初中英語情景劇劇本 英語情景劇劇本簡單匯總

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初中英語情景劇劇本 英語情景劇劇本簡單匯總
時間:2023-05-24 15:22:33     小編:cyyllee


初中英語情景劇劇本 英語情景劇劇本簡單篇一

n: once upon a time there was a mother pig who had three little pigs. the three little pigs grew so big that their mother said to them.

mp: you are too big to live here any longer. you must go and build houses for yourselves. but take care that the wolf does not catch you.


fp/sp/tp: yes, mum. we will take care that the wolf does not catch us.


n:the three little pigs set off. (三只小豬唱歌)

n:soon they met a man who was carrying some straw.

fp: please will please give me some straw? i want to build a house for myself.

m: yes, of course. here you are.


n: then the first pig build himself a house of straw. he was very pleased with his house.

fp: now the wolf won’t catch me and eat me.

sp: i shall build a stronger house than yours.

tp: i shall build a stronger house than yours, too.

然后第一只小豬造了他的稻草房子,他對他的房子很滿意。他說:"現(xiàn)在,狼就不會抓到我啦。"第二只小豬說:"我要造一個比你更堅固的房子。" 第三只小豬說:"我也要造一個比你更堅固的房子。"

n: the second little pig and the third little pig went on along the road. soon they met a man who was carrying some sticks.

sp: please will please give me some sticks? i want to build a house for myself.

m: yes, of course. here you are.


n: then the second pig build himself a house of sticks. he was very pleased with his house.

sp: now the wolf won’t catch me and eat me.

tp: i shall build a stronger house than yours.


n: the third little pig walked on ,along the road, by himself. soon he met a man carrying some bricks.

tp: please will you give me some bricks? i want to build a house for myself.

m: yes, of course. here you are.

第三只小豬繼續(xù)沿著路走著,很快的,他遇到了一個背著磚塊的人。 小豬說:"先生,可以給我一些你的磚塊嗎?我要用來造自

己的房子!"當(dāng)然", 那人回答,并且給了小豬一些磚塊。

n:then the third little pig built himself a house of bricks. it took him a long time to build it, for it was a very strong house. the third little pig was very pleased with his house.

tp: now the wolf won’t catch me and eat me.


n: the next day the wolf came along the road. he came to the house of straw which the first pig had built. the wolf knocked on the door and said,

w: little pig, little pig, let me come in.


fp: no, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin, i will not let you come in.

w: then i’ll huff and i’ll puff, and i’ll blow your house in.

n: so he huffed and puffed and he huffed and puffed. the house of straw fell down.

小豬說:"不不, 我不會讓你進來的!"狼說:"那樣的話, 我會把你的房子吹掉~!"接著,狼開始深深吸了一口氣,一口氣把稻草房子給吹倒了。

fp:oh, no, no. help, help! ( the first pig ran into the second pig’s house.)

n: the next day the wolf walked further along the road. he came to the house of sticks which the second little pig had built. the wolf knocked on the door and said,

w: little pig, little pig, let me come in.

第三天, 狼繼續(xù)昨天的路, 到了第二只小豬的房子。 狼敲了敲門說:"小豬小豬,讓我進去。"

sp:no, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin, i will not let you come in.

w: then i’ll huff and i’ll puff, and i’ll blow your house in.

n: so he huffed and puffed and he huffed and puffed. the house of sticks fell down.

小豬說:"不不, 我不會讓你進來的!"狼說:"那樣的話, 我會把你的房子吹掉~!"接著,狼開始深深吸了一口氣,一口氣把木頭房子給吹倒了。

sp:oh, no, no. help, help! ( the first pig and the second pig ran to the third pig’s house.)

n: the next day the wolf walked further along the road. he came to the house of bricks which the third little pig had built. the wolf knocked on the door and said,

w: little pig, little pig, let me come in.

