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時間:2023-01-11 21:31:41     小編:zdfb



一 “非誠勿擾”節(jié)目“拜金女”事件 閱讀下面文字,按要求作文。




周 宏











因此,當前反“三俗”的核心就是要打倒拜金主義,就是要營造一種干凈、拼搏、自強不息的精神境界,這是一個民族復興的必然選擇。二 華中科技大學校長“根叔”演講受熱捧


2010年6月23日,在華中科技大學2010屆本科生畢業(yè)典禮上,校長李培根院士親自撰寫的題為《記憶》的演講,在16分鐘的時間里被掌聲打斷了30次。在2000余字的演講詞內,4年來的國家大事、學校大事、身邊人物、網絡熱詞均包含其中,如“媽媽喊你回家吃飯”“俯臥撐”“躲貓貓”“打醬油”“被就業(yè)”“蟻族”“蝸居”等詞匯也均有出現。全場7 700余名學子全體起立,親切地高喊:“根叔!根叔!……”演講內容也在網上網下迅速傳播,被人們廣為關注。


惠更要實至 劉振宇

華中科技大學校長李培根在2010屆本科生畢業(yè)典禮上對大學生們的演講,異常務實、親切和溫暖,贏得了現場聆聽其演講的7 700余學子的一片贊揚聲,大家一致地親切地稱他為“根叔”,這事的確讓人感到欣慰和鼓舞,同時也讓我們深思:為什么一次口惠就能如此地受到稱贊呢?










三 汕頭大學移植“牛頓蘋果樹”事件













四 新《紅樓夢》“黛玉裸死”引爭議

































spare time(業(yè)余時間), favorite(最喜歡的), interest(興趣), hobby(愛好), appetite(嗜好),taste(口味), read novels(也小說), play football/basketball(打足球/籃球), surf the internet(上網), chat online(在線聊天), play games(玩游戲), collect stamps(集郵), make e-friends(交網友), climb mountains(爬山), watch tv(看電視), enjoy popular music(喜歡流行音樂),be interested in(對…感興趣), develop an interest in(在…方面發(fā)展興趣), be fond of(喜歡…),be keen on(喜歡…), have love for(喜愛…), have a taste in(對…有興趣)等。


work(工作), be at work(在工作), work hard(努力工作), produce(生產), worker(工人), labor force(勞動力), labor(勞動), voluntary labor(義務勞動),serve the people(為人民服務),heart and soul(全心全意),physical labor(體力勞動), mental labor(腦力勞動), labor viewpoint(勞動觀念), labor day(勞動節(jié)), workday(工作日), means of labor(勞動方式),honorable(光榮的), be devoted to(奉獻于..), value(價值), earn money(賺錢), personal interests(個人利益)等。


harmonious(和諧的), friendly(友好的), civilized(文明的), honest(真誠的), credible(誠信的), be public-spirited(有公德心的), balanced(平衡的), be in order(有序的), peaceful(和平的), live in harmony(生活和諧), sustainable development(可持續(xù)發(fā)展)等,help each ether(互助), care for each other(互相關心), have deep love for(熱愛), be concerned with(關心), build(創(chuàng)建), cherish(珍惜), take an active part in(積極參與), pay attention to social moral(講究社會公德), protect the environment(保護環(huán)境), save energy(節(jié)省能源)等。no pains, no gains.不勞無獲?!璫an be achieved by hard wok.…可以通過勞動獲得。it is difficult to find work in the present situation.在當前形勢下,很難找到工作。it is honorable to ……是光榮的。if everyone … for others and the society, our world will be …如果每個人為他人和社會做…,我們這個世界將會…。every one should … and devotes himself to building our motherland into a strong country.每個人應該 …,為把我們祖國建設成為一個強壯的國家而奉獻自己的力量。


employ(雇傭), look for(尋找), take in(吸納), full-time(全職的), part-time(兼職的), well-paid(薪水高的), be paid by the hour(按小時發(fā)工資), requirement(要求), résumé(個人履歷),schooling(受教育情況), subjects(課程), working experience(工作經歷), qualification(合格證明), trans cript(成績單), health(健康狀況), present address(現在通訊地址)等,apply for(申請…), graduate from(畢業(yè)于), major in(以…為專業(yè)), degree(學位), scholarship(獎學金), good grades(良好的成績), hobby(愛好), favorite(最喜歡的), be skilled in(在…方面熟練), be good at(擅長…), experienced(有經驗的), confident(自信的), english and computer ability(英語和計算機能力), healthy(健康的)等。


physical and mental condition(身體與精神狀態(tài)), strong(強壯的), un/healthy(不健康/健康的), overweight/fat(肥胖的), thin(瘦的), near/short-sighted(近視的), mentally unhealthy(精神不健全的), normal(正常的), abnormal(不正常的), energetic(精力旺盛的), unhealthy eating habit(不健康的飲食習慣), eat much junk food(吃太多的垃圾食品)等,stay/keep healthy/fit(保持健康), build up one’s body/ improve one’s’ health(強身健體), enough sleep(充足的睡眠), take regular exercise(進行有規(guī)律的運動), roper diet(合理的飲食), good living habits(良好的生活習慣), lose weight(減肥), remove heavy burdens(減輕負擔), be good for/do good to(對…有益處), nutrition(營養(yǎng)), go on diet(節(jié)食), form a … eating habit(養(yǎng)成一個…的飲食習慣)breathe in as much fresh air等。話題六:環(huán)境保護

pollute(污染),waste is scattering here and there.(到處撒滿了廢棄物),protect the environment(保護環(huán)境),send out smoke and poisonous gases into the air(散發(fā)出煙和有毒氣體),cut down trees(砍伐樹木),pour waste water into the rivers(把廢水注入河流),it is a shame to throw rubbish around.(亂扔垃圾是可恥的),form good habits to protect the surroundings(養(yǎng)成良好的習慣來保護環(huán)境),take active measures to protect rare animals(采取積極措施保護稀有動物),take good care of our forests(關心我們的森林),plant more trees to improve the environment(多植來改善環(huán)境),the terrible pollution have done great harm to us as well as to the surroundings.(可怕的污染已經給我們自己還有我們的環(huán)境帶來了很大的危害。)


school rules and regulations(學校規(guī)章制度),obey(遵守), observe(遵守), keep/observe discipline(遵守紀律), behave well(表現良好),be neatly dressed(穿戴整潔), respect one’steachers and parents(尊敬師長), be on time(準時), keep the environment clean(保持環(huán)境干凈), civilized(文明的)break the rules(違反規(guī)章制度), discipline(紀律), spit(吐痰), throw rubbish everywhere(亂扔垃圾), cheat in the exam(考試作弊), get in line(插隊), fight with sb.(與…打架), punish (因…處罰某人)等。the students are told not to break any of the rules of the school.學校要求學生不要違反任何規(guī)章制度。the students are expected to …學校期望學生…。it must be made clear that the students should …必須明確的一點是,學生應該…。… is of no good to a friendly and harmonious society.…對創(chuàng)建友好和諧的社會是毫無益處的。it is honorable to obey the principles and rules of our school.遵守學校的規(guī)章制度是光榮的。it is worthy of praise to...…是值得表揚的。it is shameful to ……是可恥的。what we should do is that …我們應該做的事情是…


