
格式:DOC 上傳日期:2022-12-22 14:02:32
時間:2022-12-22 14:02:32     小編:zdfb



tourists, yinchuan city is located in the hetao plain formed by thealluvial of the yellow river, facing the yellow river in the east, with flat andopen terrain; the helan mountain in the west, adjacent to the mountains of alxaleft banner in inner mongolia; the qingtongxia gorge in the south; and pingluocounty in the north. the total area of the city is 3499 square kilometers, andthe urban area is 1277 square kilometers. it has jurisdiction over threecounty-level districts of urban area, new urban area and suburb, and twocounties of yongning and helan. according to statistics__ at the end of theyear, the city's total population was about 1039100. yinchuan is a multi-ethnicarea, inhabiting 25 ethnic groups, such as hui, han, manchu, mongolian andkorean. it is also a city where the hui population is concentrated, with about223100 hui people.

it is said that a long time ago, seven sisters of phoenix lived in thesouth of the yangtze river, bringing happiness to people. among them, theyoungest seven sisters came to ningxia, where the land is thin and the peopleare poor, and opened a canal to spanert water, bringing the scenery of the southof the yangtze river. later, in order to prevent the invasion of alien tribes,fenghuang qimei became a city to protect the people in ningxia, which was lateryinchuan. now, "phoenix city" has become the reputation of yinchuan.

yinchuan is flat and open. the terrain trend is gradually inclined fromsouthwest to northeast. "helan is the screen, the yellow river is around, thefertile fields are thousands of miles, and the lakes are inlaid" is the featureof yinchuan landform pattern. yinchuan terrain is spanided into mountain andplain. in the west is helan mountain, which forms a trapezoidal shape andgradually decreases from the south of quanqigou, with an altitude of 20__-2500meters. the main peak, aobaogeda, is 3556 meters. it is a natural barrier toprevent the cold air and sandstorm from driving into the northwest. in the eastis the yellow river alluvial plain. the yellow river flows from 16 kilometerseast of yinchuan city to 30 degrees south of the city to shizuishan, with atransit length of 78.4 kilometers and a water surface of 124700 mu, forming avast and boundless alluvial plain of the yellow river, in which there arehundreds of fertile fields, ditches, lush vegetation, scattered with hundreds oflakes and marshes, including the famous "72 lian lake". since ancient times, ithas been the main agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fisheryproduction area.

yinchuan is located in the middle temperate arid climate zone, whichbelongs to the middle temperate continental climate. the main features are: lessrain and snow, strong evaporation, sufficient sunshine, moderate heat, strongwind and sand; cold in winter, hot in summer, short and changeable in an is located in the northwest inland, far from the sea, coupled with adry climate, less rainfall and long sunshine, so most of the year is ing to statistics, the annual sunshine time is 17.5 hours more than thatof "sunshine city" lhasa.

the temperature difference between day and night in yinchuan is very large,with an average daily temperature difference of 13.1-14.4 degrees in the wholeyear. this continental climate, coupled with the unique natural conditions, isvery suitable for the growth of all kinds of crops. it is easy to store thesugar content of melons and fruits, and the sugar content of melons and fruitsis 15% - 20% higher than that of central plains. according to the records ofshuijingzhu written by li daoyuan, a famous geographer in the northern weidynasty, yinchuan plain was called "guocheng" as early as 1500 years ago. it isrich in peach, plum, apricot, jujube, apple, grape and watermelon. the fruit isbig, sweet, tender and colorful. yinchuan has been planting rice for more than2100 years. after careful cultivation and improvement by the working people,yinchuan's rice has become a famous variety in china. the main food crops arewheat, buckwheat, white pea and so on. vegetables are ningxia cabbage, pepper,tomato, scallion. in addition, fern, seabuckthorn and honey are alsowell-known.

there are many soil types and spanerse vegetation in yinchuan area. theforest covers an area of one million mu, half of which are plantations,including timber forest, shelter forest and fruit forest. with the developmentof afforestation and other greening projects, the forest area and greening areaare increasing year by year. in 1988, the state council approved helan mountainas a national forest nature reserve with wildlife types. there are 183000 mu ofnatural secondary forest and 177 species of wildlife on the mountain, including16 species of rare animals under state protection.

yinchuan is located in the north of the depression belt in the westernmargin of ordos, with rich mineral resources. the mineral products stored in thehelanshan section of yinchuan are mainly coal, hematite, limestone, dolomite,apatite, quartz sandstone, diabase, ceramic clay, etc., which provide favorableconditions for the development of metallurgy, chemical industry, buildingmaterials and other industries in yinchuan, especially the high storage ofphosphate rock.

yinchuan has a long history. as early as 20__ years ago in the period ofemperor wu of han dynasty, it was the habitat of xiongnu, xianbei and othernomadic peoples. with the development of the yellow river irrigation area, somecastles have sprung up in yinchuan plain. at that time, the castles, which werecalled yinhan city, were the predecessor of yinchuan city. yinchuan county wasestablished in the northern and southern dynasties in the three years of jiande(574), which was called huaiyuan county. in 1020 ad, li deming, the leader ofdangxiang nationality, moved here and changed to xingzhou. in 1038, the capitalof xixia was established here, which lasted 189 years. after the change ofdynasties, it was renamed zhongxingfu, ningxia, ningxia fu and ningxia city. itwas not until 1945 that yinchuan city was established.

the term "yinchuan" comes from the description of this section of theyellow river and its coastal plain irrigation area as "yinchuan" in the lateming dynasty. this famous cultural city with a long history of more than 1000years is characterized by xixia culture. xixia mausoleum scenic spot is anational key scenic spot. helan mountain nature reserve is a national key naturereserve. xixia mausoleum, baisikou twin pagoda and haibao pagoda are the keycultural relics protection units in china. yinchuan is one of the mostattractive cities in western china because of its attractive water scenery,peculiar scenery of saishang and colorful hui customs.

tourists, yinchuan city is spanided into three parts: the old city, the newcity and the new city. the old city was formerly ningxia fucheng in the qingdynasty, about 15 kilometers east of the yellow river. both the regionalgovernment and the municipal people's government are located here. it is also acommercial district. the new city is located in the east of the railway station,7.5 kilometers away from the old city in the east. it was developed on the basisof the new manchu city where qianlong lived in the qing dynasty. after 1958, anew urban area was built on the vast desert grassland to the west of baotoulanzhou railway. once upon a time, in yinchuan city, except for the drum tower,yuhuangge, nanmenlou and other ancient buildings, most of them were low yellowmud adobe houses. nowadays, the ancient and new appearance of yinchuan citycomplement each other. around those ancient buildings, there are many modernbuildings. at night, the lights are bright, the neon lights are flashing, andthe broad streets are full of light. when you enter yinchuan, you can enjoy thebeauty of ningxia's unique tradition and the present. this ancient frontierfortress city is welcoming guests from all over the world with a newattitude.


lingshan in wuxi is a land of geomantic omen. lingshan buddha, vaticanpalace and other buddhist cultural attractions are famous at home and abroad,attracting thousands of people to visit every day, and some believers come toburn incense and kneel down to pray for the blessing of the buddha. during thesummer vacation, i, who knew nothing about buddhism, also went to enjoy thebeautiful scenery.

walking to the scenic spot, after passing through the gate of "lingshanresort", a stone archway connected by five gates stands in the middle of themain road, engraved with plaques of "keep precepts", "give alms" and "endurehumiliation" - it is said that this is the discipline requirement forbuddhists.