第四天, 狼繼續(xù)昨天的路, 到了第三只小豬的房子。 狼敲了敲門說:"小豬小豬,讓我進去。"

tp:no, no, by the hair of my chinny chin chin, i will not let you come in.

w: then i’ll huff and i’ll puff, and i’ll blow your house in.

n: so he huffed and puffed and he huffed and puffed. but the house of bricks didn’t fall down.

小豬說:"不不, 我用我的豬毛起誓,我不會讓你進來的!"狼說:"那樣的話, 我會把你的房子吹掉~!"接著,狼開始深深吸了一口氣,大力地吹著磚頭房子,但是怎么都吹不倒。

n: the wolf was very angry. but he pretended not to be. (狼很生氣,但是他裝作沒事。)

w: this is a clever little pig. if i want to catch him i must pretend to be his friend. (so the wolf said,) little pig, if you will be ready at six o’clock in the morning, i will take you to farmer smith’s field. we shall find some nice carrots for dinner.


ps: very well.

n: but the third little pig was a clever little pig. the next morning he set off at 5 o’clock and filled his basket with carrots. then he hurried home before 6 o’clock.


n: at six o’clock, the wolf knocked on the little pig’s door.

w: are you ready, little pig?

ps: oh! i have been to farmer smith’s field. i filled my basket with carrots and i am cooking my dinner.


n: the wolf was very angry. but he pretended not to be. (狼很生氣,但是他裝作沒事。)

w: little pig, if you will be ready at five o’clock in the morning, i will take you to farmer brown’s apple tree. we shall find some red apples.


ps: very well.

n: the next morning the little pigs set off at 4 o’clock. he found the apple tree. he was picking apples when the wolf came along.


w: aha~~, my dear little pigs!

ps: these are fine apples, mr. wolf. i’ll throw you one.

w: oh, my god.

ps: haha, goodbye, mr. wolf.





w: little pig! i am going to eat you up. i am going to climb down your chimney to get you.

n: the little pigs put a big pot of water on the fire to boil. the wolf climbed on the roof? and then he began to come down the chimney.

w: oh, no! help! help!

n: the wolf fell into the hot water and died.

ps: <sing a song>


----------- the end.

初中英語情景劇劇本 英語情景劇劇本簡單篇二

開場介紹:? ladies and gentlemen,let me introduct? the actor. the first is zhaoyun,he is the most actor his black brother zhangfei ,and there boss liubei 。dont forgot the other side mr cao,and his adviser jianggan,and the most strong xiahou last,dont forget who behind the scenes me----the director.

第一幕:人物,趙云 夏侯惇 曹操 蔣干

旁白:就在剛才不久,一個黑大漢從曹操軍中救出劉備之子劉阿斗,現(xiàn)在正向這里殺過來,他就是張飛?。。。ㄚw云出場)not too long ago,a black general saved the son of liubei ,liu a ,he is coming. his name is zhangfei.

趙云:no!本人姓趙名云,乃常山子龍也! no! my? family name is zhao my middle name is yun and my given name? is zilong ~


趙云:看!這就是主公的最后一點骨血!劉阿斗!我從火場之中把他救出,而我自己的臉卻早已……唉……化作焦炭?。櫽白詰z狀)look!? this is the last blood of the boss ! liu? e dou 。 i took him out from the fire ,but my face hane already …ai ~。


夏侯敦:小賊,莫跑,要不然我就大開殺戒了(沖到) children, stop there or i will kill you


趙云:可惡!居然敢偷襲我!fuck,!??? you bitch dare to attack me ??


趙云:看我九陰白骨爪!!stop!!? wait!! one two three… nine? dark white bone fingers!!

夏侯敦:唔!(倒地) oh? my gad?? im? over

趙云:此地不宜久留,還是快去尋主公?。ㄏ拢﹜eah~ bitch i will go to look for my boss ,? goodbye~


曹操:沒想到我們初次出兵便殺得敵人望風(fēng)而逃!真可謂出師未捷身先死。長使英雄淚滿襟!?? i didnt expect that we can beat the enemy with our first attack.

it reminds me of a poem, "dead before the ship even sank. long the hero tearful"

蔣干:丞相,您說這話,真不見得怎么吉利。 prime minister,it does not sound good about what you have said;


曹操:咦?這是誰扔的西瓜皮?(轉(zhuǎn)身,看見倒在地上的夏侯敦)huh? who threw the banana rind?