get to know sb.(認識某人), know well(熟知某人), make friends with sb.(和某人交朋友), a strong personality(一個很強的個性), personal matters(隱私), friendship(友誼), friendly(友好的),a close friend(一個親密的朋友), trust each other(相互信任), precious(珍貴的), worthy(有價值的), understanding(通情達理的), share …with sb.(與…分享…), be loyal to(對…忠誠), keep in touch with sb.(與…保持聯系), keep company with sb.(和…結交), stay best friends with sb.(和…保持很好的友誼)等。在描述此話題時常用的句型有:

s give us …朋友給予我們…。

2.a good friend is someone you can …一位好朋友就是一個我們能夠…的人。

first time i met …, he was …當我第一次遇到…的時候,他…。

ship plays an important part in …友誼在…中扮演一個重要角色。

can … to be a good friend.你可以…來成為別人的好朋友。

can turn to...when we feel down.當我們心情糟糕時,可以求助于…。

7.… makes a good friend.…成就好朋友。

8.a friend in need is a friend indeed.患難見真知。

9....is one of the things people value most in a friend.… 是人們在朋友身上最重視的東西。

10.… have a friend of … years with sb.… 與… 有著…年的友情。

on responsibility關于個人責任


we chinese place a high value on is traditional deal for us chinese to take care of our owe them a great deal for the love they give us while we are growing is right, then, when they are getting older with each passing day, we help them and see that they are well cared this way, we give back some of the love and care they have given to loyal chinese citizens, we must have a strong sense of responsibility to our country.i t is our duty to keep china strong in the eyes of the ore, we should study and work hard for china’s strongness which also depends on the advanced science and must be willing to join the army and defend our country, would we be threatened by an short, to be a responsible citizen ,we must put our country’s welfare above our own y, we must remember that we have a responsibility to the world we live is important that we learn to live in peace with the other nations of the world and to protect our environment.if we carry out these responsibilities, we will be respected citizens of our country.相關話題:守時,獨立、亂刻亂劃、信心的重要性、幽默感的重要性、能力與分數,聰明與勤奮,能力與長相、合作與競爭等對比性的文章、各種健康問題,減肥等。


motives 運動


behind every daily activity lies a lly speaking, those who have good motives may succeed both in their career and example, prominent men like scientists usually have very clear motives in fields they are ry men like those young parents work hard to support ts study diligently either to rank the top in their class or to be prepared for future holding positive motives will contribute to people leading a healthy and useful

can also be a motive for obtaining money without hard work makes a pickpocket steal a fulfill his evil desire, a robber can grab others’ belongings, and a murderer can kill an innocent wicked motives are the kind that people need to get rid of because they are harmful to other people and all good motives do not necessarily result in satisfactory of them lead to bad s should not be guided solely by a motive without any attention to often find people who tend to be good to others end up with the opposite is those people who pay attention both to their motives and effects can achieve worthy goals.10年四六級作文預測:文憑和知識

knowledge and diploma(fake diploma)





with the development of the society, more and more people enroll in the postgraduate examination for getting a high is believed that high diploma equals to high ability and profound companies are inclined to hire the people with high seems that having high diploma means a better r, is it really true that high diploma equals to high ability or profound knowledge? some people do not agree on this kind of claim that ability or knowledge means more than bill gates, the head of the microsoft, for example, he does not have a mba degree which is believed to play a vital role in the success in commercial rmore, sam walton of wal---mart stores not a mba degree, but they are the most successful man in my opinion, diploma does not equal to knowledge.a diploma is a piece of paper which establishes your education your true ability and the real knowledge come from your hard work and you got a diploma by dishonest behavior, no matter how high a diploma it is, it were just a piece of paper, and you were as blank as that paper.2008四六級作文錦囊:繼續(xù)深造還是就業(yè)


for this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a e you are a letter to your friend li should write at least 120 words according to the situation given below in chinese:



dear fang,i understand that you are in a gh so many graduates are eager to set feet on their work-life road, there are still some who prefer to start their new life after gaining another degree to make better preparation for entering my opinion, the latter are more are good at all your course these years, so if you do like to spend another two or three years on campus, you should stick to today's society, the achievement and status you can get and the devotion you can make are no doubt in proportion to your educational background and degrees, coupled with the efforts you put in you want to stride to your destinations more smoothly and easily, why not head for the further study courageously? whichever you choose, i firmly believe your industry will ensure your all, it is you who have the finally say on the final wishes,yours sincerely.


advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phone

with the rapid economic development, the mobile phone has found its way into campuses and a host of students take advantage of this wonderful gadget to communicate with each phenomenon gives rise to this question: what are the advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phone?

it is widely believed that it greatly facilitates students’ campus instances could be found to support this type of opinion.a graduating student in our university bought a mobile phone in the course of hunting for his told me that through the mobile phone he could easily keep in touch with the employer of the company he intends to work with and would not miss any r, everything has both positive and negative mobile phone also has many instance, the ringing of the mobile phone often disturbs the teacher’s teaching and other students’ ally, the advantages of the mobile phone outweigh the disadvantages of it as long as we don’t interfere with others while using it.10年四六級范文:政府是否應限制私車發(fā)展the private motor vehicle has given us a freedom our ancestors could not dream can travel swiftly, and usually safely, over the roads which have been built to accommodate our can display their wealth by driving a car which may cost as much as another person’s statement of problem: disadvantages of cars

the car is only desirable if we can use it easily, so we might begin by reducing access to parking spaces in the cities and simultaneously increasing the quality and availability of public could be banned form certain parts of the city, thus forcing people to walk or to use public sions: states the benefits of reducing the number of cars.




提示詞語:be good for, everyone, ride a bike, think, make a difference, environment, suggest, reuse

low-carbon life is good for help with the environment, i always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a s, i will try to use things that can be recycled and i never forget to turn off the lights when i leave the classroom.i think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the i suggest we should reuse books as long as we’d better not spend much money on expensive everyone does something for the environment, i believe the earth will be a better place.隨著水資源的短缺,節(jié)約水是我們每個人的責任,請以此話題寫一篇短文。

as we know, water is very important to man, we can’t live without amount of water which is suitable to drink is less and some people don’t care about waste a lot of water in their daily worse, they pour dirty water into throw rubbish into rivers, rivers and lakes are seriously ing must be done to stop the i think it’s a great shame to waste while millions are in great need of water.i think what we can do is that we have to save every drop of water as possible as we example, we must turn off the tap immediately after we use can use a basin to wash our hands and ’s also a good idea to encourage my friends and family members to join me!only in this way can we live we don’t save water, the last drop of water will be a tear-drop of us.i believe if everyone makes a little effort, we can make a big difference.環(huán)境問題今天環(huán)境變得越來越糟糕,環(huán)境問題影響著人們的工作,學習,生活等,而我們的工作,生活,生產等又使環(huán)境污染越來越嚴重……,如何保護我們的環(huán)境?請以“ how to protect our environment? ”為題寫一篇短文。提示:存在問題:1.水污染越來越嚴重;2.砍伐森林嚴重;3.大氣污染嚴重;4.白色垃圾等。要求:如何改善/保護環(huán)境?至少:3至4個方面。how to protect/save our environment/world?

