad of all weathers, still seeming best, upward or downward motion thy rest;full of a nature nothing can tame, changed every moment, ever the same;ceaseless aspiring, ceaseless content, darkness or sunshine thy element;glorious fountain!let my heart be fresh, changeful,constant, upward like thee!

飛迸如霞,夜半欣然,星亦欣然。常在動中,載愉載恬,永欲摩天,不知疲倦; 不分晴雨,總覺歡樂,或上或下,動中休息; 精力充沛,不屈不撓,刻刻變化,不改其操; 不斷亢楊,不斷滿足,無晝無夜,一元太極; 燦哉噴泉,我心榜樣,新穎多變,恒走向上!



the rainy day

the day is cold,and dark,and dreary;

it rains,and the wind is never weary;the vine still clings to the moldering wall, but at every gust the dead leaves fall, and the day is dark and life is cold and dark and dreary;it rains and the wind is never weary;my thought still cling to the moldering past, but the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, and the days are dark and still,sad heart!and cease repining;behind the clouds is the sun still shining;thy fate is the common fate of all, into each life some rain must fall, some days must be dark and new year

ring out, wild bells, to the wild sky,the flying cloud, the frosty light: the year is dying in the night;ring out, wild bells, and let him out the old, ring in the new, ring, happy bells, across the snow: the year is going, let him go;ring out the false, ring in the out the grief that saps the mind, for those that here we see no more;ring out the feud of rich and poor, ring in redress to all seaside is my home

i live near the sea for billow sound every night,enlightens me how to be great, and how to look on t seeing great mountains, i form no habit of looking up.i live near the sea for much water, saltier than tears, floats some directional boats, or other drifting boats to travel far across the the shore is always in my heart.i live near the sea for more floaters on the sea, sweet and low sweet and low , sweet and low, wind of the western sea, low, low, breathe and blow, wind of the western sea!over the rolling waters go, come from the dying noon, and blow, blow him again to me;while my little one, while my pretty one, and rest, sleep and rest, father will come to thee soon;rest, rest on mother's breast, father will come to thee soon;father will come to his babe in the nest, silver sails all out of the west under the silver moon;sleep, my little one, sleep, my pretty one, sleep.i felt the sunlight along the long, long corridor i go on walking...—before me there are dazzling windows, on either side, walls reflecting the sunlight and i, i'm standing with the sunlight.—now i remember how intense that sunlight is!so warm it stops me from taking another step, so bright i hold my light of the whole universe converges here.—i'm unaware of the existence of anything is only me, leaning on sunlight, still for a full ten mes, ten seconds is longer than a quarter of a y, i dash down the stairs, push open the door, and run in the spring sunlight …

ask me no more ask me no more where jove bestows, when june is past, the fading rose;for in your beauty’s orient deep, these flowers, as in their causes, me no more whither do stray the golden atoms of the day;for in pure love heaven did prepare those powders to enrich your me no more whither doth haste the nightingale, when may is past;for in your sweet spaniding throat she winters, and keeps warm her me no more where those stars light, that downwards fall in dead of night;for in your eyes they sit, and there fixed become, as in their we stand together here we stand together, dressed in our pain, covered with scars from wounds we did not ask for or what now? we can't go back and relive our can't take back the innocence we lost or make the sadness we felt into happiness.i think i can if you think you are beaten, you are;if you think you dare not, you don't;if you want to win but think you can't;it's almost a cinch you won' you think you'll lose, you're lost;for out of the world we find success begins with a fellow's will;it's all in a state of 's battles don't always go to the stronger and faster man, but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who thinks he give up

never give up,never lose have faith, it allows you to times will pass, is they always have patience, your dreams will come put on a smile,you'll live through your it will pass, and strength you will fast to dreams hold fast to dreams,for if dreams die,life is a broken-winged bird,that can never fast to dreams,for when dreams go , life is a barren field,frozen only with g alone who am i?