after the mountain gate, the two bronze lotus ponds attract the attentionof many tourists. according to legend, the buddha was born in the lotus. furtheron, there is the "jiulong guanyu" scenic spot. this is a very wide square. inthe center of the square, there is a huge copper tower made up of statues andaquarius. at the top of the tower, there is a huge lotus flower. with the musicof "the birthday of the buddha", many fountains burst into the sky around thesquare, the lotus petals on the top of the tower slowly opened, and the youngsakyamuni was born in the lotus. high water columns were spurted from the ninedragon mouths under the giant tower to bathe him. this landscape reproduces thestory of the birth of buddha. the holy water from jiulong falls into the pooland flows out slowly from the mouth of fenghuang. some tourists take out theirwater cups one after another and respectfully accept the auspicious holywater.

on the east side of jiulong guanyu, the vatican palace and the five sealmandala are even more dazzling against the blue sky.

a clear water encircles the five seal mandala in the middle of the water,which makes people feel that the temple is so far away, but it can be shuttling through the flowers and trees for a while, i finally found theentrance. this tibetan buddhist temple looks like the potala palace. enteringthe mandala, countless exquisite buddha statues and murals have come into thesight of tourists. the exquisite craftsmanship is amazing.

the vatican palace made of gold is even more glittering and full of buddhalight. this is the site of the world buddhist association. there is a tall andround performance hall in the vatican palace. on the roof of the sky, there is acolorful light like gems. there are 20__ seats in the hall, where a large-scalemusical "ode to the auspicious mountains" is performed all year round. it tellsthe story of where people come from and where they go. with the help of the hugering screen movies around, it tells the story of sakyamuni's founding ofbuddhism.

after visiting the above scenic spots, i am too tired to go. but it's apity that we don't visit lingshan buddha when we get to lingshan mountain. froma distance, the buddha stands on the top of the mountain and waves to us. i'mready to walk up the mountain again. on the way, i first met "the first palm inthe world", which is about three stories high and one finger is one meter is the palm of the buddha, as big as the palm of the bronze statue on thetop of the mountain. the tour guide said that touching the buddha's palm canbring good fortune, and the tourists immediately went to touch the buddha's palmwith great interest, as if they were full of good fortune and happy.

after the giant buddha's palm, there are hundreds of steps up the rs stop and go, pedaling the steps with difficulty. in the breath, i cameto the foot of the buddha, tourists one by one to embrace the buddha. this bigbuddha is 88 meters high. in front of the giant buddha's feet, i am so smallthat any toe is higher than me. i try my best to hold the thumb of the buddha'sfeet, leaving a precious lens.

looking around from the platform at the foot of the buddha, the buddhastatue is surrounded by mountains on both sides. just to the south is the vasttaihu lake. xuanzang, an eminent monk of the tang dynasty, saw this excellentgeomantic treasure land and called it lingshan. i believe that this beautifultreasure land gathers the aura of heaven, earth and mountains. this trip made meknow something about buddhism. the belief of buddhism is to have a good heart,do good deeds and promote social harmony. this tour is an eye opener for me.


hello everyone! welcome to star city changsha. now we are in the xiangjiangriver bridge. standing on the bridge, the scenery of changsha's "mountains,waters, continents and cities" can be seen at a glance. this "mountain" is thelush yuelu mountain in front of it, which is known as the tail of nanyue 72peak. naturally, this "water" is the mother river flowing quietly under thebridge - xiangjiang river. across the river is juzizhou, which is known as"unsinkable aircraft carrier". of course, the "city" is changsha city. next, iwill talk about it in detail from near to far.

xiangjiang river, originated from haiyangshan, lingchuan county, guilincity, guangxi zhuang autonomous region, has a total length of 856 km. it entershunan from yongzhou, flows through hengyang, chenzhou, zhuzhou, xiangtan,shaoyang, louerdi, changde and yueyang, and flows into dongting lake at thehaohekou of xiangyin county, with a drainage area of 85300 square kilometers inhunan. it is the largest river in hunan and also the mother river xiang is namedfor it. the word "xiang" in xiangjiang comes from the sentence "in the book ofsongs, zhaonan, caiping" that is "to build and cauldron with xiang". "xiang"originally means "cooking food", which is extended to refer to the appearance offog transpiration. xiangjiang river in hunan province, from south to north, nineileum, clouds, so take such a name.

you see, juzizhou in the middle of the river looks like a long belt, about5 kilometers long from north to south, and about 100 meters wide from east towest. mr. guo moruo once described it as "an unsinkable aircraft carrier". inthe western jin dynasty, it got its name because of the orange production on theisland. in tang and song dynasties, orange island had become a famous scenicspot at that time. one of the famous "eight sceneries of xiaoxiang" is "theevening snow on the river", which refers to the evening scenery of snowy dayshere. many famous poets have come here to chant, leaving poems and essays handeddown through the ages. mao zedong's "qinyuan spring · changsha" makes juzizhou aplace that the world yearns for.

yuelu mountain, located on the west bank of the xiangjiang river, is 300.8meters above sea level and the tail of the 72 peaks of nanyue mountain."southwest clouds come to hengyue mountain, and the sound of the river goes downdongting day and night" is a wonderful summary of the situation of yuelumountain. yuelu mountain is a huge "botanical museum", where ancient and famoustrees can be seen everywhere. yuelu mountain is a famous cultural mountain,which integrates confucianism, buddhism and taoism in ancient china. at the footof the mountain is yuelu academy, which is the first of china's four academiesand promotes confucian neo confucianism; at the back of the mountain is lushantemple, which is "the first scenic spot in han and wei dynasties and the firsttaoist temple in hunan"; at the top of the mountain is yunlu palace, which islisted as one of the seventy-two blessed places of taoism. in addition,aiwanting, baihequan, yuwangbei, relic tower and so on are also attractiveplaces. yuelu mountain is also a place where we look forward to people withlofty ideals. the cemeteries of huang xing, cai e, jiang yiwu and chen tianhuaare hidden in the green pines and cypresses.

next, let's talk about the city. changsha, with beautiful ecologicalenvironment and rich human resources, is one of the first batch of historicaland cultural cities announced by the state council, and one of the first batchof "china's excellent tourism cities" awarded by the state. in 20__, changshawas also rated as "national forest city". as the capital of hunan province,changsha is the political, economic, technological, cultural, commercial andtransportation center of hunan province. the city covers an area of 11800 squarekilometers with a total population of 6.31 million, including 556 squarekilometers of urban area and more than 2 million urban population. it hasjurisdiction over furong district, tianxin district, yuelu district, kaifudistrict and yuhua district, liuyang city and changsha, wangcheng and ningxiangcounties.

changsha has a superior geographical position, known as "jingyu lips,guizhou and guangdong throat". changsha, located in the middle of china, has astrategic position of connecting the east and the west. at present, the trafficin changsha is very convenient. the beijing zhuhai expressway and changshachangzhou expressway are connected here. the national highways 107, 319 and 1016are connected in the territory. the beijing guangzhou railway and shijiazhuangchangzhou railway pass through the city. through yueyang, the inland riverterminal can reach chongqing, wuhan and shanghai. huanghua international airportis one of the largest airports in central and south china. its route network hasspread to more than 40 large and medium-sized cities in china. it has openedflights to hong kong and macao, as well as international flights to bangkok,thailand and seoul, south korea.