as we all know, the environment around us is getting worse and worse /more and more seriously is polluted, we have no clean water to trees are cutting down, some animals are getting less and ctories are pouring dirty air into the population is

increasing faster and faster, resources are getting less and less… only does it affect our lives and health, it also has a greataffectionin ’s health has been greatly affected by air, noise and water people died of order to live a better life, something must be done to stop the ’s our duty to protect our shouldn’t throw away rubbish are very helpful and important for should plant more and more trees

in order to live better and more healthy in the everyone makes contribution to protecting the environment, the world will become much more a word, if everyone pays more attention to our environment, there will be less pollution and our life will be better.“there is only one earth”, i hope everyone will protect our environment well.關于中學生使用手機贊成意見:1.現在是信息社會,手機是最快的信息交流的工具之一。2.應充分利用好手機。如偶遇突發(fā)事故,可立即撥打手機求助。3.可在每天學習之余利用手機游戲放松一下自己。4.只要正確使用好手機,緊跟時間并無過錯,追求時尚可以理解,但學習是首要任務。


nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school

think it is good for students to bring a mobile some people do not think think it is bad for students to bring a mobile e the students will use mobile phones to play games, sent text messages, watch movies, etc which will do harm to their if a mobile phone ring in the class, the teacher and students would be my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of information.a mobile phone is one of the quickest tools for us to exchange mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ought to make the best use of e there’s a sudden accident, it is more

convenient for us to dial for help ’re also some games in the mobile can relax ourselves by playing them when we’re tired of our my opinion, it’s not wrong to follow the fashion, but the most important thing is how to use the mobile phone in a right way and do not disturbed others.初中生活馬上就要結束了,三年的初中生活一定給你留下了很多揮之不去的回憶。請你給大家講一個最值得你回憶的故事。包括時間、人物、事情經過和事后你的感想(請不要寫出真實的學校名稱以及真實姓名)。

提示詞供參考。three years, memories, one of, one day, think, happy/ sorry

how time flies!i have studied in my school for three i will graduate from middle school in a month.i am eager to share my happiness and sadness with you.i had so many memories in three years’ of them impressed me very much.i still remember, when i began to learn english, i found it too matter how hard i tried, i still couldn’t do well in it and almost gave it soon as my english teacher found my problem, she had a talk with me about how to learn english then, she has kept helping by little, i’ve become interested in english and i’m good at it.i think i am so lucky to become one of her students.i’ve learned a lot from her.i will try to help others when they are in trouble.i think it is a happy thing to help others.假設你是《21世紀中學生英語報》“heart to heart”專欄的編輯.你收到的一位中學生關于減肥的來信.請你寫一封回信.針對他的問題dear xiaowei,weight problem is quite common among teenagers i don’t think you have much to worry are my late at night is ok, but you should to eat more fruit and vegetables, which are good for , when you are free, you’d better do more g is don’t like running alone, but what about running with your friends? or you can do some team sports like basketball.i’m sure your friends will be willing to help you lose weight.i hope you have as much success in losing weight as you have had in your studies.“believe myself, and i will win.” it’s really important for us when we meet ’t lose heart;i’m sure you will succeed one

假設你叫l(wèi)iu yan,初中三年,你與同學們在一起學習、參加各種活動,相互幫助,彼此之間建立了深厚的友誼.校園網的英語論壇開辟了 “thank you letter” 專欄.請按下面的要求給你的同學ling feng寫一封感謝信.注意:1.這封信要表達你對ling feng的感謝;2.信中要簡述感謝ling feng的原因,適當舉例,并談談自己的感受;提示詞語:thank you, at the end of , kind, forget, help… with,stay in touchdear ling feng,i would like to thank you at the end of our middle school have been very kind and helpful since we knew each have given me so much help that i will never term, i caught a bad cold and had to stay at home for a i was worrying about the lessons, you came to my home after school and helped me with every your help, i didn’t fall behind then, we have become very close friends.i think i’ll try to help others just like you though we may go to different schools, i’ll always stay in touch with you.i wish you success for the ,liu yan


中學生學習時間長、大力大,專家建議學生每天課后應采取適當的方式放松自己。為此,不同的同學有不同的放松方式,有的愛看電視,有的聽音樂,有的做運動…請你談談你通過哪些方式放松自己并說說原因,談談你的感受。提示詞語:relax, tv, music, think

the senior high school entrance examination is order to make a success in the exam i think it’s high time for us to relax a we’ll be too nervous to work well in the order to relax ourselves, we can turn to some of our hobbies, different students have different ways----some watch tv, some listen to music… but for me i enjoy taking exercise er i feel tired, i always spend an hour(in)walking or jogging in the s, i also play table tennis with my friends after my opinion, taking exercise can not only rest our brains and eyes but also help build our bodies.i think it’s really helpful to both my health and my study.i hope all of my classmates can join me in getting relaxed.i wish you all every success in the coming examination!許多學習生活中的煩惱都會使人產生壓力,為了更好地發(fā)現及解決同學們中存在的心理壓力問題,你們班特意開展了一次以“l(fā)ess pressure, better life”為主題的英語演講比賽,請你準備發(fā)言稿,談談你的一些緩解壓力的好辦法,與同學分享,內容包括:●同學們中普遍存在的壓力是什么;

●我的壓力是什么;●我是如何成功緩解我的壓力的。注意:文中不得出現真實的姓名和校名。詞數80~100;短文的開頭已給出(不計入總詞數)。some students can’t get on well with their classmates, while others may worry about their exams.i’m always under pressure, parents want me to be the top student in they send me to all kinds of after-classes at monday evening, i had a talk with my mother.i told her i was not lazy.i really felt tired.i needed time to mother agreed with me at i think a conversation with parents is necessary to solve the problem.隨著互聯網的發(fā)展和普及,網絡購物在中國也變得越來越普遍了,甚至已經成了我們日常生活的一部分了;相信同學們身邊一定有不少同學已經通過網絡進行購物了,比如淘寶網,京東商城等;但是網絡購物究竟有何利弊呢? 請寫一篇短文,談談網上購物的好處與壞處。參考范文:

we talked about the advantages and disadvantages of internet shopping these students think it's very convenience for us to go shopping on the shop on internet for example , are open for almost 24 hours a day so we can buy something we want at any time if we 's more, we needn't to wait in a r, some students disagreed with can't see the things while we are we are not sure whether they are good or s, we can't enjoy the happiness of shopping with our friends.“低碳生活”書面表達

people say the earth is getting warmer and save our earth , we are supposed to do example , we can have a lowcarbon hot summer we can use electric fans instead of we go to school or work, we’d better ride bikes or walk rather than drive try to stay away from too much meat and eat more fruit and ’s good for your for communication, more and more people prefer sending emails to writing ’s also a good habit to help us a lowcarbon you can see , it’s really important to live a lowcarbon life , so let’s try to do something and help to product ourselves and the earth.2012 英語中考重點熱點話題作文參考及應用文的書寫格式有關留守兒童 一. 有關留守兒童