i am the lonely soul of a waterfall a poem constantly dwelling in drifting song is the wandering trace of a dream my only audience the wild the deer’s hair is short and brown, the bird’s have soft rabbit’s nose is very sharp, the robin’s voice is like a mountains are very tall, the trees grow and bear is asleep in its den, the fox is stalking the gees are all flying away, but the ground squirrels are here to are all the things i saw nature is living to its white christmas i'm dreaming of the white christmas just like the ones i used to tree tops glisten and children listen to hear sleigh-bells in the snow.i'm dreaming of the white christmas with every christmas card i your days be merry and bright, and may all your christmases be white.a grain of sand to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild fllower,hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an meaning

the word not spoken goes not quite lingers in the eye, in the semi-arch of brow.a gesture of the hand speaks pages more than words, the echo rests in the heart as driftwood does in sand, to be rubbed by time until it rots or word not spoken touches us as music does the friend standing by all the way here to help you through your day holding you up when you are weak helping you find what it is you seek catching your tears when you cry pulling you through when the tide is high absorbing your voice when you talk standing by when you learn to walk just being there through thick and thin all just to say: you are my g love to wake to each new day and brush my dreams of night away

and look out through my window wide

to see what weather is outside and wonder what exciting thing this shining, un-used day will is success what is success? to laugh often and love much;to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children;to earn the approbation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends;to appreciate beauty;to find the best in others;to give one’s self;

to leave the world a little better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch, or a redeemed social condition;to have played and laughed with enthusiasm and sung with exultation;to know even one life has breathed easier,because you have lived...this is to have my friends

no friendship is useless and no day is in as god has a purpose for sunshine and can be discouraged and everyone cries, but we have friends to comfort h these cloudy hearts can break… they’re fragile as glass but with a friend beside us, this too shall s who are faithful and noble at heart, you may be afar, but we will never be swift to give praises for the friendship we have gained, and remember god will raise the sun just after it has friendships are a gift, so be sure to thank all my friends.i wish you enough

by rachel p., fresno, ca when we say i wish you enough,we want the other persons to have a life filled with enough good things to sustain them.i wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright.i wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun more.i wish you enough happiness to keep your spirits up.i wish you enough pain so that the smallest joys in life appear much bigger.i wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.i wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.i wish you enough hellos to get you through the final ck

when i was a child,my homesickness was a small stamp

linking mum at the other end and me grown up,i remained homesick,but it became a ticket

by which i sailed to and from my bride at the other homesickness took the shape of a inside of it and me i’m still homesick,but it is a narrow strait

separating me on this side and the mainland on the g

i am just a cloudlet now and then skip over you mind you are just a breeze once in the way fly into my heart may it be we will stump over someday somewhere at a warm loughwish at the moment you will slow dowm your step i will break off my foot significance of failure

failure doesn’t mean you are a failure, it does mean you haven’t succeeded e doesn’t mean you have accomplished nothing, it does mean you have learned e doesn’t mean you have been a fool, it does mean you had a lot of e doesn’t mean you’ve been disgraced, it does mean you were willing to e doesn’t mean you don’t have it,it does mean you have to do something in a different e doesn’t mean you are inferior, it does mean you are not e doesn’t mean you’ve wasted your life, it does mean you have a reason to start e doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try e doesn’t mean you’ll never make it, it does mean it will take a little e doesn’t mean god has abandoned you, it does mean god has a better hour ago

i stood there in the twilight and i felt the surge of darkness as it flooded from the rafters and came down to touch your door in the softening of the moonlight, and the cooling of the is a new day

your tomorrows are as bright as you want to make is no reason to carry the darkness of the past with you into is a wonderful new experience,full of every possibility to make your life exactly what you want it to is the beginning of new happiness, new directions and new is the day to remind yourself that you posses the power and strength you need to bring contentment, love and joy into your is the day to understand yourself and to give yourself the love and the patience that you is the day to move forward towards your bright music within life...what is it? see it in the colors of autumn, a gentle snowfall in winter,a sudden shower in spring, the radiance of a summer it in the laughter of the young and the of it in a surge of hope, the blessings that are is life? it is joy,awareness, and the music new voice in american angel kiss

an angel kissed my tears away today when i was sad.i wasn’t feeling quite myself my day had been so bad.i felt a warmth brush by me that quickly dried my tears;a gentle, kind, and loving touch that seemed to hold me ately, i felt so much better and the day seemed brighter, too.i guess that’s just the way you feel when an angel comforts ship is like the breeze

friendship is like the breeze, you can't hold it, smell it, taste it or know when it's coming, but you can always feel it,and you'll always know it's there, it may come and then go,but you can know it'll always be back…

the glistening milky way

the way back home is very far such a long way?