"changsha star in the sky, changsha city on the earth." the name ofchangsha comes from the stars in the sky. the ancients spanided the stars in thesky into 28 constellations, and each constellation corresponds to a certain areaon the earth. among the twenty-eight constellations, there is a one called fusu,which corresponds to jingzhou. changsha used to be the city of jingzhou. thereis also a small star in charge of human life, also known as changsha star."astronomical records of the ming dynasty" said: "changsha xiaoxing, down tochangsha." therefore, the ground corresponding to changsha star is calledchangsha, so changsha is also called "xingsha".

changsha is a "famous city of chu and han dynasties" with a history of morethan 3000 years. the name "changsha" first appeared in the western zhou the spring and autumn period and the warring states period, changsha hadbecome an important economic, cultural and military town in the south of qin dynasty unified china, there were 36 counties in the world, andchangsha and its surrounding 9 counties were changsha counties. in the handynasty, wu rui was granted the title of king of changsha and established thestate of changsha. since the tang dynasty, changsha has become the political,economic and military center of hunan province.

"xiaoxiang zhusi, the hometown of qujia", which is a historical gift tochangsha. the ci and fu handed down by qu yuan and jia yi, the cultural relicsunearthed from han tombs, the bamboo slips of the three kingdoms, zhangzhongjing's treatise on febrile diseases, and the underglaze color of changshakiln are all shining with the glory of changsha's history and culture. changsha,known as the "cradle of revolution", has produced many great people in moderntimes. it has nurtured huang xing, li weihan, xu teli, yang kaihui, tian han andother people with lofty ideals. it is also the hometown of party and stateleaders hu yaobang, zhu rongji and li tieying.

changsha is rich in products, known as "the land of fish and rice", "theland of fireworks", "the land of xiang embroidery", "the land of pottery" and"the land of non-ferrous metals". it has been one of the four tea markets, fourrice markets and five pottery capitals in china since ancient times. richproducts have created changsha's unique catering culture. hunan cuisine andsnacks are made of exquisite materials.


dear tourists

hello everyone! welcome to xinghua village gujing cultural park. i'm thetourist guide.

chizhou xinghua village is famous for du mu's poem qingming. in ancienttimes, there were 12 scenes of xinghua village. the restoration of xinghuavillage is the dream of several generations in chizhou. this memorial archway isan important symbol of the restoration of xinghua village. the three words"xinghua village" on the memorial archway were written by ai qingti, a famousmodern chinese poet.

there is a couplet on both sides of the gate: "the sun shines on the wallof chizhou, the red apricot brings the spring breeze and the green rain at fouro'clock, the dawn bell startles the world, the fragrance of qionghua is bright,the biyu is thousands of miles drunk with danxia", which means that the springbreeze of reform and opening up and the beautiful ecological environment ofchizhou attract countless foreign businessmen to invest and start business inchizhou, and it is also the beginning of the reconstruction of xinghua gujing cultural park we see today is zhan xiao, an overseas chinese livingin europe mr. rong invested and built it. now, please follow me to visit xinghuavillage in du mu's works.

the mountain in front of us is engraved with du mu's poem qingming, whichis the handwriting of qigong, a great calligrapher. let's take a closer look. iwonder if you have noticed that the writing of this poem is not arrangedaccording to the normal four sentence poem. in fact, many people in ancienttimes wrote like this. it is said that there was a calligrapher in ancient timeswho wrote a paper fan for people. the person who held the fan didn't know thatit was a poem by du mu, so he read it as: "it rained during the qingmingfestival, and people on the road wanted to die. where is the restaurant? thereis a shepherd boy who points to xinghua village i don't know whether it'scoincidence or the common inspiration of the artists. it's the same with thepoem written by mr. qigong. there are many interesting topics about the poemqingming. it is said that ji xiaolan, a great scholar in the qing dynasty, is jixiaolan in the tv series "iron teeth and copper teeth". he thinks that the poemis not refined enough, so he deleted two words from each sentence to become fiveunique words: "qingming rains one after another, and pedestrians want to losetheir souls. where is the restaurant? it's the apricot blossom village later,many people changed this poem, but it is du mu's poem qingming that reallyspreads to the present. (there are many stories about the legend of qingmingpoem. if you are interested, you can buy a travel guide compiled by our company.)

next, we look at the other side of the mountain, which is the story of thepark and du mu's life. let me give a brief introduction to du mu's life

du mu, a native of western shaanxi, close to xi'an, is a famous poet in thelate tang dynasty. in 844 ad, du mu became an official in chizhou for two that time, he was called a governor. his footprints were all over thebeautiful landscape of chizhou. he left more than 40 poems, the most famous ofwhich is qingming. du mu did a lot of good things for the common people inchizhou, such as reducing taxes, paying attention to social security, buildingtimepieces, building some influential buildings and so on. but what is reallyrelated to tourism is the protection of the temples in jiuhua mountain. at thattime, a large-scale "buddha extermination" activity took place in 845. du mueffectively protected the newly rising temples in jiuhua mountain, which laidthe foundation for the later development of tourism in jiuhua ise, the jiuhua mountain we see today may be different, so chizhou peoplewill always remember him, now many place names in chizhou city are also relatedto him, such as duhu, duwu bridge, etc. in the planning, we plan to build a duketemple in the east of the park (xinghua village used to have duke temple, whichwas built by the descendants of the du family. the qing dynasty magistrate liming wrote the record of building duke temple, but now the site has beenabandoned. )

now let's move forward, along the direction of my finger is an old tree. doyou know what this tree is? it's camphor tree, camphor tree is the city tree ofchizhou city. do you know what the city flower of chizhou city is? it's apricotflower.

please come with me. now we come to the site of the millennium old wellsite in xinghua village. this building with tang dynasty style is huanggongjingcourtyard (pointing to the couplet), "red apricot blossoms, spring fragrance,well, huanglong wine and poetry drunk for thousands of years", which is veryimpressive. now let's take a look at this well. this well is a provincial-levelcultural relic protection unit. the inner wall of the well is made of greenbricks, which is 9 meters deep. according to the cultural relics department, itis an ancient well in the tang dynasty, with a history of more than 1000 's take another look at the stele of "du ci shi xingchun place" beside thewell, which was inscribed by li qiyang, a great scholar of the ming dynasty.(pointing to the statue) this is the statue of huang gong, with a couplet besideit: "fortunately, i have got the immortal's unique skill, and i'm glad to getthe famous wine drunk." legend has it that huang gong brewed good wine in shortsupply. the immortal tieguai li passed by and saw that huang gong and his wifewere loyal and diligent, so he secretly ordered well water to help him. later,when wine was in short supply, well water could be sold as wine. huangguangrun's wife said, "although wine is good, pigs are not bad."

now let's go from the back to see how wine is brewed and what kind of leesare. (pointing to the wine jar) the big wine jar in this open space is more than4 meters high. it is used for storing huanggong liquor. huanggong liquor is theregistered trademark of our company, and the logo of the small well is the logoof our company. now we can smell the aroma of wine. (walking into the winemaking workshop) this is master huang, the descendant of huang gong. this is thefermentation pool. this is cooked rice. it needs rice and bran to make wine. 100jin rice needs to be mixed with 20 jin bran. now i'd like to introduce thetechnological process to you: first, steam the rice in separate pots, cool thecooked rice to about 40 ℃, put in starter and other fermentation materials, andthen ferment in the fermentation pool. 1 0 days later, steam in the pool, andheat the liquor with circulating water.

do you want to taste this huanggong wine? it was after drinking huanggongwine that du mu wrote the poem qingming. now let's tell you the story of du mu'sfirst taste of huanggong wine. if you want to taste it, do it. (apricot flowergirl narrates this story) on the qingming day, du mu left the governor's palaceprivately. he heard about the fame of huanggong liquor for a long time, so hecame to huanggong liquor cuan. at that time, there were no guests, only apricotflower girl was there. du mu asked apricot flower girl to take the wine, butafter drinking it, du mu felt that the wine was not good enough, and said, "isthere any good wine?" apricot flower girl said, "good wine yes, but i'm going tomake a couplet. if you can make it up, i'll give you a drink. "then, the apricotflower girl made a couplet:" the mouth comes out from the waist of the white tinpot. "du mu was very sorry that she didn't make it up. when she saw that theapricot flower girl locked the door, she suddenly had a flash of inspiration andmade a couplet:" the beard grows in the belly of the brass lock. "then theapricot flower girl gave him huanggong wine. the apricot flower girl asked du muto write down the couplet but du mu didn't mention his name directly, instead,he used "half an acre of mountain forest, half an acre of land, a song ofcattle, a volume of text". the apricot girl was surprised and knelt down in ahurry. she said, "i don't know if you've offended me here. i hope you'll forgiveme." among them, "half an acre of mountain forest, half an acre of land, a songof cattle, a volume of text" refers to du mu. now, the bronze lock and du mu'sdrinking pot are all kept in the xinghua village records.