(一).守兒童”問題是近幾年社會關注的熱點話題。假如你是一名農村留守兒童 —— 小偉,請你現在給你父母 寫封信,告訴他們你的近況和一些想法。“留守兒童”的心事 1.父母外出,一人在家,孤獨寂寞; 2.看到別的孩子和父母在一起非??鞓?,很羨慕; 3.有一次因沒有足夠的時間做飯,上學遲到,受到老師和同學的誤解。“留守兒童”的笑聲 1.老師和同學經常鼓勵,在學習和生活上給予了很大的幫助; 2.政府給留守兒童過中秋節(jié)。“留守兒童”的心聲? 注意:1.詞數:120 左右; 2.可適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫; 3.開頭和結尾已為你寫好,但不計入總詞數。dear mom and dad,how are you these days? i miss you very much.i’m writing to tell you about my recent situation(情況)while you are the time you are away,i feel quite lonely,especially when watching other children playing with their parents i envy(羨慕)them!one day,i was late for school and misunderstood by my teacher and classmates because i had not enough time to cook a r,to my joy,my teachers and classmates always encourage me and give me a lot of help in study and ’s more,on the mid-autumn festival,the local government held a special party for us.i was happy and deeply moved.i miss you,mom and i can take care of myself.i’m looking forward to seeing xiaowei 1

(二)如今,在我們身邊,父母均在外打工的留守兒童比比皆是。關注留守兒童,構建和諧社會的重要內 容。關注留守兒童,要靠全社會的共同努力。你認為留守兒童面臨的主要問題有那些?為了解決留守兒童的 問題,請你向當地政府提建議 提示:1.缺乏父母的關愛,性格孤僻,學習壓力大、自卑。2.缺乏安全保障(家庭照管不力,容易犯錯誤甚至犯罪)。建議:1.學校建立留守兒童心里咨詢室,老師應該把愛播撒到每一個留守兒童的心田。2.政府利用節(jié)假日建立留守兒童家長學校。3.社會各界開展與留守兒童一幫一結對子的活動。4.父母盡可能回到孩子身邊,給孩子生活上和學習上的幫助和關愛。dear mayor: i'm a middle school student.(我是一名中學生)i'm writing to tell you something around us.(我現在要寫信告訴你我身邊的一些事情)nowadays, there are many left-behind children whose parents work away from their hometowns.(現在這有許多父母因工作而離開家鄉(xiāng)的留守孩)most of them are from the countryside, you know,(你知道,他們大多自農村)they have many problems.(他們有很多問題)they are always lonely and stressed out because they are short of their parents' love 因為他們 缺乏父母的關愛,性格孤僻,學習壓力大)at the same time, they are easy to make mistakes even do some thing against the laws, because they're short of their families' care.(同是,由于缺乏家庭 的關愛,他們容易犯錯誤甚至犯罪)。how to solve their problems?(怎樣解決他們的問題呢)in my eyes, the government can set up a parents 'school for these children on holidays,(我們可以看到,政府利用節(jié)假日建立留守兒童家 長學校。)you can organize“ hand-in-hand” activity to call on more people to help them.(你能 夠組織”手拉手”活動來幫助他們)you can also raise money to donate to these children.(你也可以 為這些孩子募集錢)as the song says:“if everyone gives their love, the world will be

better.”(就你一首歌里唱到的:只要人人都獻上一片愛,世界將變成更美好的人間”)it's very important for us to pay more attention to these children if we want to build a harmonious society.(如果我們想要 建立一個和諧的社會,關注這些孩子是很重要的)best wishes to you!sincerely, li hua 二.保護環(huán)境,倡導低碳生活 保護環(huán)境,(二)保護環(huán)境 從 2008 年 6 月 1 日起,國家將禁止商家免費提供塑料袋,掀起全國“拒塑”的環(huán)保運動。假如你是 李華,準備以“what can we do for the environment” 為題,寫一篇保護環(huán)境的英語演講稿。內容包含:1.在購物時用布袋子替代塑料袋; 2.盡可能地再利用使用過的課本; 3.離開教室應關燈; 4.最好走路或騎自行車上學; 5.簡述理由:保護環(huán)境,減少污染,節(jié)約能源等 注意:1.詞數:80 詞左右。開頭和結尾已經為你寫好,不計入總詞數; 2.可根據要點適當增加細節(jié),使行文連貫; 3.文章中不能出現真實姓名和校名,否則以零分處理。3.參考 詞匯:布袋子 cloth bag 塑料袋 plastic bag 保護 protect 能源 energy 污染 pollution 課本 textbook 參考

作文: what can we do for the environment hello, everyone.i’m li ’s nice to speak about what we can do for the environment, and i think each of us can do a little bit to help with this first thing we can do is to use cloth bags in stead of plastic bags when we go helps to protect the second thing we can do is to reuse the old textbooks as possible as we should also never forget to turn off the lights when we leave the classrooms in order to save ’s more, it would be better if we walk or ride a bike to should try our best reduce pollution and fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment.i believe we can make the world a better place to live you for your listening!.(四).為了保護地球有限的資源,我們應該采取什么措施呢?請根據下面的提示寫一篇約 80 詞的短文,短 文開頭已經給出。提示詞; water, the source of life , protect drinking water, stop polluting, make full use of it; electricity, crucial, turn off, other electric machines; forests, useful ,stop cutting down;e useful rubbish, save resources 參考作文: although the world develops much faster and better, the resources on the earth get fewer and order to

protect them,something must be is the source of water, no it’s very important for us to do only should we protect drinking water and stop polluting it, but also make full use of is can’t imagine what the life will be like without ne should do his best to save ’t forget to turn off lights or other electric

machines when we finish are stop cutting them down and

use recycled paper our world a green one to live e useful of rubbish can be recycled like cans,paper, bottles, and so can save resources in this way.三.介紹風景名勝 我們的家鄉(xiāng)有著悠久的歷史和秀麗的風光。假設你是一名導游,你正在接待一個來自英國的旅游團,請 寫一篇短文簡要介紹我市的風景名勝,不少于 80 詞。參考詞匯:long history, beautiful views, tour guide, relaxing , educational, friendly作文范文欣賞 good morning, everyone!nice to meet you!i'm your tour guide today, welcome to my home town----duyun duyun lies in the south of guizhou province, it has a very long history and many beautif ul

example, wenfeng park and baizi bridge are the most beautiful and relaxing among the air is very clean and is famous for its bridges and it is also a goo d place for shopping and having delicious far, a lot of new shopping malls have bee n can buy what you like there ,if you want to try traditional duyun food,you can go to night snack street, the food there is both delicious and are still many other interesting and exciting things waiting for you to enjoy yours elves!let's go for them!

四.高興或傷心之事的經歷 在學習和生活中,你遇到過高興和難過傷心的事,請用英語描述這樣的經歷 要求: 1:詞數不少于 80 個,開頭已給出 可選用下列詞匯:experience 經歷經驗 unhappiness 不快樂 confidence 自信心 hights and lows in my life 4 we all have experienced highs and lows in our lives.i will never forget the experience when i began to learn english.i like english but i couldn't get the right way in more i wanted to remember, the harder i found it was.i was in a low spirit.i almost gave it y, my english teacher encouraged me and helped me find a good by litter i realized english was not such a terrible thing.i became brave enough to open my mouth to speak excited i was!my confidence came back to e it or not , i won the first prize in spoken english competition in our was the first time i experienced the highs in my life!五.校園生活介紹

(一)my school life my name is beth.i'm 14 years old, and i study in no.1 middle school of school is very big and beautiful.i'm very happy in the school.i usually get up at 6:15 in the n i do morning exercises in the 6:40, i have my

can see many students and teachers in the dinning breakfast, i often read english with my have six classes every first class begins at 7:50 am.i like all the classes for my teachers can make the classes lively and favorite subject is english, so i join english corner every week.i can speak english with many other students 's very interesting and exciting.i think it's helpful for me to learn english class, i always play games with my play soccer ball, basketball, volleyball, ping-pong and so are very relaxing.i like my lessons, my friends and my a word, i love my school.i find my school life more and more meaningful and school life is wonderful, isn't it?

