
格式:DOC 上傳日期:2023-02-28 18:25:18
時間:2023-02-28 18:25:18     小編:zdfb





























景德鎮(zhèn)市位于江西省東北部,西北與安徽東至縣交界,南與萬年縣為鄰,西同波陽縣接壤,東北倚安徽祁門縣,東南和婺源縣毗連,坐落在黃山、懷玉山余脈與鄱陽湖平原過渡地帶,居東經116°57′-117°42′,北緯28°44′-29°56′,屬亞熱帶季風氣候,境內光照充足,雨量充沛,溫和濕潤,四季分明,山峰層疊,河流密布,山環(huán)水繞,景色秀麗。市區(qū)平均海拔320米,年平均氣溫17 °c,年降雨量1763.5毫米,年平均日照時數(shù)為20xx.8小時。



景德鎮(zhèn)市的風景名勝和景觀眾多,有保留完好的明清古建筑村、徽派建筑群、古戲臺;有號稱中國第二、江南第一的浮梁古縣衙; 有以三閭大夫屈原命名的古建筑三閭廟;有宋太祖朱元璋作戰(zhàn)時藏身的紅塔和瑤里的仰賢臺、洪源仙境、太陽島、月亮湖、陽府寺、歷居山、翠屏湖等。景德鎮(zhèn)也是具有光榮革命傳統(tǒng)的地區(qū),著名的新四軍瑤里改編就在浮梁縣瑤里鎮(zhèn),紅十軍的誕生地在樂平市眾埠鎮(zhèn)。1997年,我市被國家旅游局等單位推介為97’中國旅游年全國35個王牌景點之一。


景德鎮(zhèn)市位于江西省東北部,西北與安徽東至縣交界,南與萬年縣為鄰,西同波陽縣接壤,東北倚安徽祁門縣,東南和婺源縣毗連,坐落在黃山、懷玉山余脈與鄱陽湖平原過渡地帶,居東經116°57′-117°42′,北緯28°44′-29°56′,屬亞熱帶季風氣候,境內光照充足,雨量充沛,溫和濕潤,四季分明,山峰層疊,河流密布,山環(huán)水繞,景色秀麗。市區(qū)平均海拔320米,年平均氣溫17 °c,年降雨量1763.5毫米,年平均日照時數(shù)為20xx.8小時。



景德鎮(zhèn)市的風景名勝和景觀眾多,有保留完好的明清古建筑村、徽派建筑群、古戲臺;有號稱中國第二、江南第一的浮梁古縣衙; 有以三閭大夫屈原命名的古建筑三閭廟;有宋太祖朱元璋作戰(zhàn)時藏身的紅塔和瑤里的仰賢臺、洪源仙境、太陽島、月亮湖、陽府寺、歷居山、翠屏湖等。景德鎮(zhèn)也是具有光榮革命傳統(tǒng)的地區(qū),著名的新四軍瑤里改編就在浮梁縣瑤里鎮(zhèn),紅十軍的誕生地在樂平市眾埠鎮(zhèn)。1997年,我市被國家旅游局等單位推介為97’中國旅游年全國35個王牌景點之一。


welcome to jingdezhen! i'm your guide. my surname is x. you can call mexiao x. in order to facilitate your visit, let me first introduce you!

jingdezhen has a long history and splendid culture. located in the south ofthe yangtze river, it is known as "the most powerful town in the south of theyangtze river". historically, it is one of the 24 famous historical and culturalcities in china and one of the national class a open cities announced by thestate council, together with foshan in guangdong, hankou in hubei and zhuxian inhenan. in june 1953, the government affairs council approved jingdezhen as acity under the jurisdiction of jiangxi province. now it has jurisdiction overone city, one county and two districts, namely leping city, fuliang county,zhushan district and changjiang district, with an area of 5256 square kilometersand a population of 1.52 million, of which the urban population is more than400000.

jingdezhen city is located in the northeast of jiangxi province, borderingdongzhi county of anhui province in the northwest, wannian county in the south,boyang county in the west, qimen county of anhui province in the northeast andwuyuan county in the southeast. it is located in the transition zone betweenhuangshan mountain, huaiyushan mountain and poyang lake plain, with eastlongitude of 116 ° 57 ′ - 117 ° 42 ′, north latitude of 28 ° 44 ′ - 29 ° 56 ′.it has subtropical monsoon climate, and has abundant light full, abundantrainfall, mild and humid, four distinct seasons, overlapping peaks, denserivers, mountains surrounded by water, beautiful scenery. the average altitudeof the urban area is 320 meters, the annual average temperature is 17 ° c, andthe annual rainfall is 1763. the annual average sunshine hours is 20__. eighthours.

jingdezhen is a famous porcelain capital at home and abroad, with a longhistory of porcelain making and profound cultural heritage. according tohistorical records, "the pottery making in xinping began in the han dynasty", itcan be seen that the production of ceramics began as early as the han the first year of jingde of song dynasty (1004), the imperial court orderedthe firing of royal porcelain here, and the bottom money was signed "jingde yearsystem", so jingdezhen got its name. from the yuan dynasty to the ming and qingdynasties, emperors sent people to jingdezhen to supervise the production ofcourt porcelain, set up porcelain bureaus and imperial kilns, and createdcountless fine ceramics, especially the four famous porcelains of blue andwhite, pastel, exquisite and colored glaze. "mao zedong used porcelain",shanghai "apec" used porcelain, state guesthouse used porcelain and all kinds ofart ceramics are highly praised by the world. jingdezhen porcelain enjoys thereputation of "white as jade, thin as paper, sound like a chime, bright as amirror". mr. guo moruo once praised jingdezhen's splendid ceramic history andculture with the poem of "china is the country of porcelain, and the peak ofporcelain industry is the capital". ceramics closely linked jingdezhen with theworld.