(continue to move forward) this is the cellar for storing huanggong liquor,which has a history of decades. please come this way. we are now at the poetryreciting platform. in the past, there was a small pavilion in the village, whichwas specially used for literati to recite poems and write fu. since du mu leftthe poem "qingming" in those years, xinghua village has gained a greatreputation, and many literati came here to recite poems and write fu, enjoyflowers and sell wine. according to the records of xinghua village, more than300 poets left more than 1000 poems, so xinghua village is also known as "thefirst poetry village in the world". nowadays, the poetry reciting stage not onlyholds regular poetry meetings, but also holds various artistic performances,mainly featuring huangmei opera, nuo opera, nuo dance and folk songs in ourhometown.

this stone horse is said to be tie guai li's horse. it's said that tie guaili, the wine immortal, was addicted to alcohol one day. he rode to xinghuavillage to get drunk. after drinking for three days and three nights, he finallyfell drunk by a small pool. later generations called this pool "zuixian pool".let's see if this pool looks like a wine gourd.

the pavilion in front of us is called "apricot flower pavilion". thispavilion was specially built for some literati to come here to meet friends andwatch the scenery. this pavilion was first built by zhang bangjiao, a native ofpuzhou, shanxi province, in 1525, and wrote: "there are no wine shops in theresort, but there are flower lovers in the barren village." later, the pavilionwas rebuilt by gu yuanjing, then the magistrate of chizhou, during the reign ofchongzhen. inside the pavilion, there is a stone tablet in du mu's poemqingming, which becomes the symbol of xinghua village.


linyi city is located in the southeast of shandong province, adjacent tothe yellow sea and north jiangsu in the south. it has jurisdiction over 9counties, 3 districts, 180 townships, streets and 7151 administrative villages(residences), with 10.36 million people and a total area of 17200 squarekilometers. plains, mountainous areas and hills each account for one third ofthe total area. it is the city with the largest population and area in shandongprovince. linyi is a national model city of double support, china's excellenttourism city, national model city of environmental protection, china'sgeothermal city, china's famous calligraphy city, china's famous market city,and a national advanced city of civilization.

linyi is an ancient city with a long history. linyi has a history of morethan 2500 years. qiyang city was built in the spring and autumn period, langyacounty in the qin dynasty, linyi county in the han dynasty and yizhou prefecturein the qing dynasty. linyi district was set up in 1950. in 1994, with theapproval of the state council, linyi city was established. linyi has a splendidhistory and culture. the famous bamboo slips of sun tzu's art of war and sunbin's art of war were unearthed in linyi city. thirteen of confucius' 72disciples grew up in linyi. in history, seven of the 24 filial piety were inlinyi. zhuge liang, wang xizhi, yan zhenqing and abacus inventor liu hong wereall born or lived here.

linyi is a famous old revolutionary base in china. during the anti japanesewar and the war of liberation, our party and our army successively establishedthe revolutionary bases in binhai, central shandong and southern shandong. inaugust 1940, shandong provincial wartime work promotion committee, the firstprovincial people's power under the leadership of the communist party of china,was established here, and it was renamed shandong provincial people's governmentin 1945. shandong party, government and army organs, the 115th spanision of theeighth route army, the first column of the eighth route army, the new fourtharmy, organs of the east china bureau, and the east china field army werestationed here for a long time. liu shaoqi, chen yi, luo ronghuan, xu qianqian,su yu and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation all workedhere. among the 10 marshals and 1604 generals appointed from 1955 to 1965, threemarshals and more than 400 generals fought here. at that time, there were 4.2million people in the base area, more than 200000 of them joined the army, morethan 1 million of them supported the army, and more than 100000 revolutionarymartyrs gave their precious lives here. during the revolutionary war, a largenumber of model figures emerged, such as hongsao and yimeng six sisters.

linyi is a city rich in resources. the output of agricultural and sidelineproducts is large and the quality is excellent. there are eight characteristicbases of peanut, tobacco, silkworm, willow, ginkgo, honeysuckle, chestnut andtea, and two advantageous industries of vegetables and fruits. the export volumeof dehydrated vegetables ranked first in china for many years. there are manykinds of mineral resources. 82 kinds of mineral resources have been discoveredand proved, among which diamond reserves rank second in china, quartz sandstone,ceramic soil, dolomite and granite reserves rank first in the province. freshwater resources are abundant. the total amount of water resources is 5.536billion cubic meters, accounting for one sixth of the total amount of waterresources in the province. more than 90000 water conservancy projects have beenbuilt, including 37 large and medium-sized reservoirs, with a total capacity of3.41 billion cubic meters. tourism resources are characteristic. at present,there are 8 grade 4a tourist areas and 11 grade 3a tourist areas in the main peak of mengshan mountain is 1156 meters above sea level, the secondhighest peak in shandong province, known as "yadai". it is a national 4a scenicspot, known as "natural oxygen bar" and "health preserving longevity mountain";the 3800 meter long natural reclining buddha in junan is known as "worldwonder"; the 6100 meter long yishui underground grand canyon is known as "thefirst hole of china's underground river rafting"; the rubber dam at xiaobudongof yihe river is 1247 meters long, all of which are listed in the guinness bookof world records. a number of historical sites and tourist attractions, such asyinqueshan han tomb bamboo museum, wang xizhi's former residence, menglianggucampaign memorial hall, shandong tianyu (pingyi) nature museum, are well-knownthroughout the province and even the whole country.

linyi is a commercial capital with developed logistics industry. atpresent, there are 1004 markets in the city, with an estimated turnover of 93.37billion yuan in 20__. it has become a systematic and intensive modern logisticsdistribution center. among them, linyi wholesale city has 68 professionalwholesale markets. there are nearly 70000 zhejiang people doing business in thewholesale city alone. the daily passenger flow of the wholesale city is morethan 300000, and the daily vehicle flow is 50000. the turnover in 20__ reached53.8 billion yuan, forming a pattern of "yiwu in the south and linyi in thenorth". the industrial characteristics are outstanding. relying on theadvantages of commerce and logistics, we have implemented the strategy of"prospering industry with commerce", extended the industrial chain of processingindustry, and initially formed eight pillar industries with comparativeadvantages, including machinery, building materials, food, wood industry,medicine, chemical industry, textile and metallurgy.

linyi is a hub city with obvious location advantages. beijing shanghai andridong expressways and yanshi and jiaoxin railways form a double cross in ourcity, with 20000 km of highway traffic mileage, ranking the forefront of theprovince; it is about 100 km away from lanshan, rizhao and lianyungang ports,and 200 km away from qingdao port; linyi airport is a national second-classairport, which has opened a number of domestic routes, and a three-dimensionaltraffic pattern has been formed.