(三)你覺得你的校園生活安全嗎?請你寫一篇題為“how to keep safe in school”的短文。談談你的看法。內容包括: 1.描述一件發(fā)生在你身上或你看到的發(fā)生在校園的意外事件(經過與結果)。2.提出解決這種校園意外事件的建議(至少兩條)。3.呼吁每個學生要注意安全

how to keep safe in school

do you know our school life could be dangerous if we are not careful example,last month,my friend tom fight with a tom chase the the time he run into the classmate , the classmate had already closed the door,so tom hit the door,and then he send to the hospital soon,and he stay in hospital about two ,we should know the important of the safe in are my can't fight with we should get on well with our

's more,we should be carefully in our school 's keep safe in school,and have a better life!

六.網上購物 shopping online with the help of the internet, shopping is not a difficult click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is needn't step out of the seems easy and there's always a trap(陷阱) you are careless, it will bring you some may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too you want to be different, you'd better not buy clothes you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the you must be careful, because everything has two sides.6

與父母相處的話題 這類作文難度較大,掌握基本句式,背誦范文非常必要。假如你是 han mei, 下面是一封你的筆友 alice 給你發(fā)來的 e-mail,請你根據 e-mail 的內容給她寫一封 回信,與她交流看法,并幫她排憂解難。提示詞語:listen to, mother's love, care about, communicate with, get along with, smile 寫作要求:1.語句通順,書寫工整;2.可用所給提示詞語,也可以適當發(fā)揮;3.詞數在 80 左右 dear han mei, i'm afraid i've got a big problem mother talks too much to always tells me, “be careful while crossing the street.” “put on more clothes.” “did you do a good job at school?” and so on.i'm annoyed(煩惱)。what shall i do? alice 例文 dear alice, as a teenager, i met the same problem as now i can get along better with my are some ideas for mother talks much, because she cares about it's not a good way, but it shows your mother's i think you should listen to your opinions are different from your mother's, you can communicate with her, and tell her what you are thinking your mother doesn't take your advice, just keep silent and give her a smile.i hope what i say here can help you a han mei


(一).e-mail 例;根據中文大意,寫出意思連貫、符合邏輯、不少于 80 詞的短文。假設你叫王明,昨天收到了筆友 david 的 e-mail,得知他不久要到北京來學習中文。他想了解如何學好 中文。請你用英文給他回復一封 e-mail,介紹學習中文的體會和方法,提出你的建議,以及表達你幫助他學 好中文的愿望。dear david, i'm glad you'll come to beijing to learn

e is very useful, and many foreigners are learning it 's difficult for you because it's quite different from have 7 to remember as many chinese words as 's also important to do some reading and can watch tv and listen to the radio to practice your your best to talk with people in can learn chinese not only from books but also from people around you have any questions, please ask me.i'm sure you'll learn chinese to see you soon in wang ming

(二).明信片 jenny 正在北京玩,她昨天去參觀長城,很快樂。她要把長城介紹給她的父母,長城大約 6500 公里長,用大石頭在大山上建成的,她很高興自己成為一個真正的好漢。請幫她寫一份明信片,上面有一張長城的圖 片。時間是 2 月 4 日,星期四。地址是加拿大阿爾伯特省艾得蒙頓市公園路 522 號。8 thursday, february 4th dear mom and dad, we are having fun in day i visited the great is about more than 6500 kilometers is so long and so you know? it is mostly made of big is made at the top of the big is a picture of it for you.i'm proud of myself because i have become a true man.i miss jenny

(三).發(fā)言稿 在一次英語班會上,老師請同學們以“proud of my school”為主題發(fā)言。請根據下面所給的提示寫一篇 發(fā)言稿。字數要求在 80~100 詞之間。文中不得出現真實的人名、地名。提示:①what does your school look like? ②what fun do you have at school? ③why do you like your school?

proud of my school(以學校為榮的作文)

my school is very big with several tall are over 1,000 students in my have a big playground, a big soccer court and two basketball are lots of trees around our have lots of fun at class we play games and do lots of sports, like a big teachers in my school are as kind to us as our parents.i feel proud of my school because it is one of the best schools in my heart.假定你班今天下午要開一次以 keep our school clean 為主題的英語班會,請以班長的身份準備一篇 70 詞左右的發(fā)言稿。提示:不隨地吐痰,不亂扔垃圾,不在墻壁上亂涂亂畫,每天保持教室內外清潔等(不要逐句翻譯)good afternoon, everyone!we're studying in this 's our duty to keep it clean and 's not polite to spit in public

places, such as in the library, in the should neither draw pictures on the walls nor throw any litter onto the ground.i think we must make it a rule to do some cleaning every everyone tries his best to do something useful for our school will be more 's you!9

(四)、海報(poster)內容:影訊、球訊等 ①影訊 參考單詞:票價 fare 電影院 cinema this week’s film(news)(本周影訊)(本周影訊)name: jane eyre(片名:《簡·愛》)time: 8 , may 25(時間:5 月 25 日星期六晚上 8 點)place: the school auditorium(地點:學校禮堂)fare: 5 yuan(5 元)(票價:5 元)②球訊 排球比賽 教工女隊:學生女隊 時間:2007 年 5 月 25 日下午 4 點 30 分 地點:校籃球場 歡迎大家前往觀看助威。學生會 volleyball match women teachers’ team student’s team time: 4:30p.m, may 25,2007 place: the playground all the teachers and students are welcome to watch the student

union 海報 足球友誼賽 高一(1)班:高一(2)班 時間:5 月 25 日星期五下午四點 地點:學校操場 歡迎前往參觀助興(加油助威)學生會 2007-5-24 poster friendly football match a football match will be held between class one and class two of senior grade 1 at 4.00

friday, may 25th on the school are warmly school students’ union th may 24 , 2007 poster friendly football match class one of senior grade 1 v.(vs./vs.)class two of senior grade 1 time: at 4.00 friday, may 25th place: on the school are warmly welcome.(come and cheer for them.)the school students’ 24th.③講座

(lecture)10 english lecture title: the difference between british and american english speaker: green, american teacher place: the school hall time: 6:30 p.m., friday all are welcome!senior grade 2 may 24,2007

(五)、尋物啟事/失物招領(lost and found)

①尋物啟事(lost)lost 尋物 特征(外觀,顏色,里面的東西等)尋物的時間和地點。要求及聯系方式(落款)my name is zhang mei.i lost a red handbag in the school library last monre is a key to my bike and my student certificate in the finder please come to class one, grade nine? thanks a lot!(我(張梅)上周一在圖書館不慎丟失了一 個紅色的手袋。內有自行車鑰匙,學生證,如果您拾到的話,請與九(1)班聯系。)peter ②失物招領(found)found 招領 拾物特征(外觀,顏色,里面的東西等)拾物的時間和地點。要求及聯系方式(落款)may 25, 2007 a pair of glasses was found in the reading room on the morning of may the owner please ring 6254318?(四月十日早上在閱覽室拾到眼鏡一副,請失主撥打電話 6254318。)finder, zhang wei

(六)、通知 ①口頭通知(announcement)注意事項:口頭通知發(fā)布人通常用第一人稱。a.最開始處可有稱呼(要頂格寫):如:“l(fā)adies and gentlemen”,“boys and girls”

b.要有開頭語,如:“may i have your attention, please?”,”attention, please”,“i have something important to tell you!” “ please be quiet.”等。

c.最好要有結束語,如: ”that's you."