i came all the way and when i looked back,the tears that i shed, sprinkled into a glistening milky wind blows off a lamp's light

he's never cried and already let the dark night slip off a paper white for many times

the autumn wind instantly blows off the light of a lamp while my heart is still barren and lit with a shame

by the name of faintness from those verses release the souls of the dead how much flame a poet's body could ever have when burning it whines as xun's wail some beings settle down in the lit starry sky

with a smile he walks up to that gust of wind which is going to ruin him


天冷、陰暗、沉悶; 下著雨,風也刮個不停; 藤還攀附著頹垣殘壁,每來一陣狂風,枯葉附落紛紛,天真是陰暗而沉悶。

我的生活寒冷、陰郁、沉悶; 下著雨,風也刮個不停; 我的思想還糾纏著消逝的往事,大風里,我的青春希望相繼熄滅,天真是陰暗而沉悶。

安靜吧,憂傷的心!別再悔恨; 烏云后面太陽依然輝煌燦爛; 你命運和大家的一樣,每個人一生都得逢上陰雨,有些日子必然陰暗而沉悶。




我住在大海邊很多年了 夜夜氣勢宏博的濤聲,讓我知道 怎樣是偉大 怎樣看待偉大

我沒有見過大山,沒有養(yǎng)成 仰望的習慣

我住在大海邊很多年了 見過太多的水,比眼淚更咸的水 承受著有方向的船,或者 隨波逐流的船 漂洋過海

在生命的盡頭都擺脫不了岸 我住在大海邊很多年了 海面上越來越多的漂浮物 覆蓋了大海的清澈


輕輕地,柔和地,輕輕地,柔和地,西方吹來海風 輕輕地,柔和地吹拂, 西方吹來海風!西邊吹來,月色朦朧,吹過波濤洶涌; 吹得他回家呵,親親睡著的寶寶,可愛的寶貝 睡吧,休息;睡吧,休息,爸爸一會兒就來; 睡吧,睡在媽媽懷里,爸爸一會兒就來;

從西方歸來,揚起銀色風帆,映著銀色月光,飄洋過海,來看寶寶——安睡在家里; 睡吧,小寶貝,睡吧,可愛的寶貝。


我從長長的走廊走下去…… -啊,迎面是刺眼的窗子,兩邊是反光的墻壁。陽光,我。我和陽光站在一起?。。柟庠沁@樣強烈,暖的讓人凝住了腳步,亮的讓人憋住了呼吸。全宇宙的人都在這里集聚。-我不知道還有什么存在,只有我,靠著陽光。站了十秒鐘。



當六月過去,玫瑰凋殘,別再問我,愛神在哪里。你的美麗是那么燦爛,這些花兒,就在他的根部熟睡。別再問我,是否漂泊 白天金色的陽光; 那是純潔愛情的天空 那些粉末可以裝飾你的秀發(fā)。當五月悄然離去,別再問我,夜鶯在哪里 你那甜蜜的歌喉,在冬季,溫暖著她的音符。別再問我,明亮的繁星,夜晚落在哪里; 他們就在你的眼中,固定在那里,猶如在他們的家。



此等傷痛既非自討苦吃 也非罪有應得 現(xiàn)在又該如何? 我們無法回到過去 重啟人生。我們無法找回 早已失去的純真 或?qū)⑽覀兊谋瘋?變?yōu)闅g樂。


如果你認為你敗了,那你就一敗涂地; 如果你認為你不敢,那你就會退縮畏縮; 如果你想贏但是認為你不能; 那么毫無疑問你就會失利。如果你認為你輸了,你就輸了; 因為我們發(fā)現(xiàn)人世間