linyi is a growth city with strong advantages. due to historical andnatural conditions, seven counties in linyi were listed as poor counties in1985. after 20__ years of hard work, it took the lead in getting rid of povertyin 18 contiguous poverty alleviation areas in china by 1995. in recent years,linyi has seized the opportunity to speed up its development, and the advantagesof late development have become increasingly apparent, especially the regionaladvantages of connecting the south with the north, the environmental advantagesof beautiful mountains and rivers, the institutional advantages of activeprivate economy, and the political advantages forged by yimeng spirit, whichhave promoted the economic and social development of linyi into a fast lane.

in 20__, the gross output value was 1958.82 billion yuan, an increase of13.2%; the annual added value of industries above designated size was 88.42billion yuan, an increase of 16.5%. investment in fixed assets above designatedscale reached 89.75 billion yuan, an increase of 26.1%. the total retail salesof social consumer goods reached 81.69 billion yuan, an increase of 23.6%, a newhigh in recent years. the total import and export volume of the whole year wasus $3.99 billion, an increase of 27%; among them, the export volume was us $2.63billion, an increase of 17.1%; the import volume was us $1.36 billion, anincrease of 51.6%. the local fiscal revenue of the city was 8.02 billion yuan,an increase of 16.7%, of which the tax revenue was 5.88 billion yuan, accountingfor 73.3% of the local fiscal revenue. state and local tax revenue totaled 13.54billion yuan, up 13.7%, of which 8.47 billion yuan was from state tax revenue,up 12.8%; 5.07 billion yuan was from local tax revenue, up 15.1%. the per capitadisposable income of urban residents was 14998 yuan, an increase of 17%; the percapita net income of farmers was 5383 yuan, an increase of 14%. at the end of20__, linyi ranked fifth in the competitiveness of chinese cities published bythe chinese academy of sciences, and ranked 27th in the "30 most concernedcities in the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up" selected by thepeople's network.

in the next period, the general work idea of linyi city is: around thegeneral goal of building a prosperous, strong and beautiful "big linyi, newlinyi", adhere to the "four development goals" of building an economic citymatching the population city, "a strong business city with logistics world", acultural city with ancient and modern culture, and a livable city with superiorwaterfront ecological environment, and actively promote the transformation froman agricultural city to an industrial city "five transformations and promotions"are made to strengthen the city in industry, from the traditional trade city tothe modern logistics city, from the inward oriented economy city to the outwardoriented economy city, from the ecological resources city to the ecologicalgarden city, and from the population city to the human resources city. effortsare made to realize "three leading developments" in the lunan economic belt,huaihai economic zone, and the old revolutionary base areas of china. by 20__,we will strive to achieve a regional gdp of 250 billion yuan, a per capita gdpof more than 3000 us dollars, and a local fiscal revenue of 12 billion yuan.


dear guests, dear friends, hello!

welcome to liupanshui, the capital of liangdu, china. i'm xiao wang, yourtour guide. today, i'm going to lead you on a pleasant tour to taste liupanshui,the capital of liangdu, china.

due to its unique climate, liupanshui has a suitable temperature in summer,with an average temperature of 19.7 ℃. it is cool, comfortable, fresh, moist andultraviolet

in 20__, it was awarded the title of liangdu of china by the chinesemeteorological society. it has become the first city named after climateresources in china. it is located in the west of guizhou. it is a cityconnecting sichuan, yunnan, guizhou and guangxi in the hinterland of wumeng. inthe summer of 19 ℃, 360's passion perfectly interprets the coolness andenthusiasm here. it's a wonderful and magnificent place; it's a city full ofvitality and colors, and it's a paradise with colorful national charm.

it's said that liupanshui is a city brought by train. now let's go to ourthird tier construction museum under the guidance of xiao wang. in 1966, pengdehuai took the post of commander-in-chief to guide the construction of thethird line. since then, great changes have taken place in liupanshui city. inorder to commemorate the great achievements of the third line construction, wehave built the only museum with the theme of the third line construction inchina. the museum collects a large number of representative production tools,living utensils, as well as a number of important historical documents andpictures during the third line construction period, and reproduces theproduction and living scenes at that time through miniature scenes. this willretain the memory of history and carry forward the three line spirit.

well, after we've had our eyes full, let's let xiao wang take us all to ourstomachs. out of the museum, we can just walk along the streets of the old cityand enjoy the local special snacks -- laocheng hot pot and shuicheng muttonpowder.

full of food, and then we along the time ropeway to enjoy the four seasonsof liupanshui!

in the spring of liupanshui, whether in yushe national forest park, huopuand yejiping in panxian county, or jiucaiping, which is known as the roof ofguizhou province, you can enjoy the vast rhododendrons in the here you can see the charming scenery of rhododendron yingri, rhododendroncorridor, rhododendron king, forest grass farm, mountain spring, etc. a thousandmountains stained with blood, love is better than fire, and the heart shines onthe sky.

the summer sun shines on the wumeng iron tower. when you come to thepeople's square, the first thing you see is the square themed sculpture wumengiron tower. standing 29.006 meters, the tower is designed and built according tothe height of jiucaiping, the highest peak in guizhou, which is reduced by 100times, symbolizing the top of guizhou. the tower body is inlaid with 104 piecesof black cast iron, which symbolizes the steel city and the coal sea. on thefour sides of the tower body, liangdu fu is engraved with zhen, cao, li andzhuan calligraphy respectively, recording the development and changes ofliupanshui, the liangdu city, and becoming a landmark building in liupanshuicity. after browsing the historical changes, let's experience the coolness ofthe wetland park. minghu wetland park is the main venue of the 8th guizhouprovincial tourism development conference and the first national wetland parkofficially awarded in guizhou province. among the green mountains and greenwaters, more than 1000 meters of ribbon rainbow bridge sways on the lake,interpreting the design concept of water dance steel city, giving people aleisurely and romantic feeling.

the coolness and passion of summer and autumn recede, while the happinessof winter remains unchanged. now let's go into yushe national forest park andenjoy the snow sports. there is the only alpine ski resort in guizhou, which hasthe lowest latitude among more than 200 ski resorts in china. the total area ofthe ski resort is 30000 square meters, and the length of the snow path is 500meters. it can receive 600 people at the same time. every year, from thebeginning of the snowfall to around march 9, tourists come here to experienceskiing in an endless stream. from a long distance, you can hear the constantlaughter of the ski resort.

in liupanshui, the capital of liangdu in china, the national and folkcultures represented by karst geological culture, ancient human culture,industrial culture and changjiaomiao culture in liuzhisuoga reflect each ancient yelang ruins, panxian dadong, danxia mountain buddhism, wumengprairie and other precious pearls are inlaid in the land of wumeng. liupanshui,the capital of liangdu in china, is full of its cool, waiting for us to sharethe same exploration and discovery, i hope this trip will leave you a goodmemory!


respect fellow guests:

hello! i travel, the reception department's request, visits the tour to presence famous city qufu fellow welcome guests to express warmly welcome. i fortunately accompany the visit for everybody tourguide, is extremely happy, this is we enjoys the study together the good opportunity. after looked please leave behind the valued suggestion.

first, briefly introduces qufu to everybody the history, the cultural relic survey.

historical city qufu was our country ancient times the great thinker, the educationalist, the statesman, the literature entire manages family affairs, sage of kong zi's the world hometown, mencius's native place, chinese nation's first ancestor shaft yellow emperor's birth place, the capital, discussed the yin native country, the lu country capital. three emperors five emperors have four to live the practical training in here, some more than 5,000 years history. underground has the rich buried treasure, on has the multitudinous cultural relic. existing cultural relic 112, including the united nations to protect the unit, world culture inheritance 3, national protection 4, provincial level 12, other for place city level protection.