假如有一批澳大利亞中學生在京旅游,住在北京飯店,請用英語為他們擬一個參 觀頤和園的口頭通知, 內容要點如下: 1.參觀時間: 五月四日,星期三 2. 頤和園簡介: 它是中國最大的保存最完好的皇家園林, 風景優(yōu)美, 甚是迷人, 有山有 水, 有皇家建筑和畫廊。3.活動安排: 上午自由參觀, 中午在快餐館吃午飯, 下午 5:30 返回賓館。4.集合時間: 星期三早上 6:10, 汽車 6:30 開, 行駛 45 分鐘。11 5.集合地點: 賓館大門口。may i have your attention? we will visit the summer palace on wednesday, may summer palace is the largest well-kept royal park in the park there is water and man-piled are some royal buildings and a gallery, too.i am sure you will be struck by its beautiful the morning we will be free to visit the

different places of the palace and then we will have lunch in the fast-food will get back to the hotel at half gather at the hotel gate at 6:10 on wednesday buses will start at 6: will take us about 45 minutes to get be on ’s you.②書面通知(notice)注意事項: a.正文上面正中,往往用 notice 一詞。b.正文表述可采用敘述形式(如主題、人物、時間、地點)c.發(fā)出通知的單位名稱一般寫在正文后的右下角,也可寫在 notice 的正上方。d.發(fā)出通知的時間一般寫在正文的左下角(在落款的下一行)或右上角(在 notice 的下一行)。e.發(fā)出通知的單位和被通知對象是最好用第三人稱。假如你是班長,你班要舉行一次英語講座(lecture),請你根據下面提示 出一個通知。

1、時間:5 月 26 日,星期五,下午 2:30

2、地點:305 教室


4、演講人:美國 jason 教授。noticemay 24, 2007

there will be an english lecture at 2:30 p.m on friday, may will be held in room sor jason from america is going to give a talk on american come on ne is welcome.i am sure you will enjoy it!monitor 通知 星期五(9 月 10 日)下午 4 點全體教師在會議室開會,慶祝教師節(jié),請準時參加。校工會 the school teachers’ union notice all teachers are requested to meet in the school meeting room at 4 p.m on friday(sept.10)to 12 celebrate teachers’ be there on .8, 2011

(七)、便條(note)、留言(message)便條(note)、留言(message))、留言 注意事項: ① 日期:右上角 ② 稱呼:頂格 ③ 署名:正文右下角 9:00 a.m., may 25 dear mother, i have taken 20 yuan with me.i will have lunch with classmates in the park you needn't cook lunch for !yours zhang mei 假定你是 lily,打算和你的外籍教師 mary 去看京劇 peking opera。你去送票,碰巧她不在家,請你就以 下內容寫一份留言:

1、今晚 7 點開始


3、坐 3 路車可直達劇院。9:00 a.m., may 25 dear mary,we are going to see a play of beijing opera in the people’s theater this performance starts at may take bus no.3 to there.i will wait for you at the theater you!lily 電話留言(telephone message)telephone message from: zhang mei to: luo wei date: may 25 time: 16:00 message: she tells that you must put on your old clothes, bring some food and drinks, ride a bike to meet them at the school gate at 8:00 by: father



2、稱呼寫頂格。一般以 dear...開頭。有時可在 dear 之后,用上 mr.或 miss 等的稱呼加上姓氏。

3、署名在右下角。①事假 假如你叫王力,請給班主任李老師寫一張假條。要求 60-70 詞。事由:母親突然發(fā)病,發(fā)高燒,在住院,需要人照顧,父親出差去武漢。所以請假三天,日期 5 月 25 日。may 25 dear mr li, i’m sorry to tell you that i can’t go to school mother is ill in has a bad father is out in wuhan now, and he can’t be back soon so i have to look after my e of this, i would like to ask for a three-day you very much!wang li ②病假(sick leave)假設你叫 tom,你昨天在學校游泳池游泳患了感冒,今天早上

覺得頭疼,你母親給你量了體溫后,發(fā)現 你發(fā)燒,便帶你去看醫(yī)生,醫(yī)生說你需要臥床休息兩天,特向老師請假。給老師寫一張 70—100 字的請假條 may 25, 2007 dear sir, i'm sorry to tell you that i can't go to school today, i've caught a cold because i swam in the school's swimming pool morning i had a taking my temperature, my mother found that i had a high fever, immediately she took me to see a doctor, who advised me to stay in bed for 2 i am writing to you to ask for 2 days' sick best wishes your student, tom 常用語:i’m sorry that…/i’m sorry to tell you i’d like to ask for three days’ leave.(九)、廣告(advertisement)廣告(advertisement)advertisement snow refrigerator beautiful appearance slight sound electricity saved durable service nanjing refrigerator company

(十)、日記(diary)日記(diary)日記的格式 白雪牌電冰箱 造型美觀 無噪音 省電 經久耐用 南京電冰箱公司 14 英文日記通常由書端和正文兩個部分組成。日記常以第一人稱記下當天生活中的所見、所聞、所做或所 想的事情。中、英文的日記三格式大致一樣。英語日記的書端是專門寫日記的日期、星期和天氣的。左上角 是日期(年、月、日)、星期。右上角寫上當天的天氣情況,如:sunny,fine,rainy,windy,snowy,cloudy 等。

1、日期表達有多種形式。年、月、日都寫時,通常以月、日、年為順序,月份可以縮寫,日和年用逗 號隔開。例如: a)september 1,2004 或 september 1st,2004 也可省略寫成 sept.1,2004 或 sept.1st,2004;the 1st of september in 2004(月份不可以縮寫)b)只有月、日:september 1 或 september 1st(月份可以縮寫)c)只有年、月:september 2004 或 the september of 2004(月份不可以縮寫)以上的 1 或 1st 都應讀作 the first.2、星期也可以省略不寫,可將其放在日期前或后,星期和日期之間不用標點,但要空一格,星期也可 縮寫。如: saturday,october 22nd,2004;october 22nd,2004 saturday 3.天氣情況必不可少。天氣一般用一個形容詞如:sunny,fine,rainy,snowy 等表示。寫在日期之后,用逗號隔開,位于日記的右上角。如: march 12,2009,sunday fine today is our teachers and we students went to plant 8 in the morning we met outside the school we rode our bikes to west half past eight,we arrived soon as we got there,some of us dug holes,some put the young trees in the holes,and others carried water and watered the all worked 11:30,we left we were very tired,we felt very 28th saturday fine it was saturday,just before may classmates and i went to the park nearby,we didn't go there for amusement but took part in voluntary got there at 9: were spanided into three groups and then began students in group one planted trees and watered task for group two was collecting the litter left about by tourists and cleaning the group i was in got to the children's playground and wiped all the equipment worked very 11: 00,when all the work was finished up,all my classmates met gh everyone was in a sweat,yet we felt happy because we had done good job.