成功從一個人的意志開始; 成功是一種心態(tài)。生活之戰(zhàn)中,勝利并非總是屬于更強和更快的人,勝利者終究是











獨唱 我是誰 我是瀑布的孤魂 一首永久離群索居的 詩。

我的漂泊的歌聲是夢的 游蹤

我的唯一的聽眾 是沉寂。


鹿兒棕毛短短,鳥兒絨毛軟軟。兔鼻聞味靈驗 知更鳥歌聲妙如豎琴潺潺。高山高啊,大樹長起來了還會倒。









無聲的語言 并非完全聽不見。它蕩漾在眼波里,表露在眉宇間。

一個心照不宣的手勢 勝過萬語千言,縈繞心靈的回音 好象浮木浪跡于沙灘,隨著歲月的消磨 不是燃燒,就是腐爛。

無聲的語言 觸及我們的情感,恰似有聲的音樂 撥動人們的心弦。


征途上 鼎力相助

陪你走過艱難的 時光

脆弱時 給你力量

幫你尋找追逐的 夢想

哭泣時 拭去淚花

助你闖過人生的 驚濤駭浪 娓娓道來時 傾聽你的心聲 總注視著你蹣跚 移步的方向 榮辱與共 苦樂同當

千言萬語一句話: 你是我的朋友。


我喜歡醒來迎接每一個清晨,輕松抖落一夜的夢塵,從窗口向外眺望遠處,廣茅的天地是否晴空無云,想象何等激動人心的事 這燦爛嶄新的一天將獻呈。成功的內(nèi)涵


成功是什么? 笑口常開,愛心永在,贏得智者的尊重,孩子們的愛戴; 博得真誠的認可,容忍損友的背叛; 欣賞美好的東西,發(fā)現(xiàn)別人的可愛。學會無私地奉獻,給世界增添光彩: 要么培育出健康的孩子,要么留下花園一塊,亦或是改善社會條件; 盡情娛樂、笑得暢快,把歡樂的歌唱起來; 甚至知道一個生命活得自在,因為你的一路走來…… 這就是成功的內(nèi)涵。


沒有友誼是無用的,沒有日子是空虛的,正如上帝決定了睛天和雨天一樣。每個人都有氣餒和哭泣的時候,但是我們有朋友們的安慰。在這些多云的天空下, 所有的心可能破碎…….他們像玻璃那樣易碎,但是有朋友在身邊,這些都將過去。朋友的心是忠誠、高尚的,也許你在很遠的地方,但是我們從來都沒有分開過,為我們獲得的友誼贊美吧,并記住陽光總在風雨后,你的友誼是一個禮物,所以一定要感謝你們,我所有的朋友們。






我是一片云 偶爾在你的頭頂 略過 你是一陣風 忽悠吹進我心田 閃過

也許我們會相遇 在某年某日某個港灣 希望 那時 你會放慢你的腳步 我也會暫停我的足跡。











它包含在老人爽朗的笑聲里,也隱匿在孩子們天真的嬉戲中。它洶涌在人們的希望里,它蕩漾在美好的祝福中,生命是什么? 是歡樂,是領(lǐng)悟,是心靈深處的音樂。


今天當我感到悲傷 天使吻干了我的淚水 我的生活是如此糟糕 感到自己迷失了方向

突然一個溫暖的輕撫 迅速擦干了我的淚水


似乎將我拉近我立刻感到好了許多 天氣似乎更加明亮 我想天使安慰你的時候 你也會有同樣的感覺




漫漫歸鄉(xiāng)路 何其遙遠!一路行來,回首望。

灑落的淚珠 迤邐成一條閃亮的銀河。秋風熄滅了一盞燈 他一直沒有哭 他已經(jīng)讓黑夜在 白紙上 閃過 許多次 秋風瞬間熄滅了 一盞燈

而我內(nèi)心的荒蕪依然 恥辱地亮著

一個詩人體內(nèi)到底有多少 火焰

燃燒時發(fā)出塤的 哀鳴 以微弱的名義 超度 那些詩句里的 亡靈 一些生靈在 被點亮過的星空里 安家 他

微笑著走向熄滅他的 那陣風


詩歌是文學寶庫中的瑰寶,是語言的精華,是智慧的結(jié)晶,是思想的花朵,是人性之美 的靈光,下面為大家分享英文詩歌的精選,一起來看看吧!


1i like for you to be still: it is as though you are absent

我喜歡你是寂靜的,仿佛你消失了一樣,and you hear me from far away and my voice does not touch you


it seems as though your eyes had flown away


and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth

如同所有的事物充滿了我的靈魂,as all things are filled with my soul


you emerge from the things, filled with my soul

你像我的靈魂,you are like my soul, a butterfly of dreams


and you are like the word melancholy


i like for you to be still, and you seem far away


it sounds as though you are lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove


and you hear me from far away, and my voice does not reach you


let me come to be still in your silence


and let me talk to you with your silence

并且讓我借你的沉默與你說話,that is bright as a lamp, simple as a ring

你的沉默明亮如燈,簡單如指環(huán),you are like the night, with its stillness and constellations