heavy center seriously has "a three two temples mausoleum", "a three mountains two forests temple". the confucian temple, confucian residence, konglin, the popular name "three", have the sacrificial offering china yuan saint duke of zhou's temple, has sacrificial offering kong zi first big disciple duplicate saint yan hui the temple, the popular name "two temples"; "a mausoleum" is yellow emperor is born - - the long-lived earthen mound few mausoleums; "three mountains"; the kong zi place of birth nepal mountain, chinese grave group jiulongshan, small taishan - - nine (call nine mountains). two forests are: the world educates the child best mother forest, the kong zi parents buries liang gonglin; "a temple" is li bai, du fu writes poetry, responds, bidding good-bye place, famous writer hole still no matter what national botanical garden "shimen temple".

we now look at the confucian temple.

confucian temple, also called to the confucian temple, is sacrificial offering kong zi and its madame qi guanshi and 72 talented people's place. the confucian temple with beijing's imperial palace, the hebei chende city summer vacation mountain village and calls chinese three big ancient architectural complexes. the expert delivered four speeches to the confucian temple: the construction time most remote, greatest, the preservation most complete, the eastern construction characteristic is most prominent. is worthy of looking at two questions from the confucian temple: one is kong zi to chinese and even the eastern culture tremendous contribution; two is china has the skilled craftsman in the history.

the confucian temple beginning constructs in 478 b.c., the second year which kong zi died constructs the temple. constructs temple three in the kong zi former dwelling, exhibits kong zi's clothes, the vehicle, the book and so on, "when year old offers sacrifices". all previous dynasties emperor all has the extension to the confucian temple, counts overhaul 15, center repairs 31 times, the minor repair several hundred time achieves present the scale. the confucian temple imitates system of the imperial palace construction, spanides three groups layouts, nine courtyards, have altogether had house 466, gate pavilion 54, the thing relatively pass through in an axle wire, has nearly thousand, 327.5 chinese acres, long amounts to two chinese miles 150 meters. now saw the confucian temple is the bright hongzhi year scale. after the liberation the country allocates funds to service the protection many times. our country first batch announcement nation key cultural relic preservation organ, in december, 1994 included the world culture inheritance, becomes cultural relic unit which the united nations protected, confucian temple construction time remote, scale great, integrity of the preserved really was the world to be rare.

shinto. "wan rengong wall" front copal vigorous this duan luwei "shinto". in front of the important temple all has the respect quick road which specially opens, is called "shinto".

wan rengong wall. this gate is qufu ming chengzheng the nanmen, also is the confucian temple together gate, on hangs "wan rengong the wall" four large brush-written chinese characters, is the clear emperor qian long's imperial brush. it originates from the kong zi self-satisfied disciple child tribute. when lu country congress feudal lord, some people proposed child tribute knowledge broad and profound, may place on a par with kong zi, the sub- tribute in the field, stands up immediately said, i may not dare with my mr./mrs. kong zi compared to, human's knowledge is just like a wall, my this wall only has one high, my teacher's wall has the number to be many. meant that, my knowledge was equal to a shoulder chief is high, clear not any abstruse; kong zi's knowledge has my several fold to be many, passes through the detailed research, the comprehensive discussion, can understand he complete after, crossed the threshold, can see america of the ancestor temple, outside the gate you is blind. the posterity in order to describe kong zi's knowledge profound, wall of number from the master , "hundred ", "thousand " seals kong zi to the ming dynasty emperor is "the world civil official host, all previous dynasties king teacher", seals the kong zi knowledge to have "ten thousand ", extols the kong zi knowledge to have 10,000 eight feet, upward looked, blind goes against, also said this wall deep wall high rampart is extremely firm. these four characters originally write for the bright imperial envoy, qian long for expressed he kong zi the value, kissed the book "wan rengong the wall" to exchange his imperial brush.

jin shengyu inspires the work place. this work place constructs at the ming dynasty, is expresses the kong zi knowledge exquisite and perfect, is similar to entire process which plays music, the integrity is from beginning to end complete. the ancient music is by strikes a gong the start, the clock gets up "beginning orderliness also", is strikes qing to come to an end, "the jade inspires" the sound which falls for qing, was called "end orderliness also", praises kong zi's knowledge is the collection first accomplishing of the virtuous sages, therefore called "jin shenger the jade inspires also", "the golden sound" the clock sound, the beginning, "the jade inspires" qing's sound, the end. this also is the management wants "to finish what one starts" the idiom origin. "jin shengyu inspires" is the ming dynasty storytelling legalist school hu zuanzong the topic decides.

"two cypress take on". crosses the jade to inspire work place this stone arch bridge, the thing respectively has a copal, therefore the person "two cypress take on". this bridge said that, "泮 the water bridge" the basin water is interlinked with the temporary palace nearby, because the historical novel is "hopes the water". in the past read book of the confucius and mencius, tested the institute of higher education to call "to enter hopes", served as an official hopes rises high, made business to hope gets rich, crossed the day to hope prosperously.

discontinues the tablet. outside the temple wall the thing respectively sets up a stele, in 1191 specially vertical discontinued the tablet, got down the tablet. the west tablet early destroys, east side on this tablet writes "the official person to discontinue and so on to this". under in the past the civil and military officials, the common people common people henceforth passed by discontinue on foot but the line, shows to kong zi, the confucian temple respect.

lattice star gate. the ming dynasty constructs, in 1754 repaired, by wooden changed the iron stone. "the lattice star gate" is the qian long imperial brush. hands down the space galaxy "to have the twenty-eight lunar mansions", among, has to govern cultural the star to be called "the lattice star", the other name "star ", "the day inspires the star", contacts with kong zi and the space tube culture star, shuowen melts the aspect he is highest, if the past offered sacrifice to heaven, needed first to offer a sacrifice to "star ", had reveres kong ruzun the day the view.

too with vitality work place. this work place was the ming dynasty in 1544 constructs, extremely approved kong zi's thought, advocated was similar to "the outer space universe to be able to nurture the myriad things. gathering of the world, gathering of the four directions, gathering of the masculine and feminine elements ", the name" too and "the gas is the most basic thing, the universe too and, vitality of the world. "too with the vitality" was the shandong governor once the mill handwritten letter.

to confucian temple work place. the ming dynasty constructs "to the confucian temple work place", is the white marble, on plays the part of the flame no. 3 gunpowder tea.

german world, daoist monk's cap ancient and modern. this daoist temple thing respectively constructs a very unusual memorial arch to the lining, the wooden angle surrounds, thousand first ten thousand continues, gets down has eight , is called "day long shenshi", hands down its dignified inspiration, may drive out evilly, is just. east side the memorial arch submits a written statement: "the german world", said kong zi's thought advocated is similar to profoundly for humanity's advantage, the merit can compare with the world. the west memorial arch submits a written statement "the daoist monk's cap ancient and modern", approves the kong zi thought, the means ancient and modern all is the unparalleled crown.

when saint gate. three compound, four circuit intendant all same, central . this naming originates from mencius, to the ancient times four sages , under iraqi yin, the willow tree favored, kong zi, mencius four sages' saint mark inductions is four speeches: clear saint also, iraqi yin saint no matter what also, under the willow tree favors sum of the saint also, when kong zi saint. "when saint" extremely approves the kong zi thought to advocate prolonged does not fade, is sage which suits the time. emperor comes qufu "to kowtow the big ritual" towards kong yaoxing, walks when the saint gate; all previous dynasties "spread out the saint male" when the birth opens "when the saint the gate", besides these two kind of situations, this not easily opens. all walks the quick g gate, the supine wealthy and prominent family.