曹操:是夏侯愛卿。難道他又在搞什么行為藝術(shù)??do not xiahou dun?

is he engaged in what is called performance art?


曹操:夏侯愛卿為何要在地上裝西瓜皮??why do you want to install banana rind on the ground?

夏侯敦:有一人臉如黑炭 手抱孩子there is a very black people witha baby in his band

蔣干:是敵人的保姆!還帶個孩子!?。t is enemys maid with a child in his arm.

曹操:那你呢?what did you do?

夏侯敦:i? i? i……? i rushed to him and fight with him?? imfightting? fightting fightting我? 我…… 我沖上去與之打斗 打? 打 打

曹操:然后呢?what then?

蔣干:丞相,看來是夏侯將軍殺退了敵人! prime minister, it is likely that? general xiahou? has defeated the enemy


曹操:然后呢?? then what happened?

夏侯敦:no no no i was defeated he used the nine cloud white bone finger? ,its so terrible


曹操:如此看來,敵人應(yīng)該還沒有走遠。咱們乘勝追擊?。犊疇睿﹊t seems that the enemy should not go far. lets run after them.

蔣干:有時候我真的很佩服丞相您這樂觀的心理……(贊同狀) sometimes i really admires prime minister very much about your? optimistic psychology ……



第二幕:人物:劉備 張飛? 諸葛亮? 趙云


旁白:這是的劉備一行人正在軍營外觀看敵情~~~liubei and his team are looking something out of his military camp.



諸葛亮:(轉(zhuǎn)頭)主公啊,按理說是您走先啦?。üЬ礌睿﹐ld liu ah,you should walk in front of us! is not it?

劉備:不啦,軍師您身后有好大塊蔭涼,躲在這里避避暑也不錯。no,its very cool that i stand just behind you,i can avoid summer heat

諸葛亮:(眺望狀)主公,如果我所料不錯,現(xiàn)在馬上就要下雨了!liu ah,come here! i tell you a secret! i think it is about to rain!

劉備:先生神算!人所不及!不知先生如何知道將要下雨?great prediction!no one can compare with you!just wonder how do you know its going to rain?

諸葛亮:首先,天氣預(yù)報說今天有雨;其次,(以手指前方)看天,那邊有一塊黑云來了!first,the weather report told us it is going to rain today;second,look at the sky,so many dark clouds are coming!


張飛:哇!那就是子龍啊,想不到這一會不見子龍就換了個新桌面??!ha! that is person who called long ah, i could not believe? that you have changd? a new tabletop without a minute!


張飛:子龍!? long

趙云:翼德救我! help!!? brother? three.


趙云:主公!云殊死力戰(zhàn),方保得小主人在此!只是這許久不見啼哭,怕是已經(jīng)……(悲憤狀,取出布包,打開并捧著) boss,? i have trid my best to protect the little boss. but it have a? long time to hear nothing. i am afraid…

趙云:kao!這小沒良心的,居然還能睡的著!就跟他爹一樣?。? oh ~ can the son of bitch get in like his father



諸葛亮:子龍,不是我說你,你嘴上就是少個把門兒的,總不能啥實話都往外說?。。縵ilong,not i tell you, although it is true,you should not say it out!


劉備:為了你這倒楣孩子,幾乎損我一員大將?。∥疫€留著你趕什么啊,我摔死你吧??!because of you,i almost lose a brave general!why do i keep you alive,let me kill you!!(阿斗摔下)


旁白:從今以后,阿斗的智力便出現(xiàn)了明顯的發(fā)育遲緩……this is why liu a dou is so foolish that lost his country.