your silence is that of a star, as remote and candid


i like for you to be still: it is as though you are absent

我喜歡你是寂靜的,仿佛你消失了一樣,distant and full of sorrow, as though you had died


one word then, one smile, is enough


and i'm happy, happy that it's not true



2when day is done


if the day is done ,假如時光已逝,if birds sing no more.鳥兒不再歌唱,if the wind has fiagged tired ,風兒也吹倦了,then draw the veil of darkness thick upon me ,那就用黑暗的厚幕把我蓋上,even as thou hast wrapt the earth with the coverlet of sleep and tenderly closed ,如同黃昏時節(jié)你用睡眠的衾被裹住大地,the petals of the drooping lotus at dusk.又輕輕合上睡蓮的花瓣。

from the traverer,路途未完,行囊已空,whose sack of provisions is empty before the voyage is ended ,衣裳破裂污損,人已精疲力竭。

whose garment is torn and dust-laden ,你驅(qū)散了旅客的羞愧和困窘,whose strength is exhausted,remove shame and poverty ,使他在你仁慈的夜幕下,and renew his life like a flower under


the cover of thy kindly night.在你慈愛的夜幕下蘇醒。


3following a dream


when i was a younger, i used to dream about becoming a fireman.當我還年輕的時候,我曾夢想要成為一名消防隊員。

i thought wow, wouldn’t it be great to ride around,我想哇,到處跑會很好,and help people put out fires.還可以幫助人們撲滅大火。

as i got older, i want to be like my father.而隨著我逐漸長大,我想成為像我父親那樣。

he taught in a university, and i always look up him.他在大學里教書,我總是非常尊敬他。

so that's what i became a teacher.那就是我成了一名教師的原因。

my father and i have different styles, as do all teachers.盡管都是教師,但我的父親和我風格迥異。

and we're both teachers and i'm happy.我們都是教師,我很高興。

in many ways, i feel that i'm living my dream, i am luck.在許多方面,我覺得自己夢想成真,我感到很幸運。

sometimes the dreams we've when we're younger,有時候當我們年輕的時候會擁有夢想,well, life may push it in another direction.嗯,人生有可能會朝著另一個方向發(fā)展。

and at last we actively pursue our dreams we have to adjust.最后,我們積極追求我們的夢想,我們必須調(diào)整。

after all, your dream won't often pursue you,畢竟,你的夢想不會經(jīng)常追求你,you have to cherish your dream and make it come true.你要珍惜你的夢想,讓美夢成真。

perhaps compromising a little is good, perhaps it matters to try different things.也許妥協(xié)一點會很好,或許是該嘗試些不同的東西。

we have to go through that positive limitations.我們必須通過這個積極的局限性。

for example, i tried to be a salesman, and i tried to be an invent manager.例如,我試圖成為一名推銷員,我試圖成為一位發(fā)明經(jīng)理。

finally i found the place i can grow is help others.終于我發(fā)現(xiàn)自己能成長的地方是幫助別人。

everyone has a dream, the question is can you make yours reality!



4never forget


your presence is a gift to the 're unique and one of a life can be what you want it to be

take it one day at a on your blessings, not your you'll make it through what comes belief in your t, have courage, be strong.你的存在是獻給世界地一份厚禮








to be a giant.成為一個巨人,this has forever been our passion, this desire to be a giant.這永遠是我們最強烈的欲望,成為一個巨人。

not to stand on one's shoulders or have one for a friend.不是站在一個巨人的肩上,或是成為他的朋友。

for these may be fortunate things.那或許是靠運氣。

but to be step over barriers that seem never ending.而要成為一個巨人是不一樣的,they conquer mountains that appear insurmountable.好像巨人們永遠都得跨越障礙。


giant rise above fear.巨人們超越恐懼。

triumph over pain.擊敗痛苦。

push themselves and inspire others.鞭策自己,鼓勵他人。

to be a giant.成為一個巨人,to do giant things.做巨人做的事。

to take giant steps.走巨人走的路。

to move the world forward.推動整個世界向前進。



i like for you to be still: it is as through you are absent

and you hear me from far away and my voice does not touch you it seems as through your eyes had flown away and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth

as all things are filled with my soul

your emerge from the things, fill with my soul you are like my soul, a butterfly of dreams and you are like the word melancholy

i like for you to be still, and you seem far away it sounds as though you are lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove and you hear me from far away,and my voice does not reach you let me come to be still in your silence and let me talk to you with your silence that is bright like a lamp, simple as a ring

you are like the night, with its stillness and constellations your silence is that of a star, as remount and candid i like for you to be still: it is as though you are absent distant and dull of sorrow, as though you had died one word then, one smile, is enough and i m happy, happy that’s not true