the quick g gate, takes considers it a pleasure to be among the first to read meaning. kong zi's knowledge "the five classics four books", who first studies who first to have the culture, who first studies who first to have the knowledge, struggles the study, to first reads as by the foresight joyfully.

supine wealthy and prominent family. praises a kong zi's section of speeches naming according to yan hui. yan hui said that, road of the master, supine makes up high, drills it to make up firmly. upwardly approves the kong zi knowledge blind to go against, calls "to make up high", studies the writings in classical style to be very difficult, calls "to make up firmly", is high is not unattainable, is definitely may learn after the endeavor. yan hui said "master however, friendly are attractive, is abundant i by the article, said me by the ritual." my teacher teaches with skill and patience, teaches me by the culture, executes me by the courtesy.

chinese . in the supine wealthy and prominent family in the alcove has two historical values very high chinese , is "the pavilion is long", (the han dynasty place waiter), dying of the government office gate, all is in front of lu wangmu guards. is taken by all previous dynasties inscription on stone tablet and bronze scientist, to studies the han dynasty clothing and the writing has the important value.

liquid gold bridge, this bridge, with imperial palace's in front of bridge of the same name, calls the liquid gold bridge, also is called the blue water bridge, three arrangements, the green water ripples.

great road gate. crosses the liquid gold bridge is the ming dynasty emperor ordered by the emperor personally "the great road gate", takes "confucian analects" center "the person to be able greatly to say, non- road great person" meaning. kong zi is an ordinary writer, why becomes the sage? approved kong zi to summarize first the virtuous sages' experience, especially has brought honor to the yao and shun soup, road of the civil and military duke of zhou. "the person can greatly say that, said the person can direct creates all, the non- road great person, certainly is not all direction people, this is praises person's subjective initiative." the great road hanger-on had two steles, the east side four tablets is "the qufu all previous dynasties evolution will" has recorded the qufu evolution vicissitude history, a yuan generation of institute stood, the historical data value was very high, the west was "scholar out of government employment gentleman the inscription", had the very high calligraphy value.

major and medium gate. the major and medium gate is the song dynasty confucian temple front door, was called "center and the gate", italy for uses kong zi's thought processing question all to be possible to be easily solved. the the ming dynasty extension temple renames "the major and medium gate", approves kong zi's knowledge is accomplishing of the collection humanity knowledge, center, takes "the doctrine of the mean" meaning, "center correct path of the world, theorem of the commonplace world", center the agonic, is commonplace is not easy. leaves, is not the correct path, has become the evil road, the crooked gate. is said is not left is not right, the fair correct path, to front is a doctrine of the mean. major and medium gate thing two have watchtower two is guards the confucian temple to use.

same text gate, four big name brands, confucian temple chart. enters in the major and medium gate about to have four big tablets. the west bright hongzhi tablet, says three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues ethics. right flank the hongzhi tablet has the the ming dynasty talented person hunan changsha li dongyang to draw up "the confucian temple chart" the value to be very high.

the cheng hua tablet, is the ming dynasty cheng hua emperor zhu jianshen stands. some two situations bring to all previous dynasties everybody celebrity's attention. one is the cheng hua tablet character writes, the standardization, the standardization well, exquisitely makes the person, the typeface writing technique to have "is world-famous" the evaluation; two, appraises to kong zi high, all previous dynasties emperor all has the comment to kong zi, appraises high is emperor cheng hua, he kong zi's thought, the means compares with eats meal, puts on the clothes, spends, one day also could not leave, had kong zi's truth and the means, could enable each person to develop his talents, thing it used, its strength, otherwise messed up. said has road of the kong zi to have the world, road of the kong zi has not had the world, road of the counter- kong zi loses the world. if the inscribed text stated that, "road of the my only kong zi, the world on first cannot not have , has road of the kong zi then the three cardinal guides and the five constant virtues but ethics is just bright, the myriad things take their proper place.. road of the kong zi in the world like cloth , the livelihood of the people daily expense cannot be left vacant for the time being.. inborn kong zi vertical is the saint, lives in the peaceful good justice and humanity, the teacher road emerges, from swims 3000, is continues."

same text gate. takes "the person concentriily" meaning of the character same text. is says works with concerted efforts, unites as one the only then competent good deed industry; the writing must unify, has the unification the writing to be able to record the historical dissemination experience, makes the character to be able at will to mess up. the same text gate is the kuiwen geqian important barrier.

the kui article chinese style pavilion, originally is a library, is the collection books place. constructed to song tianxi two years (in 1018), jin zhangzong repaired when changed "the kui article chinese style pavilion". this unique grand construction, completely is the lignin structure, calls the orphaned example in the chinese building construction. after several earthquakes, the kui article chinese style pavilion has not shaken destroys. the clear kanghsi 5 years earthquake "ten houses but actually have nine, saving has one, the kui article chinese style pavilion is gorgeously motionless". the the ming dynasty board of personnel shangshu li dongyang has specially written "kuiwen gefu", approves kuiwen ge the construction research value. is under the porch eastern end this tablet.

in front of the pavilion this thing two courtyards stated that, "the room sleeps", is place which the sacrificial offering personnel fasts, to bathe. east the courtyard is spreads out the saint male room to sleep the institute, clear kanghsi, qian long offers a sacrifice to when the hole all sleeps in the east room washes the hands and face. west the courtyard is from offers a sacrifice to personnel's room to sleep. kong zi 71 generation of sun kongzhao fumigates the temple in song, yuan, is bright, the clear five dynasty does obeisance the confucian temple tablet more than 130 centralisms to mount in the courtyard wall, therefore west the room sleeps calls the tablet courtyard.

13 tablets pavilions. this is the confucian temple sixth enters the courtyard, in the pavilion stands has 55 tablets, is tang, song, the gold, yuan, bright, clear and so on the dynasty stands, its content all is emperor, the imperial envoy does obeisance the hole, to kong zi , the appraisal, successively repairs the confucian temple the record, has the chinese, is full, mongolia, eight thinks writing and so on pakistan article. south north eights five, therefore calls 13 tablets pavilions, because all is authorizes the vertical tablet by emperor, therefore calls the imperial tablet pavilion. east gets up the front row third, 62 alcoves is the jin dynasty constructs, is construction which our country extant cannot be seen. every is seeks with p the edict reason all calls "the imperial tablet". "p pen qiang is auspicious, fable dragon king has nine, it is 8th, it loves" the article ", is good at carrying a heavy load, the stele has the writing but heavily to suit its characteristic, the image should for the main item, the turtle body, the hawk leg, the snake tail.

north east gets up this third alcove is emperor kanghsi the vertical tablet. the beijing xishan picks the stone passes through grand canal, south the economy transports here. the expert calculates this tablet 130,000 catty heavy, along the way sprinkled the hydrogel from jining, slid on the ice, sometimes one day only walked lies place of the cow. the qufu book has the stone not to use, must ship in from beijing, shows emperor to kong zi the value. southeast this courtyard, west namhkok has a piece all is nobles and ministers repairs the temple, does obeisance the hole the record, the calligraphy value is very high.

this courtyard thing respectively has to the lining, east is "the yu essence gate", west is "the view germany gate". is named , the xihua gate.

the confucian temple spanides into three groups layouts by here, this five, center are together "accomplishes the gate", left side is "the gold 聲門", right side is "the jade inspires the gate", again is "opens confucianism" toward the west, again is "receives confucianism" toward the east. accomplishes the gate the construction structure is , manipulates strategically". middle inserts is "cancels the heart", about four jiao points look carefully go against are "fight the angle". accomplishes the gate three characters is emperor yong zheng's imperial brush. approves kong zi is the collection sages first virtuous accomplishing, has achieved the supreme boundary.