北京時間 2016 年 3 月 15 日,李世石與“阿爾法圍棋”的人機大戰(zhàn)五番棋 事情是這樣的,5 月 3 日,四川達州八旬的老人李某坐動車到成都看病,因節(jié)后人多,只買到達州到營 山的座票。到南充后,老人被座位的主人請了起來,座位的主人是一位女生,老人女兒懇請她和母親擠一 擠,遭到拒絕。老人女兒挽扶著母親往后走,后面兩排年輕人同樣充耳不聞。大約 5 分鐘后,一中年男子 為老人讓了座。這時,老人女兒說:“年輕人啊,應該多學學。”女生委屈的回答道:“坐自己位置錯了嗎?” 面對這樣的事情,你怎么看呢?

請寫一篇不少于 700 字的作文??梢园l(fā)表議論,也可以編寫故事,文體不限,題目自擬?!纠摹?/p>


北京晚報評論員 張 麗 月 3 日,華西都市報發(fā)布的一篇微博“動車上拒和老人擠著坐遭指責”,引發(fā)網友熱議。就此事,新 浪網做了一個網友單選投票調查。截至 5 日中午 12 點 18 分,有 45220 人參與投票,其中 40126 票認為“座 位主人沒做錯,自己花錢買了票,有權決定愿不愿擠著坐”,占 88.7?;認為“不讓座不近人情的”有 2622 票,只占總投票人數的 5.8;其余的人自己“說不好”。這個結果反映出了一個趨勢,以前人們對不給老年 人讓座的行為是一邊倒地批評;后來在各種“讓座”糾紛中某些老年人的不文明行為曝光后,人們開始思 考;終于在動車讓座的選擇上轉向了另一個方向的“一邊倒”。是人們文明素質變得低下了,開始不尊老敬 老了嗎?非也。

動車不同于公交和地鐵,坐席票都是指定的。座位主人、這個女大學生主張自己的權利,不愿意讓座 也不愿意很不舒服地和人擠著坐,并沒做錯什么。老人的女兒是在請求女大學生的幫助,但并不可以命令 或者要求別人必須幫助。歸根到底,別人幫你是情分,不幫是本分。用“年輕人啊,應該多學學”這種片 兒湯話來進行道德綁架,過了。特別是某些對此事的報道在轉發(fā)中,著意加上了“白發(fā)蒼蒼的老人”、“美 女大學生”這樣的標簽化描繪,字里行間的道德評判之意昭然若揭,未免有失新聞報道的公平立場。

而且恰如一些網友所說,這件事并非只有“請別人讓座”一個解決辦法。首先,動車運營部門作為服 務行業(yè),應當有責任為有病老人解決實際困難。其次,老人的女兒完全可以尋找列車員請他們幫忙安排臨 時座位,或者自己帶一個折疊凳坐在不影響他人的安全區(qū)域。更重要的是,老人已經年過八旬,其女兒在 買票的時候就該考慮到母親的需要,而不是挾老人以令他人,把自己本應盡的義務轉嫁到別人身上,把自 己的受助當成理所當然,且在面對拒絕時再施加道德評判。這跟此前人們所詬病的少數老人索要座位,乃 至直接坐到小女孩腿上或者掌摑孕婦逼其讓座等行為并無二致。

回到動車讓座這件事本身,掏錢買了票的人,就擁有了對自己的座位處置的權利。社會道德的價值取 向里,永遠都鼓勵人們尊老愛幼、助人為樂。這毋庸置疑。中年男子愿意讓,女大學生不愿意,只要是自 己意愿的真實且自由的表達,就都值得尊重。我們社會的良性運行,公民個人自由的實現,都需要建立在 這樣的尊重之上。


【話題解讀】 中國夢,是個人的夢、民族的夢、國家的夢,乃至世界的夢,涵蓋社會、人生的諸多方面。“中國夢” 的本質內涵是實現國家富強、民族復興、人民幸福、社會和諧。它超越了以個人成功為標準的“美國夢”,以個人成功與人民共同幸福為目標,凝結著中華民族的共同利益追求。

“中國夢”的主要動力有三大來源: 主權完整,國家統(tǒng)一,世界和平。中國夢的實現,離不開中國特色社會主義建設,離不開經濟、政治、文化、社會、生態(tài)文明五位一體 的建設。


(一)“個人夢” 1.胸懷理想,樹立明確的人生目標,樹立正確的人生觀和價值觀

2.將“個人夢”與“民族夢”“中國夢”和諧統(tǒng)一起來 3.要實現“個人夢”,就要腳踏實地,不要急功近利 4.要實現中國夢,就要負責任,敢擔當

(二)“民族夢” 1.加強道德建設,解除信仰危機 2.傳承民族文化,弘揚民族精神 3.團結一致,艱苦奮斗,傳播正能量

(三)“中國夢” 1.實現中國夢,需要開拓創(chuàng)新精神

2.實現中國夢,需要科學發(fā)展、綠色發(fā)展,不要灰色 gdp 3.實現中國夢,需要可持續(xù)發(fā)展 【論據示例】



3.學者崔衛(wèi)平說過,“你所站在的那個地方,就是屬于你的中國。你怎么樣,中國便怎么樣。你是什 么,中國人便是什么。你內心光明的時候,中國便不再黑暗?!?/p>

4.央視公益廣告“中國夢·家國篇”——在這片土地上,每個人都有自己的夢想和追求,自然的饋贈,播種與豐收,團聚與喜悅。我們都有對美好生活的向往,新鮮健康的空氣,水和食物。讓我們用勞動成就 自己夢想。國家好,民族好,大家才會更好。

5.羅陽,遼寧沈陽人。研究員級高級工程師。沈陽飛機工業(yè)(集團)有限公司董事長、總經理、黨委副 書記。2012 年 11 月 25 日 12 時 48 分,羅陽在航母“沈陽號”上連續(xù)工作了七天七夜后,突發(fā)心臟病,倒 在了在工作崗位上,終年 51 歲。被追授為“全國優(yōu)秀共產黨員”。

6.西安鐵路局安康工務段巴山線路工區(qū)巡道工王庭虎,常年徒步往返在他管轄的 12 公里鐵道線上,練就了一套“耳目神技”。他每天一個來回,“腳數、耳聽、目測”44160 根枕木上的鋼軌、441600 顆道釘 和扣件,確保轄區(qū)安全,萬無一失。


【立意方向】 1.世界上一切事物都是運動、變化、發(fā)展的,都是互相聯系的

2.事物的發(fā)展是內因和外因共同起作用的結果,內因是事物變化發(fā)展的根本原因,內因是事物變化發(fā) 展的條件,外因通過內因起作用

3.任何事物的變化都是量變和質變的統(tǒng)一,量變是質變的前提和必要準備,質變是量變的必然結果 4.事物都包含既對立又統(tǒng)一的兩個方面,矛盾不僅具有普遍性,還具有客觀性,要堅持兩分法,防止 片面性

5.矛盾普遍性與特殊性是辯證統(tǒng)一的關系。二者相互聯結:普遍性寓于特殊性之中,沒有特殊性,就 沒有普遍性;特殊性也離不開普通性,不包含普遍性的特殊性也是沒有的