你像我的靈魂,像一只夢想的蝴蝶 你如同“憂郁”這個詞

我喜歡你是靜靜的:好像你已遠去 你聽起來想在悲嘆,一只如鴿般細語的蝴蝶你從遠處聆聽我,我的聲音卻無法觸及你


并且讓我籍著你的沉默與你說話 你的沉默亮若明燈,簡單如環(huán)





do it better

the next time you find yourself complaining that something is broken or inconvenient or of low quality, go and do it better you hate how slow the line at your local coffeeshop moves, go and start a coffeshop that does lines you think your boss is a terrible manager, get your own department or company or team and run it the right you’re appalled at the state of modern literature(“what are kids reading these days?”), write the kind of book that ought to be you think pharmaceutical companies are corrupt, build one that isn’t.“that’s impossible,” you say.“i can’t start a multi-billion-dollar company or write a bestseller or run a whole department!”

why not? someone else clearly makes you think you can’t? plus, if you’re right about the better coffeeshop or the better management or the better book, then the market and the world are desperately looking for someone like you.“but i can’t do all of that!” you ’re right;you can’t fix might not even be able to do two or three if the other choice is to become yet another armchair reformer who does nothing but complain, why not pick one and do something?

[1] [2] 下一頁





如果你覺得這些藥物公司是在太腐敗了,那么自己 重新開一家吧。





if — rudyard kipling

if you can keep your head when all about you are losing theirs and blaming it on


if you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, but make allowance for their

doubting too;

if you can wait and not be tired by waiting, or, being lied about, don't deal in lies, or, being hated, don't give way to hating,and yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

if you can dreamand not make thoughts your aim;

if you can meet with triumph and disaster and treat those two impostors just

the same;

if you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken twisted by knaves to make a

trap for fools,or watch the things you gave your life to broken, and stoop and build 'em up

with worn-out tools;

if you can make one heap of all your winnings and risk it on one turn of

pitch-and-toss,and lose, and start again at your beginnings and never breathe a word about

your loss;

if you can force your heart and nerve and sinew to serve your turn long after

they are gone,and so hold on when there is nothing in you except the will which says to

them:“hold on”;

if you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue, or walk with kings

yours is the earth and everything that's in it, andyou'll be a man my son!如果 —— 拉迪亞德·吉卜林





如果你有夢想,而又不為夢主宰; 如果你有神思,而又不走火入魔;


如果你能忍受有這樣的無賴,歪曲你的口吐真言蒙騙笨漢,或看著心血鑄就的事業(yè)崩潰,仍能忍辱負重腳踏實地重新攀登; 如果你敢把取得的一切勝利,為了更崇高的目標孤注一擲,面臨失去,決心從頭再來而絕口不提自己的損失;








freda bright says, “only in opera do people die of love.” it's really can't love somebody to death.i've known people to die from no love, but i've never known anyone to be loved to just can't love one another e has said that the measure of love is when you love without this man feels for his spouse is total acceptance and love, whether she succeeds or love celebrates her victories and soothes her stands with her, no matter what life throws in their receiving the nobel peace prize, mother teresa said: “what can you do to promote world peace?

go home and love your family.”

and love your them without measure.[1] [2] 下一頁


弗里達-布賴特說過:“只有在歌劇中,人們才會為愛而死。” 這是千真萬確的。的確,你不會因為愛一個人而死。






“你能為促進世界和平做些什么呢?回家愛你的家人吧?!? 還要愛你的朋友。愛他們無止境。


life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets。

so, love the people who treat you right and forget about the ones who don't。

and believe that everything happens for a reason.。

if you get a chancelet it;

nobody said that it would be easy.。

they just promised it would be worth it。【中文譯文】





如果它改變了你的人生 ——也由它去;




they dropped like flakes, they dropped like stars, like petals from a rose, when suddenly across the june a wind with fingers perished in the seamless grass,--no eye could find the place;but god on his repealless list can summon every face.戰(zhàn)場

他們雪片般落下,他們流星般落下,象一朵玫瑰花的花瓣紛紛落下,當風的手指忽然間 穿劃過六月初夏。

在眼睛不能發(fā)現(xiàn)的地方,--他們凋零于不透縫隙的草叢; 但上帝攤開他無赦的名單 依然能傳喚每一副面孔


