
格式:DOC 上傳日期:2023-05-15 13:10:16
時間:2023-05-15 13:10:16     小編:cyyllee



this is in regards to your order for 5,000widgets and our sales confirmation no. 341. we would like to remind you that the delivery date is approaching and we have not yet received the covering letter of credit.

we would be grateful if you would expedite the establishment of the l/c so that we can ship the order on time. in order to avoid any further delay, please make sure that the l/c instructions are in precise accordance with the terms of the contract.

we look forward to receiving your response at an early date.

yours sincerely,



dear mr. jones:

we understand from your information posted on that you are in the market for textiles. we would like to take this opportunity to introduce our company and products, with the hope that we may work with bright ideas imports in the future.

we are a joint venture specializing in the manufacture and export of textiles. we have enclosed our catalog, which introduces our company in detail and covers the main products we supply at present. you may also visit our online company introduction at which includes our latest product line.

should any of these items be of interest to you, please let us know. we will be happy to give you a quotation upon receipt of your detailed requirements.

we look forward to receiving your enquires soon.


john roberts



(business writing)


? 一、正確的觀念

? 1.商務(wù)信函是一種“推銷”函

? 商務(wù)信函是一種常用的商業(yè)聯(lián)系媒介,實際上商務(wù)信函是一種“推銷”函,寫信人總是在推銷著什么,或是物品、或是服務(wù)等。 要寫好商務(wù)信函不僅要具備相關(guān)的業(yè)務(wù)知識,掌握好法規(guī)和條款等,還應(yīng)具備扎實的語言基礎(chǔ),熟悉信函的書寫形式和行文要求。 2.商務(wù)信函的基本特點 商務(wù)信函書寫的重點應(yīng)放在“效率”上,應(yīng)易讀易懂;語氣真誠、友好、客氣;語言簡短、樸實、自然;內(nèi)容清晰、準(zhǔn)確、具體;行文正確、完整。 3.商務(wù)信函無定律 好的信函并沒有固定不變的寫作模式,因人而異。寫信時,應(yīng)充分考慮收信方的觀



? 1.“挨達”aida原則:在擬就一封商務(wù)信函時,應(yīng)首先考慮的原則: a— attention 注意 i— interest 興趣 d— desire 意愿 a— action行動 個“c”的行文原則 明晰clearness 具體concreteness 簡潔conciseness 誠意conscientiousness 正確correctness 個性character 禮貌courtesy 完整completeness 體諒considerateness 優(yōu)美concinnity


? 1.信頭(letterhead)

? 是指發(fā)信人所在公司的名稱和地址,通常是預(yù)先印制好的,一般位于信紙的正上方。 ?

? 內(nèi)容包括:電話號碼、電報掛號(cable address)、傳真(fax)和電傳(telex)號碼、信件編號或索引號碼以及寫信日期。 例如: 英國—— date/month/year 27 february,2008 美國—— month/date/year february 27,2008 2.信內(nèi)地址(inside address) 即收信人的姓名和地址,通常是在日期下面隔兩行,位于書信正文的左上方。 3.稱呼(salutation) 是發(fā)信人對收信人的稱號用語,自成一行,位于“信內(nèi)地址”左下方的一、二行處。 商務(wù)書信的稱呼通常要注意下面幾點: (1)dear sirs 和 gentlemen是最常使用的公文用語,前者是英國式的稱呼,后者


? (3)dear sir是指男性,dear madam是指女性,dear sir or madam是指不知道對方性別。 (4)稱呼后面用冒號或逗號均可,一般用冒號。 4.正文 正式的商務(wù)信件在每一段之間均留一空行。每一行末尾的單詞一般不移行。 5.結(jié)尾客套語 位于正文最后一行下面一、二行處,從信紙中間偏右的地方開始寫,一般占一行,第一個字母要大寫,結(jié)尾用逗號。 6.簽名 是指發(fā)信人、書信執(zhí)筆人或公司代表在書信上簽上公司名稱或個人名字,通常位于


? 信封和書信的寫法-the style of envelope and letter 1.信封的寫法 (1)美國式航空信封的寫法(stamp) abc manufacturing company(收信人地址) 150 giera court parlin, livingstone new jersey 08859, usamr. black smith(收信人名字和職稱)president of the company beijing import and export company 86 baiyilu,haidian district 100872 beijing,prc (發(fā)信人地址) (2)英國式航空信封的寫法(stamp) beijing import and export company(收信人地址) 86 baiyilu,haidian district 100872 beijing,prc after 15 days please return to(發(fā)信人地址) smith & son, ltd 15 wood street london 6 england 商務(wù)寫作的十大技巧 1.了解讀者 2.使用第二人稱,強調(diào)讀者的利益 3.確定單一的交流目標(biāo)和目的 4.清晰、簡潔、直白 5.使用主題行、縮格、簡短的開頭段落和附言 6.開篇和結(jié)尾有力 7.在長文件中應(yīng)用標(biāo)題、空白、圖表