趙云:咦?怎么不見關(guān)二哥呢?? yi ~~? where? is? brothe two? guanyu?

劉備:二弟昨天為軍師擺下一個八卦陣去,不過在沖出去撞馬的時候閃著腰了,現(xiàn)在還在休養(yǎng)呢?。篽e layout the baguazhen for military adviser yesterday, but when he rushed out , he get? his waist twisted, now he stay in bed.

諸葛亮:哎,太糟糕了,看我,多健康,多健壯!告訴他,多喝三鹿奶粉?。ㄗ詰贍睿h,it is so bad! look at me,so healthy,so strong!tell him to drink more sanlu milk powder!

趙云:就給這孩子喝成這樣兒了?。。。ㄗ呱锨?,撫摸諸葛亮,做憐惜狀)? so you? drink to be a foolish?


劉備:難道三弟又重操舊業(yè)了?咱們快去看看!did zhangfei return to ones former career ?go to see what happen?


第三幕: 人物 張飛 曹操 夏侯 蔣干 劉備 諸葛亮

旁白:時間撥回到三分鐘之前,張飛大戰(zhàn)長坂坡……go back to three minutes before the time set aside,zhangfei fight with caocaos army on changbanpo





張飛:哇!火腿腸你回來拉??!? wa!you, the hot dog, come back !

夏侯敦:我靠,又一個黑人,黑人都是很牛x的,我怕了… black man come again , blacks are very powerful,im afaid

曹操:閣下是何人,何以竟有如此美妙的聲音!excuse me. may i know your name? what a wonderful voice you have!

張飛:我便是那燕(yān)人張翼德?。ㄒа溃﹊? am? zhang yide from jingdu! (clenches teeth)


you are the so called coward,arent you?xiahou,beat it!




蔣干:丞相,這一仗咱們必輸,一會還有橋斷水倒流呢!快叫夏侯將軍下來吧。 prime minister,? we must have lose this campaign , the bridge will also?? cut off the water soon!lets call xiahou general to get down quickly

曹操:你怎么知道?how dou you know it?

蔣干:《真三國無雙叁》,長坂的任務(wù)?。?! "really,it is the games duty of three countries unparalleled three"!


i think you are too addicted to online games. what a waste of time, and its harmful,listen to me ,you must take good care of yourself.


夏侯敦:oh my gad?? i am over again又被打敗了? (蔣干上前將夏侯敦拖回)


why does that coward become so brave?

張飛:曹賊聽著!今日汝等必不能生過此橋! cao ,stops talking! today you all cant pass? this bridge with a live one!

曹操:汝休得猖狂!今日要不是我手下典韋身死,許諸拉稀,于禁肺炎,李典麻疹,文聘肝癌,張遼痔瘡,才不會輸給你!shut up!if general dianwei was still alive,we would not be defeated!

張飛:你手下終究無人可用!啊,面對此景次請,我真想賦詩一首——nobody may go to battle for you ,facing this scenery,i really want to sing a , on ……on ……(音樂起)only you ~~~~~only……you……





曹操:這難道就是傳說中的門得爾松的c大調(diào)《鬼叫》協(xié)奏曲!何以如此震撼?。@惶狀)why is this so shocking!

蔣干:(一手指張飛)快看!丞相!橋斷了!水也開始倒流啦?。。ㄞD(zhuǎn)過身去,以手捂耳) look, prime minister! the bridge broke! the water also starts to flow backwards(音效:山崩地裂之聲)



諸葛亮:別唱啦!再唱下去就把曹操給唱死啦!do not sing more,ok?if you go on singing,caocao will die because of your song!


張飛:only you ~~~~~only……you……(余音不絕)

劉備:子龍,快把三弟扛回去。zilong,carry zhangfei back quickly.

趙云:好的! ok



旁白:從此以后有一首歌傳唱至今 經(jīng)久不衰,叫做:only you~~~~? since then, a song become very very name is

《only you》。(歌聲再次響起,眾人謝幕~~)。