my deceased teacher plants personally the chinese juniper. accomplishes in the gate left side this tall and straight vigorous chinese juniper tree, is confucius plants personally. according to record: kong zi cut three chinese junipers trees in here, jin zhenyou two years (in 1214) has destroyed to the warfare, the tree is dry and also sends new, once "three dry three glory", had "the chinese juniper tree date cyclopentadiene kong date was popular" the view. during bright ten thousand all previous years talented person yang guang taught the topic to write "my deceased teacher to plant personally the chinese juniper" five large brush-written chinese characters.

two corridors. during these two sides coordinated two row of houses, altogether 80, were called "the thing ", consecrates 72 talented people's places. kong zi is known as disciple 3000, the body passes 72 people which the six arts skilleds with both the pen and sword, consecrates in the thing . all previous dynasties kings all have seal match enjoy virtuously first. if dong zhongshu, han yu, wang ming are positive, zhuge liang, the invader, yue fei and so on. has sealed to to 156. last first virtuous is mr. liang qichao. the original cast, the memorial tablet, latter all changes the wooden memorial tablet. the thing present exhibited is the collection song dynasty before center expensive carved stone. duke of zhou trains one's son, the bat practices medicine and so on, the most precious national treasure has chinese wei to face stele carving 22 especially high, the calligraphy value "the sacrificial vessel tablet", "the second grade beautiful jade tablet", "shi chenbei", zhang menglong the tablet ", mi fubei" and so on all is the rare valuable thing. west 廡 exhibited more than 100 blocks "the chinese to draw the carved stone", all was for a long time has the great reputation the artistic valuable thing, was studies the chinese, wei and so on the history social life rare precious material. east northmost part is exhibiting 584 carved stone, is jade rainbow lou fatie which kong zi 69 generation of sun kongji writes.

place where confucius lectured. this is for commemorates kong zi to lecture constructs. kong zi initially was under the big apricot tree lectures in the local station for the disciples. when song dynasty in 1018, the kong zi 45 generation of passageways auxiliary edited the confucian temple, after moved the extension the main hall, constructed the pavilion in the main hall former site, the link plants by the apricot, the name says "the place where confucius lectured". the place where confucius lectured two characters, are the jin dynasty famous writer party bosom england seal scripts. in the pavilion has emperor qian long the imperial brush "the place where confucius lectured to approve", this is he first time comes qufu to write. qian long writes the plaque, the antithetical couplet, the scroll which writes and so on in qufu has 50 place.

accomplishes the palace. this is the confucian temple , it with beijing's imperial palace too with palace, the tai'an day palace and calls the east three big constructions, also calls the east three main halls. what the value high history is long accomplishes the palace. palace height 24.8 meters, extravagant 45.7 meters, deep 24.89 meters. four has 28 the dragon column which carves with the entire stone, the exquisite workmanship, the attainments is very deep. especially the palace 10 deep reliefs roll the dragon column actually world rarely, 10 pillars 20 dragons, about to fly in circles, the ascension coils around a play bead, the manner respectively differently, does not have one identically, more looked more has moves italy, on the stone is vividly lifelike. this is the huizhou artisan's masterpiece. emperor comes when qufu faces the hole, kong jia all use huang lingba long zhuguo to get up, does not let emperor directly see the dragon column, because has surpassed the throne room, feared emperor is not happy, performs to blame. other 18 columns are the bas-relief dragon column, surface engraves nine dragons, each pillar eight , 8,972 dragons total carve 1,296 dragons. this is the rare carved stone art treasure. always looks at accomplishes the palace grand magnificent sight.

five saints 12 sages. accomplishes in the palace to consecrate 17 pictures.

five big sages. highest sage kong zi, italy is in sage's sage, supreme. confucius in central, the head wears 12 crowns, wears 12 chapter of kings to take, grasps shakes the jade tablet, dignified is solemn and respectful, causes the person to have profound respect for. two sides are four match: east side is the duplicate saint face, states the saint to think; the west is ancestor saint tsengtzu, mencius. eastern end six, western end six, called 12 sages, have the child tribute, the sub- road, ran qiu and so on 11 kong zi's disciple, some is song dynasty zhu xi, renowned five classics four books explanations good, is sealed as the sage. "the people has not had" the plaque, is mencius approves kong zi, said "the people has not had abundantly to kong zi also". since has had the humanity, but also does not have comprehensively to surpass kong zi the person, therefore calls "the people not to have". "the model for all generations" will be the kanghsi topic writes, seals kong zi is "teacher of emperor the wan shi, table of the eternity humanity, emperor's teacher, will make person's model." "refined is guang xu writes in this", italy for world culture all in here.

bedroom palace. consecrates the kong zi madame qi guanshi special palace. is the confucian temple third big construction. qi guanshi the song person (henan business earthen mound), 19 years old marry kong zi, latter gives birth to a boy the hole carp , early the kong zi 7 years died, are sealed "highest sage my deceased teacher madame", equally enjoy the sacrificial offering with kong zi. around the bedroom palace on 28 stone columns carves the phoenix, each pillar engraves phoenix 72, is same with the dragon quantity, calls longfeng to be a good omen.

saint mark palace. has recorded kong zi's fact by the carved stone picture-and-story book form. some 120 wen tu and the cyclopentadiene carved stone, is the kong zi descendant with the the ming dynasty governor censor what light management construction. carves by the wu county famous picture labor chapter of grass drawing, inlays on the palace inner wall. is integrity picture-and-story book which the our country first person, the article concurrently has. has the very high history and the artistic value. the palace frontage "the model for all generations" is the kanghsi imperial brush, center kong zi big si guanxiang is the tang dynasty big painter wu line picture. the palace eastern end is kanghsi faces the hole the imperial tablet, the western end has the jin synonym painter to attend to picture of the joy kong zi line to teach the picture, the custom called "master 小影" most approach kong zi's appearance characteristic. also has song dynasty everybody mi fu to approve kong zi's small seal script: "kong zi kong zi big ah kong zi, sub- before will already not have kong zi, kong zi later does not have kong zi, kong zi kong zi big ah kong zi". explicit saying, kong zi is great! unequalled,

the confucian temple west road is the sacrifice kong zi parents' place. his/her father uncle liang 紇, mother yan zheng in, emperor seals for opens saint madame wang heqi saint wang, constructs has opens construction and so on saint wang dian, bedroom palace, gold thread hall.

the confucian temple east road, around two parts, the front courtyard is the kong zi former dwelling, has "kong zhaigu the well", kong zi nine generation of sun kongfu book collection place "the lu wall", now saw the confucian classics, sets up the first-class honor should is "the lu wall". for commemorated kong zi to educate its sub- studies has constructed "the poem assembly hall", kong zi said "study the poem did not have by the word, the character ritual did not have stands", italy could not speak for study the poem, study the ritual did not understand how set up the body matter. in the poem assembly hall has renowned sculptor mr. shi ke to make by cutting imitates the chinese to draw the carved stone "the saint mark chart". the rear court is honors the saint ancestral hall, five generation of ancestral halls, on sacrificial offering kong zi five generation of ancestors' ancestral temples.

fellow gentlemen, the confucian temple resembles historical, the knowledge school, because the time is limited, we only looked mainly, i am the distress must introduce. kong zi is the sage, also is the great traveling, travels around the row country for 14 years, propagandizes him to practice moral culture, qijia, rules a nation the even world knowledge, has collected the precious material. the concerned sage's vestige are very many, is worth as soon as looking very much. we are together the time although to be short, but the friendship exists forever, hoped each position has the opportunity to come qufu to go sightseeing again, we certainly serve well.

the confucian temple saw here, thanks everybody the cooperation, welcome you again.


