2023年中山陵的作文500字 中山陵作文800字(四篇)

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2023年中山陵的作文500字 中山陵作文800字(四篇)
時間:2023-02-28 19:49:54     小編:zdfb


中山陵的作文500字 中山陵作文800字篇一





















中山陵的作文500字 中山陵作文800字篇二

dear tourists

hello everyone! i'm prince yang, guide of new century travel e to visit zhongshan mausoleum with me.

zhongshan mausoleum is located in nanjing, the famous ancient capital ofchina. in the long history of china, 10 dynasties and regimes have establishedtheir capitals here. many famous people are sleeping here. the mausoleum of sunzhongshan, the great revolutionary pioneer, is located at the southern foot ofzhongshan mountain in the eastern suburb of nanjing. zhongshan is the highestpeak of ningzhen mountain range, about 460 meters above sea level, east-westtrend, about 7 kilometers long, north-south width of about 3 kilometers. forthousands of years, various social activities have been carried out here, andmany gardens, dizhai, temples, pagodas, altars and mausoleums have been built,leaving countless historical facts and moving legends.

on march 12, 1925, sun yat sen died of liver cancer in beijing. on hisdeathbed, he repeatedly said that he would like his body to be preserved likehis friend lenin and buried in nanjing zijin mountain. according to his will,the central executive committee of the kuomintang unanimously decided to build amausoleum in nanjing zijin mountain. the design of the mausoleum was selectedthrough competition and adopted the method of sealed evaluation. finally, thedesign of the mausoleum was evaluated the first prize is a bell pattern designedby chinese designer lv yanchang. the bell has the meaning of "warning" and"freedom". it symbolizes the significance and contribution of sun yat sen inleading the chinese revolution. at the same time, it is consistent withzhongshan, where the mausoleum is located. in the specific design, it adopts acombination of chinese and western techniques, draws on the experience ofchinese ancient traditional architecture, and adopts the general design methodof central axis symmetry the plane layout, the architectural appearance ofnational form, the simple tone, the simple decoration and the large areagreening and other methods well show the solemn atmosphere of the cemetery andthe immortal spirit of dr. sun yat sen. zhongshan mausoleum was built in thespring of 1926. due to the warlord's separatist regime, the political situationwas chaotic, and the progress of the project was slow. it was only completed inmarch 1929. on june 1, 1929, a grand ceremony of fengan was held, and all partsof the country were immersed in sorrow. dr. sun yat sen's coffin was buried inthe tomb at 12 o'clock in the sound of 101 salute guns, and a generation ofgreat men rested in the south foot of zhongshan mountain.

the entrance of the mausoleum is located at the southernmost end. it is astone archway with three rooms and three floors. under the eaves of the mingdynasty, there is a plaque of dr. sun yat sen's operation "fraternity". continueto go inside, along the path of the tomb, you can get to the great mausoleumgate. the mausoleum gate is 15 meters high, 24 meters wide and 8 meters deep,with extraordinary momentum in big characters, from the back of the gate of themausoleum to the stone steps and the stele pavilion, there stands an8-meter-high stone tablet in guifu, which is engraved with gold regular script:"the chinese kuomintang buried mr. sun here, june 1, 18, the republic ofchina.". from the stele pavilion further north, across the 290 steps, we canreach a large platform 135 meters wide and 30 meters deep. the platform is thecommanding height of the whole mausoleum. it has a broad vision and a myriad ofsceneries. it is not only convenient for close-up, but also suitable for distantviewing. no matter in spring, summer, autumn, winter, wind, frost, rain andsnow, nature shows people the wonderful scenery around it. in the center of theplatform is the memorial hall. on the front of the memorial hall, the eye jointof mingjian is engraved with dr. sun yat sen's operation "heaven and earthhealthy qi". on the top of the three round ticket doors, there are six words"nation", "civil rights" and "people's livelihood". there are 12 black granitecolumns inside. to the north of the center of the memorial hall, there is awhite marble statue of the great revolutionist. the statue sits upright andlooks calm detailed, vivid.

the majestic zhongshan mausoleum sets off dr. sun yat sen's great characterand immortal spirit. it is also a symbol of dr. sun yat sen's character andspirit. in the solemn atmosphere of zhongshan mausoleum, it expresses people'sinfinite respect for dr. sun yat sen.

sun yat sen, the forerunner of china's democratic revolution!

中山陵的作文500字 中山陵作文800字篇三

各位團友, 我們現(xiàn)在來到了南京紫金山的第二峰, 小茅山的南麓, 這里就是偉大的中國民主革命先行者孫中山先生的陵墓所在地—中山陵.

中山陵的墓址是孫中山先生生前所選定的. 1920xx年3月孫先生臨終前, 他又囑咐左右“吾死之后, 可葬于南京紫金山麓, 因南京為臨時政府成立之地, 所以不忘辛亥革命也. ”

呂彥直所設計的中山陵, 平面為一“木鐸”形, 形狀如鐘, 象征著中山先生精神如響亮鐘聲, 無遠弗達, 這種設計也最符合先生遺囑中“喚起民眾”之意. 被“葬事籌備處”認為“簡樸堅實且完全根據(jù)中國古代建筑精神”, 從而獲“一致決定采用”, 陵墓在孫中山先生逝世一周年之際奠基, 1920xx年6月1日開工, 1920xx年春天完工.

each group, we now come to the second peak of nanjing purple mountain, small maoshan foothill, here is the great pioneer of chinese democratic revolution sun yat-sen's tomb is located - sun yat-sen's mausoleum.

of sun yat-sen's mausoleum burial site was selected. sun yat-sen alive in march 1925, mr. sun. dying, he asked about "after my death, can be buried in nanjing zijin foothills, for nanjing interim government was established, so don't forget the xinhai revolution."

lv yanzhi designed by sun yat-sen's mausoleum, flat as a "muduo" form, shape such as clock, a symbol of the sun spirit, such as a loud bell, no far, this design is the most accord with "arouse people" meaning. in mr will be "buried in shanghai" think "simple solid and completely according to the spirit of ancient chinese architecture", to "unanimously decided to adopt", mausoleum first anniversary of the death of sun yat-sen founded on june 1, 1926, was completed in the spring of 1929.