jingdezhen has rich connotation and unique advantages in tourism ing ceramic culture, human landscape, ecological environment, especiallyceramic resources have unique advantages. more than 30 historical sites ofceramics have been found in the city, such as the famous place of origin of rawmaterials for porcelain in ancient times and the world-famous place of kaolin,the ancient kiln site in hutian, the imperial kiln site in ming and qingdynasties and so on. they are listed as national and provincial cultural relicsprotection units, which have worldwide influence and attraction.

there are many scenic spots and landscapes in jingdezhen city, includingwell preserved ancient architectural villages of ming and qing dynasties, huistyle buildings and ancient theatres; fuliang ancient county yamen, which isknown as the second in china and the first in the south of the yangtze river;sanlu temple, an ancient architecture named after qu yuan, a sanlu doctor; thereare the red pagoda where zhu yuanzhang, the song taizu, hid during the battle,and yangxiantai, hongyuan fairyland, taiyang island, yueyue lake, yangfu temple,liju mountain, cuiping lake in yaoli. jingdezhen is also an area with gloriousrevolutionary tradition. the famous new fourth army yaoli reorganization is inyaoli town of fuliang county, and the birthplace of the red ten army is inzhongbu town of leping city. in 1997, our city was recommended by the nationaltourism administration and other units as one of the 35 trump spots in china in1997.

jingdezhen has a long history and splendid culture. located in the south ofthe yangtze river, it is known as "the most powerful town in the south of theyangtze river". historically, it is one of the 24 famous historical and culturalcities in china and one of the national class a open cities announced by thestate council, together with foshan in guangdong, hankou in hubei and zhuxian inhenan. in june 1953, the government affairs council approved jingdezhen as acity under the jurisdiction of jiangxi province. now it has jurisdiction overone city, one county and two districts, namely leping city, fuliang county,zhushan district and changjiang district, with an area of 5256 square kilometersand a population of 1.52 million, of which the urban population is more than400000.

jingdezhen city is located in the northeast of jiangxi province, borderingdongzhi county of anhui province in the northwest, wannian county in the south,boyang county in the west, qimen county of anhui province in the northeast andwuyuan county in the southeast. it is located in the transition zone betweenhuangshan mountain, huaiyushan mountain and poyang lake plain, with eastlongitude of 116 ° 57 ′ - 117 ° 42 ′, north latitude of 28 ° 44 ′ - 29 ° 56 ′.it has subtropical monsoon climate, and has abundant light full, abundantrainfall, mild and humid, four distinct seasons, overlapping peaks, denserivers, mountains surrounded by water, beautiful scenery. the average altitudeof the urban area is 320 meters, the annual average temperature is 17 ° c, andthe annual rainfall is 1763. the annual average sunshine hours is 20__. eighthours.

jingdezhen is a famous porcelain capital at home and abroad, with a longhistory of porcelain making and profound cultural heritage. according tohistorical records, "the pottery making in xinping began in the han dynasty", itcan be seen that the production of ceramics began as early as the han the first year of jingde of song dynasty (1004), the imperial court orderedthe firing of royal porcelain here, and the bottom money was signed "jingde yearsystem", so jingdezhen got its name. from the yuan dynasty to the ming and qingdynasties, emperors sent people to jingdezhen to supervise the production ofcourt porcelain, set up porcelain bureaus and imperial kilns, and createdcountless fine ceramics, especially the four famous porcelains of blue andwhite, pastel, exquisite and colored glaze. "mao zedong used porcelain",shanghai "apec" used porcelain, state guesthouse used porcelain and all kinds ofart ceramics are highly praised by the world. jingdezhen porcelain enjoys thereputation of "white as jade, thin as paper, sound like a chime, bright as amirror". mr. guo moruo once praised jingdezhen's splendid ceramic history andculture with the poem of "china is the country of porcelain, and the peak ofporcelain industry is the capital". ceramics closely linked jingdezhen with theworld.

jingdezhen has rich connotation and unique advantages in tourism ing ceramic culture, human landscape, ecological environment, especiallyceramic resources have unique advantages. more than 30 historical sites ofceramics have been found in the city, such as the famous place of origin of rawmaterials for porcelain in ancient times and the world-famous place of kaolin,the ancient kiln site in hutian, the imperial kiln site in ming and qingdynasties and so on. they are listed as national and provincial cultural relicsprotection units, which have worldwide influence and attraction.

there are many scenic spots and landscapes in jingdezhen city, includingwell preserved ancient architectural villages of ming and qing dynasties, huistyle buildings and ancient theatres; fuliang ancient county yamen, which isknown as the second in china and the first in the south of the yangtze river;sanlu temple, an ancient architecture named after qu yuan, a sanlu doctor; thereare the red pagoda where zhu yuanzhang, the song taizu, hid during the battle,and yangxiantai, hongyuan fairyland, taiyang island, yueyue lake, yangfu temple,liju mountain, cuiping lake in yaoli. jingdezhen is also an area with gloriousrevolutionary tradition. the famous new fourth army yaoli reorganization is inyaoli town of fuliang county, and the birthplace of the red ten army is inzhongbu town of leping city. in 1997, our city was recommended by the nationaltourism administration and other units as one of the 35 trump spots in china in1997.