? 9.避免消極寫作 10.應(yīng)用說服的技巧來影響讀者 商務(wù)寫作目標(biāo) 商務(wù)寫作通常是為了完成以下任務(wù): 通知 說服 指導(dǎo) 記錄 商務(wù)信函舉例1: 親愛的思拜格女士: 我公司致力于為您提供高效的服務(wù)。我們擁有大量的專家和技術(shù)人員、充足


? 請您仔細考慮,選擇我公司將會有如下收益:勞動生產(chǎn)率提高,員工士氣高漲,缺勤現(xiàn)象減少,還有選擇一流的供應(yīng)商所帶來的種種好處。 當(dāng)您正考慮如何才能找到一家最好的公司,它將為您的公司提供上述益處時,我相信您一定會馬上與我們聯(lián)系,盡快開始改善貴公司的工作環(huán)境,提高公司業(yè)績。 商務(wù)信函舉例2: 收信人:great valley 人事部 發(fā)信人:質(zhì)量提高小組 主題:停車場照明問題 日期:2005/6/20 今年夏天要在停車場的邊緣增設(shè)照明燈,計劃在停車場內(nèi)端增設(shè)五盞,左右兩邊各增設(shè)三盞,共計11盞。 這些照明燈將創(chuàng)造一個更安全的環(huán)境,如有問題,請與質(zhì)量小組的成員聯(lián)系。祝愉快! 商務(wù)信函舉例3: 親愛的阿蘭: 作為會議中心的主席,我現(xiàn)在寫信通知你有關(guān)我方機 構(gòu)的重大變化,相信會對彼此業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系產(chǎn)生影響。 普林斯頓會議中心擁有291間客房,在過去的兩年里, 我們的定房率、營業(yè)收入和利潤都在不斷提高。根據(jù)業(yè) 內(nèi)年度統(tǒng)計資料,我們每間客房的盈利率已經(jīng)進入全美 城郊旅店的前十位。我們的業(yè)績和有效管理使公司在幾 年內(nèi)獲得了數(shù)項大獎,包括:pinnacle獎,aaa四星 獎。 我們希望增強與您的業(yè)務(wù)聯(lián)系。我們感謝過去幾年里 您的惠顧,并致力在未來為您提供超乎您想象的服務(wù)。 我們將保持優(yōu)良的傳統(tǒng),更好與貴協(xié)會合作。 我們將很快與您電話聯(lián)系,與您磋商最近的會議籌備 工作。如果您有緊急需要,請打電話通知我們。很榮幸 與您繼續(xù)業(yè)務(wù)往來。 商務(wù)信函格式

? 1.縮行式(indented style) 縮行式將封內(nèi)地址、其他需要分行的地方的后行比前行往右縮進二至三個英文字母,各行以右斜方式排列。 各段的起始字縮入四至五個英文字母。 結(jié)尾客套語和簽名置于中間偏右下方。

abc bottles pty ltd.

kirra road, ashtown 1128

mrs. r. g. cole


mabels pty ltd

canterbury 8633

dear madam,

we must remind you …

yours faithfully

j. turner

production manager

? 2.半平頭式(semi-block style)

? 日期、客套語和簽名一般從信紙中部寫起

? 正文的每個段落的第一行往后縮入二至五個字母

? 封內(nèi)地址、稱呼與左邊看齊

abc bottles pty ltd.

? kirra road, ashtown 1128

? mrs. r. g. cole

? manager

? mabels pty ltd canterbury 8633 dear madam, we must remind you … yours faithfullyj. turnerproduction manager 3.平頭式(block style) 平頭式除信頭、日期、客套語和簽名外,其他部分每行開頭都與左邊邊緣看齊。

abc bottles pty ltd.

kirra road, ashtown 1128

mrs. r. g. cole


mabels pty ltd

canterbury 8633

dear madam,

we must remind you …

yours faithfully

j. turner

production manager

? 4.完全平頭式(complete block style)

? 信紙中的各部分內(nèi)容全部都與左邊邊緣齊平,從上到下一直線,段落間采用雙行排

abc bottles pty ltd.

kirra road, ashtown 1128

mrs. r. g. cole


mabels pty ltd

canterbury 8633

dear madam,

we must remind you …


dear mr. / ms,

thank you for your letter informing us of mr. green’s visit during june 2-7. unfortunately, mr. edwards, our manager, is now in cairo and will not be back until the second half of june. he would, however, be pleased to see mr. green any time after his return.

we look forward to hearing from you.

yours faithfully,xxx






dear sir or madam:

thank you for you interest in our products. we hope the samples we sent you on 5 february were up to your expectations.

we would like to sort out the credit formalities as soon as possible possible so that we can begin trading. could you provide us that we can begin trading. could you provide us with the requisite financial information so that we can open your new account immediately?

please include a recent financial statement, the name of your bank and

references,together with any other relevant credit details. the information you provide will, of course, be held in the strictest confidence.

we look forward to a long and prosperous relationship with your company.

yours sincerely,



dear mr. steve,

congratulations on your 50th birthday. this is a special and important day for you and we would like to express our sincerest greetings.

to achieve better performance, we will pull together and help each other sincerely as usual.

with affectionate birthday wishes.

yours faithfully,

k&w company