中山陵的作文500字 中山陵作文800字篇四

in the early morning of april 24, the second and third field armies of thechinese people's liberation army crossed the yangtze river and entered that time, the kuomintang troops in nanjing had retreated. after the pla'sleading troops entered the city, they pursued forward. they found that there wasanother kuomintang army in the cemetery, but this army was not a regular army ofthe kuomintang, but a guard guard guarding sun yat sen's mausoleum. afterlearning of this situation, the superior leaders of the people's liberation armythought that the gongwei troops guarding zhongshan mausoleum should be differentfrom the kuomintang troops participating in the civil war. then, the 105thspanision of the second field army sent a regiment political commissar liuzhicheng to lead a group of soldiers into the cemetery. after arriving at thecemetery, they negotiated with fan liang and other persons in charge of thegongwei office. both sides unanimously decided that the people's liberation armywould be stationed in zhongshan mausoleum, ming xiaoling mausoleum, linggutemple and zijinshan astronomical observatory. gongwei brigade accepted theadaptation of the pla and continued to serve as the guard of zhongshanmausoleum. since then, the history of zhongshan mausoleum has opened a newpage.

on the morning of the same day, liu zhicheng, political commissar of theregiment, called on the cadres of gongwei office to make a speech, explainingthat the communist party has always respected dr. sun yat sen, that the pla willstrictly protect dr. sun yat sen's mausoleum, and that the officers and soldiersof gongwei office will work peacefully as usual to maintain the normal order ofdr. sun yat sen's mausoleum. then, liu zhicheng and other people's liberationarmy leaders, led by fan liang, boarded zhongshan mausoleum and inspected thememorial hall, stele pavilion and mausoleum gate of zhongshan mausoleum. theyfound that there was no damage. at that time, the food supply of gongwei brigadecould not be maintained, and there was still a lack of food. when liu zhichengheard about this situation, he immediately contacted his superiors to help themsolve their temporary difficulties.

on the 25th, all the left behind people were called to speak. on april 27,a meeting of all the cadres above the monitor of gongwei department was held toexplain how to carry out the work under the new situation, and ordered that allthe weapons should be recorded and sent to liu zhengwei to the higherauthorities from now on, and all the weapons not used by each team should bedeposited with the department. at the same time, chen yi, commander of the thirdfield army, wrote a warrant for "protecting zhongshan mausoleum" in his ownhandwriting, and sent people to zhongshan mausoleum. chen yi's warrant wasframed and placed in the mausoleum hall.

in the early days of liberation, some people who did not know the truthlistened to the rumors and thought that they could occupy the state property atwill after liberation. some people gathered in public to illegally cut down theforest, especially in the back of the mountain. not only did some people notlisten to persuasion and education, but they dared to surround and beat themembers of the gongwei guard. zhang wensheng, the monitor, and zhai wenwei, themember of the gongwei guard, were all injured. illegal logging was particularlyrampant at night, and dai yuanzhen, a member of the team, was injured by a handgrenade when he was on patrol. in order to strengthen the protection ofzhongshan cemetery, the cmc decided to send the pla to cooperate with the archguard team to strengthen the patrol. since august 1, yao erjue and li wuben ledthe public security forces to guard the forest together with the members of theformer arch guard. they also arrested 11 criminals, including feng qibao, wholed the illegal forest felling, and escorted them to the people's government often districts to deal with them. as a result, the bad elements who illegallyfelled the forest in the cemetery were attacked. after september, the wind ofillegal forest felling gradually subsided.

november 12, 1949 is the first anniversary of sun yat sen's birthday afterthe founding of new china. on this day, nanjing municipal military controlcommission and nanjing municipal people's government held a grand memorialceremony at zhongshan mausoleum. more than 500 people from all walks of life andrepresentatives from the municipal military control commission, the municipalgovernment, the nanjing municipal committee of the communist party of chinaattended the ceremony. su yu, director of the cmc, ke qingshi, vice mayor, tangliang, deputy secretary of the cpc nanjing municipal committee, li fangxun, wuyifang, xu yangqiu, chen zhongfan, representatives of various democratic partiesand cultural circles, as well as representatives of the people's liberationarmy, workers and students, arrived at the lingtang at 1:30 and stood in frontof the statue of sun yat sen. the memorial ceremony began with the nationalanthem of new china. director su yu made a short speech after he presentedflowers to the statue of sun yat sen. later, the people who paid homage to sunyat sen's tomb entered the tomb and went around sun yat sen's tomb. the homageceremony ended at 12 o'clock.

since then, people from all walks of life in jiangsu province and nanjinghave come to zhongshan mausoleum to hold a memorial ceremony on the 12th ofmarch and the 12th of november.