6.兩點論和重點論是緊密相聯的。兩點是有重點的兩點,重點是兩點中的重點。離開兩點談重點或離 開重點談兩點,都是錯誤的

【例題】下列材料引發(fā)了你哪些思考、聯想?請自選角度,自擬題目寫一篇文章。文體不限。1.茉莉、米蘭、香氣襲人,但不夠艷麗;君子蘭、牡丹,雍容華貴,卻少了些馨香;玫瑰雖是色香俱 佳,可又渾身是刺……

2.科學家們曾做過一個有趣的實驗,他們將一條魚的前腦切除。沒有前腦的魚看起來與其他魚一樣正 常,但隨魚群游動的時候,這條沒有前腦的魚會突然離開魚群,游向另外方向,一直朝著自己認定的方向 往前游。這條魚的舉動,令魚群震撼,所有的魚一齊停下,接著改變了方向,也去追趕這條沒有前腦的魚 去了。

3.古時候,有一個人捕鳥,他一面讓人趕鳥入網,一面拉開網攔住鳥的去路,結果只有一個網眼上掛 住了一只鳥。于是,他越發(fā)覺得用這么多網眼純屬多余,就用只有一個網眼制成的套子來捕鳥,從此以后,他再也沒有捉到過鳥。

4.一個小孩在草地上發(fā)現了一個蛹,他把它帶回了家。過了幾天,蛹上出現了一道小裂縫,里面的蝴 蝶掙扎了好幾個小時,身體似乎被卡住了,一直出不來。小孩子看著于心不忍,于是,他拿起剪刀把蛹殼 剪開,幫助蝴蝶脫蛹而出??墒?,這只蝴蝶的身軀臃腫,翅膀干癟,根本飛不起來,不久就死去了。瓜熟 蒂落,水到渠成,蝴蝶必須在蛹中痛苦掙扎,直到它的雙翅強壯了,才會破蛹而出。


【立意方向】 1.我國的優(yōu)秀傳統(tǒng)文化源遠流長、博大精深,只有把握中國傳統(tǒng)文化的精髓,才能把握中國傳統(tǒng)文化 的真貌。


3.社會主義核心價值觀并非對中國傳統(tǒng)文化的全盤繼承,而是取其精華去其糟粕,對中國傳統(tǒng)文化進 行升華和再創(chuàng)新。


2013 年,“中國漢字聽寫大會”在中央電視臺播出,節(jié)目由專家任裁判和解說,央視著名播音員任讀詞 考官,參賽者都是中學生,從中決出年度冠軍。關于此項活動,有如下一些說法:


——“中國漢字聽寫大會”將成為一年一度國家級規(guī)模最大、水準最高、影響最廣的文化娛樂賽事之 一(某媒體評論)


面對這樣的評論,你怎么看呢?請寫一篇不少于 700 字的作文。可以發(fā)表議論,也可以編寫故事,文 體不限,題目自擬。


【立意方向】 1.人是自然環(huán)境的產物,人類的生存和發(fā)展都與自然環(huán)境密切相關。

2.人類勞動的歷史是人和自然界相互作用的規(guī)模和范圍不斷擴大、作用形式不斷復雜化、人類引起自 然日益深刻變化的過程。



加拿大阿爾伯塔省北部麥克默里堡 5 月 1 日發(fā)生森林大火。截止 22 日,過火面積已達到 5230平方公 里,燒毀超過 2400 棟住家及建筑,觸發(fā)阿省歷史上最大規(guī)模的居民撤退行動,并影響加拿大的油砂業(yè)運作,成為加拿大史上經濟損失最大的自然災難。

美國亞利桑那北部大學森林生態(tài)學教授瓦利·卡溫頓說,生態(tài)系統(tǒng)最主要的自我調節(jié)機制就是頻繁發(fā) 生的林火,每 2 到 7 年,就會燒一次。從大的生態(tài)角度看,林火并不完全是壞事。自然發(fā)生的規(guī)模不大的 林火,能燒除枯枝朽木,補充土地養(yǎng)分,讓森林重新恢復活力。

面對這種說法,你怎么看呢?請寫一篇不少于 700 字的作文??梢园l(fā)表議論,也可以編寫故事,文體 不限,題目自擬。




拋開這次火災不談,從大的生態(tài)角度看,林火并不完全是壞事。自然發(fā)生的規(guī)模不大的林火,能燒除 枯枝朽木,補充土地養(yǎng)分,讓森林重新恢復活力。

在世界上一些林火高發(fā)國家,消防員們總是疲于奔命,哪里有火情就奔向哪里。以美國為例,自 20 世 紀初美國林業(yè)局成立以來,防火滅火成為首要任務。這卻導致那些本應在偶發(fā)林火中燒光的灌木、叢林等 得以不斷生長,為下一次大火提供了更充足的“燃料”。因此,近些年來“燒到失控”的林火越來越多。

“野火燒不盡”。這就像是一個尷尬的循環(huán),滅火越快、越多,以后就更有可能發(fā)生失控大火。美國《時代》周刊一篇報道援引亞利桑那北部大學森林生態(tài)學教授瓦利·卡溫頓的話說,生態(tài)系統(tǒng)最 主要的自我調節(jié)機制就是頻繁發(fā)生的林火,每 2 到 7 年,就會燒一次。但在現代社會,這種自然機制已經被打破了。除了“滅小火而催生大火”,人類活動造成的全球變暖也為林火發(fā)生提供了更有利的“大環(huán)境”。而厄

爾尼諾等周期性現象帶來的干旱等極端天氣,更是“火上澆油”,又熱又干,令火情一觸即發(fā)。在美國,2015 年見證了近幾十年來最糟糕的一個防火季,火情數量多、規(guī)模大。美國林業(yè)局局長湯姆·蒂

德韋爾去年 5 月在國會一個聽證會上表示,“現如今美國發(fā)生的林火,其規(guī)模是二三十年前根本難以想象的”。但林火研究專家稱,這也在預料之中,主要原因仍然是全球變暖外加厄爾尼諾。

加拿大艾伯塔大學的麥克·弗蘭尼根、萊斯布里奇大學的朱迪斯·庫利格等林火研究專家都認為,麥 克默里堡此次火情如此失控以及今年以來林火數目明顯多于同期,主要就是受到全球變暖的升溫和厄爾尼 諾下的干旱的雙重夾擊。

干旱少水,使得森林里的枯枝朽木變得“點火就著”。弗蘭尼根對媒體解釋說,一場林火的發(fā)生有 3 個 要素:可燃物(枯枝朽木等)、點火(雷電或人為原因)和天氣(高溫、干燥、大風)。

顯然,外部環(huán)境不容易控制。而如果能定期清理森林里的“可燃物”,就如釜底抽薪,是消除火災隱患 的關鍵一環(huán),因此包括中國在內很多國家,如今已經開始用“計劃燒除法”來防范林火失控。所謂計劃燒 除,是指在規(guī)定的區(qū)域內,預先人為燒除森林中的草叢、枯枝敗葉或其他植被,還能燒掉外來入侵物種,保護森林生態(tài)。

專家們說,很多國家在森林滅火領域增加投入,但其實一旦火情嚴重,滅火力量也只是杯水車薪。與 其如此,不如將資金和人力向計劃燒除、防火宣傳等方面傾斜,防患于未然。不過,計劃燒除也要考慮到 臨近居民區(qū)的空氣污染以及火情失控的風險。


